Career Enhancement Program Sample Clauses
Career Enhancement Program. 1) The Employer and the Union agree to the principle of upward mobility and career advancement for all of its employees. In furtherance of this objective, the Parties agree to establish a joint work group to assess the effectiveness of the FNS existing Career Enhancement Program (CEP); to make recommendations on furthering the upward mobility of existing FNS employees; and to ensure the consideration of internal candidates as an appropriate source for filling internal vacancies through the CEP.
2) The work group will be comprised of an equal number of representatives from the Union and the Employer with representatives from Headquarters and the Regions. Bargaining unit employees serving on the work group will do so on official time and shall be selected by the Union.
Career Enhancement Program. In consideration for members of the Chief’s Association obtaining certain educational or career longevity objectives, or maintaining certain specialty job assignments or qualifications, the Administration will provide the following Career Enhancement Program (CEP) wage differentials: Associates Degree 1% 1.5% Bachelors Degree 1.5% 2% Advanced Degree 2% 2.5% 15 Years 1% Instructor 1% Staff Chief 1% HAZMAT 1% Confined Space 1% Water Rescue 1% Paramedic 2% The cumulative Career Enhancement pay differential for any Officer will not exceed 2.5% total. Effective January 1, 2019, the cumulative Career Enhancement pay differential for any Officer will not exceed 3% total. The Career Enhancement differential will be paid as part of regular wages. On an annual basis, the Fire Chief will review eligibility for Career Enhancement payments, and adjust wage differentials for each member as needed. The Chiefs’ Association will be informed of any such adjustments before they take effect. A member who believes that he or she is eligible for an increase in Career Enhancement differential at any other time during the course of the year shall notify the Chiefs’ Association, which shall in turn notify the Fire Chief of the basis for the requested increase in differential. The Fire Chief shall then make any necessary adjustment in the member’s differential. Paramedic Chiefs may attend continuing education (“CE”) either on duty or off duty. If a Paramedic Chief attends CE off duty then the Paramedic Chief will receive overtime pay at the appropriate rate.
Career Enhancement Program. Due to the extensive training involved in becoming a Canine Handler and the need for continuous training, the City agrees to create a category within the Career Enhancement Program Specialty Assignments titled “Canine Handler” with an assessment of 20 points. 2129.46 Permanent Shifts Shift selection shall be by seniority among the Canine Handlers. However, shift selection will be made by canine specialty. Dual Purpose/Explosives Canine Handlers shall select shift assignment among each other. Dual Purpose/Narcotics Canine Handlers shall select shift assignment among each other. 2129.50 Work in Excess of Regular Workday Canine Handlers will be required to perform tasks at home outside of normal working hours related to their position. These tasks would include bathing, brushing, exercising, feeding, grooming of the dog, cleaning of the dog’s kennel and/or transport vehicle, administering medications for illness, transporting the dog to and from an animal hospital, veterinary clinic or kennel, and training the dog at home. Per the Xxxxxx Act, the Canine Handlers will be compensated an additional 3.5 hours at time and one half per week. 2129.52 Compensatory Time 2129.58 Bonus Days
Career Enhancement Program. Due to the extensive training involved in becoming a Canine Handler and the need for continuous training, the City agrees to create a category within the Career Enhancement Shift selection shall be by seniority among the Canine Handlers. However, shift selection will be made by canine specialty. Dual Purpose/Explosives Canine Handlers shall select shift assignment among each other. Dual Purpose/Narcotics Canine Handlers shall select shift assignment among each other. Canine Handlers will be required to perform tasks at home outside of normal working hours related to their position. These tasks would include bathing, brushing, exercising, feeding, grooming of the dog, cleaning of the dog’s kennel and/or transport vehicle, administering medications for illness, transporting the dog to and from an animal hospital, veterinary clinic or kennel, and training the dog at home. Per the Xxxxxx Act, the Canine Handlers will be compensated an additional 3.5 hours at time and one half per week.
Career Enhancement Program. A. The Parties support the DFAS Career Enhancement Program (CEP), which is an upward mobility program designed to improve and expand the career and promotion opportunities of high-potential employees. Employees selected for the CEP are eligible for promotion if they successfully complete their training requirements, perform successfully, and demonstrate potential for performing at a higher level (up to the target grade).
B. CEP announcements are open to DFAS employees in grades GS-4 through GS-7. Target positions are generally no higher than GS-11. Qualified applications will be reviewed using a crediting plan, by panel, and a list of best qualified candidates will be referred to selecting officials having designated CEP vacancies in their work units. The provisions of Article 26.13B4 also apply.
C. Selectees may be promoted or reassigned into the program at their current grade levels; however, no position will be filled above GS-7. Employees currently above GS-7 may consider a change to a lower grade to obtain an opportunity to move into a different career field or one with higher promotion potential. Pay retention applies to participants covered by this situation.
D. Each employee selected for the program chooses a mentor from a list. The mentor provides advice and counseling throughout the program. A training agreement is developed by the employee, the mentor, and the appropriate supervisor. The training agreement is tailored to the specific needs of the employee and identifies formal training, on-the-job training, and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for the target position.
E. The progress of CEP employees is monitored and documented, and employees are counseled on a regular basis. Employees in the program are responsible for completing all training requirements, with the support of their supervisors and mentor. Those employees not successfully completing the requirements are reassigned out of the program.
Career Enhancement Program. Specific Guidelines:
A. The Career Enhancement Program is open to Employees in single-interval series positions who do not meet the qualification or other eligibility requirements for the target grade level of Career Enhancement Program positions. Career Enhancement positions will normally be competitively announced/opened to Employees occupying positions at grade levels GS-1 through GS-9 or their wage grade equivalent. This includes career or career conditional Employees, disabled Employees appointed by Schedule A authorities, and Employees appointed under VRA appointing authority.
B. Each Employee selected for Career Enhancement positions will be placed on an Individual Development Plan (IDP), which identifies the training to be provided so that s/he may acquire necessary knowledge and skills for the career field and grade level of the target position.
C. The selected Employee will receive career counseling upon selection for the program and at least quarterly thereafter.
D. Career Enhancement Programs may be flexible in terms of length, sequence, and scope of training, in accordance with the needs of individual trainee and the Agency.
E. The participant may be placed in the target series and grade upon successful completion of the necessary training and demonstration of acceptable level of performance of assigned work, as long as time in grade, qualifications, and other legal and regulatory requirements have also been meet. Supervisory reports documenting reasons for delaying a participant’s progression will be provided to the participant.
Career Enhancement Program. The purpose of the Career Enhancement Program is to provide the path to improve the skills, enhance productivity, evaluate performance, promote professional growth, as well as job satisfaction for Command Officers. This concept is further designed to provide compensation for advanced education as well as certain designated skills or a combination of formal educational and professional training. The Career Enhancement Program is an alternative career path which as designed will assist in retraining as well as creating highly motivated and skilled Command Officers. The net result will be an economic asset to the City of Toledo. All Command Officers are eligible for the Career Enhancement Program. It shall be the responsibility of the individual Command Officer to complete the application form between November 1 and November 30 of each year to update his standing in the career enhancement program. Any disputes involving the review of an individual Command Officer's standing in the Career Enhancement Program shall be evaluated by the Career Enhancement Program Evaluation Committee. The Career Enhancement Program Evaluation Committee shall be comprised of one individual selected by the Chief of Police, one individual selected by the Executive Board of the Association and the third member selected by the first two. Application to the Career Enhancement Program shall be reviewed annually. Percentage increases shall be based upon a Command Officer's achievements as of November 30 of each year. Payment for each year of eligibility will occur in January of the following year in a lump sum payment by special check based upon the appropriate percentage of the base annual full rate effective in December of the prior year. Payments shall be made in January of 2016, January of 2017, and January of 2018. Command Officers who leave the City in good standing during the year shall receive upon application a pro rated payment as part of their severance pay. Associate Degree 1% (TPCOA members who achieve Junior status will be given credit for an Associate Degree) Bachelor Degree 1.5% Advanced Degree 2% ISB Senior Command Officers (15 years seniority) 2% Senior Directed Patrol Special Operations Section and
Career Enhancement Program a. Each Agency, within budget and program requirements, will identify positions, primarily at GS-7 and below, which will serve as a bridge to technical, administrative, and professional positions.
b. Agencies will advertise such positions, and through competitive procedures, will consider and select employees. These employees will be temporarily assigned to these positions.
c. These employees will become part of an annual Departmental class, which will commence with a formal kickoff ceremony and a DOL-wide orientation program.
d. These employees will be provided technical training and developmental assignments. An Individual Development Plan (IDP) will be developed for each of these employees. Employees may be expected as part of their IDP to participate in activities that will have to be completed on non-duty time.
e. Mentors will also be provided to those employees who wish to have them assist in their development.
f. The Department will also provide training to improve generic skills such as effective listening, communications, effective writing, and knowledge of personal computers. Individual assessment and career counseling will also be made available.
g. Interim evaluations of the employees' progress will be conducted once a quarter. The evaluations will include on-the-job performance, special assignments, and training efforts.
h. At the end of one (1) year, a formal evaluation will be conducted as part of the performance appraisal process. Successful employees will be permanently placed in these new positions. Employees who do not successfully complete the program may be returned to a position similar to their original position.
Career Enhancement Program. During each year of the CBA the League shall contribute Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) per Member to further the PHPA Career Enhancement Program. The contribution will be paid on or before November 1 of each Season and will be used solely for the purpose of educating Players. The PHPA will provide to the League an annual recap of the Players and kind of assistance given.
Career Enhancement Program. (CEP)
a. Each Agency, within budget and program constraints, will consider on a periodic basis and identify positions that will be utilized in the CEP. These positions will meet CEP requirements. CEP will only be open to DOL employees with career status in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. Career status is defined as three (3) years of Federal Service in the competitive service. CEP is intended for DOL employees who, at the time of selection, are at the GS-9 grade level or lower, and have no promotion potential beyond the GS-9 grade level or are in a Wage Grade position. The parties agree that pursuant to 5 CFR 536.102 (b) (1) employees who take a downgrade to participate in CEP will not be eligible for grade retention or pay retention.
b. The Human Resources Center (HRC) shall advertise all such positions, and through merit based competitive procedures, shall consider and select employees. These employees shall be temporarily reassigned into these positions.
c. Assuming there are sufficient applicants, the first class established under this Agreement will contain at least twenty–five (25) employees. The second year of the Program there will be at least twenty (20) employees for that year. For each and every year thereafter, there will be at least a total of sixteen (16) employees selected to participate in the CEP, regardless of the number of classes. The parties agree that the Forum/Committee described in this Article will recommend whether one class or two classes are better for the functioning of the Program, after the first class is selected. Moreover, the parties agree that the Selecting Officials may, if they choose, select both classes at the same time if two classes are ultimately implemented, following recommendation by the by the Forum/Committee. In all instances, where the number of applicants is less than the specified minimum, the class shall consist of all of the qualified applicants. It is agreed that the minimum number of class participants will be adjusted upwards when additional positions become available. It is anticipated that all CEP participants who successfully complete the Program will be placed. However, if the targeted position is unavailable, the CEP graduate will be given priority placement for the next position for which he/she is trained. If the placement of this employee occurs, the next class may be reduced by the number of employees placed.
d. The Agency agrees that the merit staffing selection certificates will be p...