HOSPITALIZATION AND MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE. The Board, throughout the term of this Agreement, will maintain a group major medical and dental insurance policy. The Board reserves the right to institute cost containment measures relative to insurance coverage so long as the basic level of insurance benefits remains substantially similar to the insurance coverage in effect at that time. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, mandatory second opinions for elective surgery, pre- admission and continuing admission review, and prohibition on weekend admissions except in emergency situations, and mandatory outpatient elective surgery for certain designated surgical procedures. Through the term of this contract the Board will pay the individual member’s group major medical and dental insurance policy premium for all full-time employees. For purposes of this Article, full time employees are defined as employees who work and are paid for over 7.5 hours a day on a five-day a week basis for the school year. Full-time employees that elect to do so may choose dependent coverage with the premiums for the coverage paid through payroll deductions. Employees may elect to do so annually during the open enrollment window. In the event a current part-time employee becomes a full-time employee the employee shall be eligible to take advantage of this provision. For full time members that choose dependent coverage, the District will contribute 45% of the employee’s family dependent medical premium to offset the cost. In the event that other employee dependent options are available, the District will contribute 15% of the employee’s spouse only medical premium and 10% of the employee’s child/children only medical premium. The District will not contribute toward the employee’s dependent dental or vision insurance premium. Employees who choose not to take dependent health coverage during the annual open enrollment who experience life-changing circumstances that terminate other insurance coverage or add additional dependents may opt for dependent coverage outside the annual window with in thirty (30) days of said life-changing circumstances. A Board directed insurance committee, including members of the NBESS, shall convene annually no later than February to begin assessment of the current coverage. The committee will investigate alternative insurance carriers, coverage, and related matters to advise the Board. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the Board’s discretion as to the carrier or the insurance policy...
HOSPITALIZATION AND MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE. The Board agrees to provide hospitalization, health and major medical insurance for each teacher, through a carrier and policy agreed upon by the LEA and the LSC. For the plan renewal period beginning January 1, 2022:
1. For Plan A, the Board of School Trustees shall pay an amount equal to the 90% contribution to a single plan under Plan B and an amount equal to the 70% contribution to a family plan under Plan B. Contributions for Plan A single and family are frozen at the Feb. 1, 2013 level.
2. For Plan B, the Board of School Trustees shall pay 90% towards the cost of a single plan and 70% towards the cost of a family plan.
3. For Plan C, the Board of School Trustees shall pay all but $1.00 towards the cost of a single plan. The $1.00 employee contribution will be payroll deducted from the first check in January and is non-refundable. The Board of School Trustees will pay an amount equal to the 70% contribution to a family plan under Plan B.
4. In 2022, the board will contribute $1,500 to a single plan HSA and $3,000 to a family plan HSA. The board contribution will be deposited quarterly by January 10, April 10, July 10 and October 10 of 2022.
5. For the following insurance start dates, the HSA contributions will be pro-rated as follows:
January 1- April 1 100% April 2- July 1 75% July 2-October 1 50% October 2-December 31 25%
6. Annual movement from plan to plan will be permissible as renewal information becomes available with all changes to be reported by the plan participant in writing no later than the close of the business day on November 15 prior to the January 1 renewal date.
7. For new teachers hired effective with the 2005-2006 school year the Board of School Trustees shall pay the entire health insurance premium less $0.24 (twenty- four cents) annually for each of the single plan policies of spouses who are both eligible for health insurance coverage in the Lafayette School Corporation. The $0.24 (twenty-four cents) will be payroll deducted from the first paycheck in January and is non-refundable. The Board of School Trustees shall pay 80% of the cost of the family plan policy of spouses who are both eligible for health insurance coverage in the Lafayette School Corporation.
8. Teachers who have received the family health insurance plan by paying the two- employee rate of $0.02 per month prior to the 2005-2006 school year shall continue to receive this benefit according to past practice by paying the two- employee rate of $0.96 (ninety-six cent...
HOSPITALIZATION AND MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE. The group major medical, vision and dental insurance policy will be maintained by the District throughout the term of this Agreement. The District reserves the right to institute cost containment measures relative to insurance coverage so long as the basic level of insurance benefits remains substantially similar to the insurance coverage in effect at the time of this Agreement. Such changes may include, but are not limited to mandatory second opinions for elective surgery, pre-admission and continuing admission review, prohibition on weekend admissions except in emergency situations and mandatory out-patient elective surgery for certain designated surgical procedures. The Board may provide a high-deductible insurance plan with a Health Reimbursement Account. The Health Reimbursement Account shall be funded solely by the Board and not by the employees. Employees shall be reimbursed for all additional amounts actually paid because of the higher deductible that would not have been assessed against the current deductible in the network. Reimbursement requests shall not be denied without written explanation describing the reason(s) for the denial and stating any necessary steps required to have the reimbursement approved. Such explanation must be provided within a reasonable amount of time from the employee's submission of a reimbursement request. Reimbursement will be concluded within ten business days of submission of a reimbursement request. A reimbursement request form will be available on the district employee portal Through the term of this contract, the District will pay the individual members group major medical, vision and dental insurance policy premium for all full-time faculty. The term of the insurance will run from the first day of the contract year to August 31st. All new employees will start on the first of the month following their start day. New employees hired after September 1st will begin insurance the 1st of the next month, unless the start date is before the 10th of said month, they will begin insurance immediately. Through the term of this contract, all full time Association members will pay a monthly contribution toward their major medical, dental and vision insurance. All full-time teachers will pay 9.5% of the cost of medical, dental, vision not to exceed $840 per year. Any changes to the deductible and out of pocket costs of any insurance program, except for out of network costs, will not affect the employee. Employee deductibles an...
HOSPITALIZATION AND MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE. During the term of the contract, the Board shall pay ninety percent (90%) of the total cost of UCR single or family hospitalization and major medical insurance. The remaining ten percent (10%) shall be paid by each employee. Each employee shall be responsible for the deductible payments, co-insurance payments, physician office, specialist, emergency room and prescription drug coverage co-payments, and other items identified on Appendix 1, attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Board and W.E.A. agree that the Board may reduce the health care insurance choices for the employees to only SuperMed Select. The Board agrees to maintain the coverage in the SuperMed Select plan at equal to or better than the coverage in effect in that SuperMed Select plan at the expiration of the previous contract.
HOSPITALIZATION AND MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE. The Board will provide medical/hospitalization insurance to bargaining unit members through the medical plan options provided by the Trumbull County Schools Employees Insurance Consortium (hereinafter “Consortium”) in the following manner:
HOSPITALIZATION AND MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE a. The Board will provide hospitalization and major medical coverage (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan" as described in Appendix C) for all full-time West Xxxxxx Board of Education employees. Full-time employees are those employees who average a minimum of 25 hours per week. The Board will pay ninety percent (90) of single coverage and ninety percent (90) of the cost of the family plan for those full-time employees.
b. The limits on insurance for all employees have been updated to reflect a maximum renewal to the self-insurance plan of ten percent (10%). Should the renewal exceed the maximum ten percent (10%) set forth above for any Plan Year, the Board, with input from the Association, reserves the authority to redesign the health insurance plan and benefit package to stay within the maximum ten percent (10%) annual renewal cost. The final decision with respect to any redesign of the insurance benefits to meet the ten percent (10%) renewal maximum rests with the Board of Education and is not subject to the grievance procedure.
c. Spouses not covered as of July 1, 2013 are not eligible for coverage on the West Xxxxxx Plan if coverage is available/offered from their own employer/business/retirement or are self- employed with annual gross earnings of $70,000 per year or higher. All partnerships and S- Corporations are considered to be self-employment for purposes of this rule. If your spouse's birthday is before your birthday in the calendar year, the spouse must elect primary coverage for child(ren) where available through his or her employer. Self-employed spouses not eligible on the West Xxxxxx Plan will not be required to purchase coverage for children as the children will be permitted on the West Xxxxxx Plan as primary insurer. This will not affect court orders for coverage of dependent children. Secondary coverage is not available through the West Xxxxxx Employees benefit Plan for spouses. Secondary coverage is available for children. Self-Employed spouses annual gross earnings will be verified by the Schedule C (Line 1), Schedule F (Line 9), 1065, 1120S, or any other requested federal tax schedule to verify gross annual earnings. The 1120S Line 1a will by multiplied by the percentage of ownership of the spouse verified on appropriate tax forms. Annual certification by the employee of the spouse’s income level for self-employment will be required. Falsification of the certification can result in termination of employment from West Xxxxxx Local Scho...
HOSPITALIZATION AND MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE. 1. The Library shall offer all full-time bargaining unit employees hospitalization and major medical insurance coverage (the “Healthcare Plans”), summary plan descriptions of which are available on the Staff Center. The Standard Plan is the highest benefit plan available to employees. Each plan year shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31.
2. For full-time employees, the Library will pay 82 percent of the premium cost for single coverage and 65 percent for family coverage. For part-time regular employees, the Library will pay 39 percent for the cost of single coverage. If an employee participates in the Wellness Program described below, the employee’s contributions will be determined in accordance with the terms of the Wellness Program.
3. Employees will be responsible for the additional cost for dependents age 26 or 27, as provided by the Health Care Plans. After December 31, 2016, no new dependent over the age of 26 will be added to the plan, however, existing enrollees will be grandfathered.
HOSPITALIZATION AND MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE. A. The Anthem/Blue Cross PPO health care program will be required for members of the bargaining unit. The Urbana City School Board shall pay its portion of the premium (as specified below) for this health care program for all eligible employees in the bargaining unit who elect such coverage and who work a minimum of seventeen and one-half (17.5) hours per week. Employee contributions shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the monthly premium.
HOSPITALIZATION AND MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE. 2022 & 2023 Insurance Premiums: PPO Plan HDHP Plan PLUS HSA Contribution
1. A husband and wife who are both employed by the Corporation, and who no longer need the benefits of the family plan, should each enroll in a single plan.
HOSPITALIZATION AND MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE. The Board will make available a policy of Hospitalization and Major Medical Insurance to all bargaining unit members employed by the Board prior to July 1, 2005 who are regularly scheduled to work at least fifteen (15) hours per work and to all bargaining unit members hired on or after July 1, 2005 who are regularly scheduled to work at least twenty (20) hours per week.