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HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND SHIFT PREMIUM. 8.01 Although the seasonal demands of customers make a regular workweek throughout the year impossible, it is the desire of the Union and the Employer to provide hours of work which will give satisfactory annual earnings to the employees. Due to the irregular nature of the workday and the workweek employees may be required to work in excess of eight (8) hours per day and forty-eight (48) hours per week. 8.02 The Employer shall offer available work for drivers as follows: a. The Employer shall, each day, create a daily start time list (the “List”) at each plant and determine what number of drivers to include on the List based on the work anticipated to occur the following day. The Employer shall assign start times to the drivers on the List in accordance with each driver’s seniority, and, pursuant to Article 8.04 – Equalization of Hours, in accordance with the total number of hours a driver has worked that week. b. Drivers will be responsible to call in each day between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. to find out if they have been assigned a start time on that workday’s List. c. Drivers may waive their daily start time and be “slotted” in for a later time in the day subject to the following: i. The employee must submit such request before noon on the workday prior of the day that they request to waive their start/call in time. The request shall be in writing on a form provided by Employer; ii. Such requests shall be granted if in connection to an employee’s family care responsibilities, the need to attend to a medical appointment, a medical condition, or some other reason that the Employer considers reasonable; iii. Such requests may be made for a particular day, or on a standing basis. d. If additional work opportunities arise at a plant during the course of a day and as a result the Employer requires more drivers than those on the List for that plant, the Employer shall call in additional drivers in accordance with their seniority, subject to the following order of call-in: i. Active drivers with seniority at the plant from which the work is to be assigned, who were not assigned a start time on the List; ii. Drivers from other plants, provided such drivers were on the List at their own plant that day, who are reasonably available to perform the work and do not deprive active drivers from the plant at which the work is to be assigned of hours; iii. Drivers on layoff at the plant from which the work is to be assigned, who are available for call-in, in accordance wi...
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND SHIFT PREMIUM. 6.01 Each full-time regular and part-time regular employee will have an established shift falling within the hours set out herein: (a) Full-Time Regular Employees The regular work day shall consist of eight (8) consecutive hours, including paid lunch periods, for five (5) consecutive days, Monday to Friday inclusive; or for the Graveyard Shift only, Sunday to Thursday inclusive. Hours of work (i.e. shifts) shall be as follows: Commence Between Finish Between Day Shift 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. To 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Afternoon Shift 12:00 Noon – 4:00 p.m. To 8:00 p.m. – 12:00 Midnight Graveyard Shift 8:00 p.m. – 12:00 Midnight To 4:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. The work week commences at Monday 00.00 and finishes at Sunday 24:00 which means that occasionally an employee may work Wednesday to Sunday of one week followed by Monday to Friday of the following week. (b) Part-time Regular Employees The regular work day shall consist of eight (8) consecutive hours, including paid lunch periods, Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday or any other day as required, hours of work (i.e. shifts) shall be the same as for regular employees. (c) The Company at all times shall employee at least one (1) dispatcher. The Company further agrees to employ a regular full-time PBX Operator/Clerk, Monday - Friday inclusive on the day shift. Notwithstanding any other clause in this agreement, the Company further agrees to the following: There will be at least one (1) PBX Operator/Clerk employed during the hours of 0600 hours and 2200 hours Monday - Thursday, Fridays from 0600 - 2400 hours, Saturday from 0000 - 0500 hours and also from 0800 - 2400 hours, Sunday from 0000 - 0500 hours and at least six (6) hours between the hours of 1000 - 2200 hours, in addition the Company is not required to employ a PBX Operator/Clerk on statutory holidays. In order to facilitate the above, and notwithstanding Article 6.01(a) and (b), wherever the Agreement reads: regular work day; day; shift; or eight (8) hours, the rest of the Agreement and the impact that it has on the following shifts, shall continue to be read as eight (8) hours. ( i) Regular PBX Operator/Clerk shifts from Friday afternoon to Monday graveyard inclusive shall be a minimum seven (7) hours long. Casual shifts of a minimum of four (4) hours are permitted. ( ii) It will only be the PBX Operator/Clerk additional afternoon shift that shall be four (4); five (5); six (6); seven (7); or eight (8) hours long at the discretion of the Company. The Company ag...
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND SHIFT PREMIUM. 10.01 The standard work week for full-time employees shall be forty (42) hours. Full-time employees shall normally work five (5) shifts per week of eight (8.5) hours each, with the exception of Fridays which the shift will be eight (8) hours. Part-time employees shall not be scheduled to regularly work more than twenty-four (24) hours per week and shall work days and hours as required by the Employer. The daily and/or weekly standard hours are not intended to constitute a guarantee of hours to be worked by employees either on a daily or weekly basis. 10.02 The hours of work for employees shall be as follows: a. Day shift: 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (except for Fridays which will be 7:00 – 3:30) b. Afternoon shift: 4:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. (except for Fridays which will be 3:30 – 12:00) c. It is recognized that some positions (e.g. shipper/ receiver and quality control inspector) may require different work schedules than noted above. 10.03 Employees shall be granted a thirty (30) minute unpaid lunch break at or near the half-point of each shift, and a fifteen (15) minute paid coffee break in each half of each shift. Employees shall be granted an additional fifteen (15) minutes paid break for a total of thirty (30) minutes combined on Friday afternoons only. 10.04 Where an employee reports to work in the usual manner, he shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours pay. 10.05 Where an employee receives a call-in to work outside of his normally scheduled hours, he shall be paid for time worked, with a minimum of four (4) hours pay. A call-in on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday shall be paid at the applicable rate for such days, with a minimum of four (4) hours pay. a. Overtime work in excess of forty-six (46) hours in a week or on a Saturday or Sunday shall not be compulsory. Where overtime work is required, and provided that the hours of work required in any day shall not exceed ten (10), such work shall normally be done by the employee who was already working on the job for which the overtime is required, or who would normally work on such a job. Where an employee for justifiable explanation cannot be available for work in excess of his or her regularly scheduled shift, the employee shall so advise the Production Manager or his designate at the beginning of the week in which the unavailability arises or as soon as possible in the event that the employee becomes unavailable during the week. b. Overtime work in excess of forty-six (46) hours in a week or on a Satu...
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND SHIFT PREMIUMSection 1 Each regular and part-time regular employee will have an established shift as prescribed herein: (i) Regular Employees
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND SHIFT PREMIUM. 6.1 a) The basic work day for full-time employees shall be eight (8) hours, and the basic work week shall be forty (40) hours, Monday to Friday inclusive. Flextime shall continue as per the Letter of Understanding appended hereto, and forming part of this Agreement.
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND SHIFT PREMIUMSection 1 Each regular and part-time regular employee will have an established shift falling within the hours set out herein: i) A regular work day shall consist of eight (8) consecutive hours. A thirty (30) minute unpaid lunch period will be taken no later than four and one-half (4½) hours after the start of the shift. These breaks shall occur as close to the 2nd and 6th hour after the start of the shift. ii) A regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hours worked in five (5) consecutive shifts. Section 2 The Company shall post on the bulletin board the permanent shifts in effect and the employees working such shifts as at January 15 and July 15 of each year. Any variance in such regular shifts shall be established by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union prior to implementation, where such variance is one (1) hour or more from the present shifts as listed in Section 1 above. Section 3 A lunch period of thirty (30) minutes will be scheduled and taken no later than four and one-half (4 ½) hours after the start of the shift. Where employees are required to work through their lunch period, the affected employee(s) shall be paid at the appropriate overtime rates for the thirty (30) minute period. Section 4 Employees working the eight (8) hour shift shall be allowed two (2) fifteen (15) minute paid coffee breaks away from their work station; one in the first half of the shift and one (1) in the second half.
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND SHIFT PREMIUM. 16.01 The standard workweek for all employees shall be forty (40) hours. All employees shall normally work five (5) shifts per week of eight (8) hours each. Employees who normally work an eight (8) hour shift shall be on a shift rotation as required. 16.02 The normal hours of work for those employees working an eight (8) hour shift shall be as follows: (a) Day shift: 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (b) Afternoon shift 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (c) Night shift (if required): as scheduled. The shift times and schedule can be changed with two (2) weeks notice to the Union. 16.03 Employees working the day shift shall be granted a thirty (30) minute unpaid lunch break at or near the half-point of each shift, and a ten (10) minute paid coffee break in each half of each shift. Employees working the afternoon shift shall be granted a twenty (20) minute paid lunch break, and a ten (10) minute paid coffee break in each half of each shift. Employees working a night shift shall be granted a twenty (20) minute paid lunch break near the half-point of each shift, and a ten (10) minute paid coffee break in each half of each shift. The parties may agree to schedule the second coffee break at the end of the shift. 16.04 Employees will be given five (5) minutes paid wash-up time before lunch and again before the end of their shift. 16.05 Where an employee reports to work in the usual manner, he shall be guaranteed a minimum four (4) hours pay. Where shifts are cancelled in advance, employees who receive notification not to report shall not report. 16.06 Where an employee receives a call-in to work outside of his normally scheduled hours, he shall be paid for time worked, with a minimum of three (3) hours pay. A call-in on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday shall be paid at the applicable rate for such days, with a minimum of three (3) hours pay. (a) Overtime work shall not normally be compulsory beyond an additional shift on Saturday. Where overtime work is required, such work shall normally be done by the employee who was already working on the job for which the overtime is required, or who would normally work on such a job, or a member of the group of employees working on the job. (b) If none of such employees are able to work the overtime, the lowest seniority employee with the present skill and ability will be required to work the overtime. Mandatory overtime cannot exceed two (2) hours per day, Monday to Friday, or eight (8) hours on Saturday, with a maximum in any one week of eight (...
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND SHIFT PREMIUM. 6.01 Each regular full-time and regular part-time employee will have an established shift falling within the hours set out herein:
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND SHIFT PREMIUM. 14.01 The Employer does not guarantee any hours of work. The schedule of work is determined by the Employer, based on operational needs. The following provisions are intended to define the normal hours of work and shall not be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per day or per week, or of days of work per week. (a) The normal hours or work for full-time employees shall average thirty-eight and one-half (38.5) hours per week, Monday to Sunday, depending on the shift schedule involved. (b) There shall be two (2) consecutive days off which shall be referred to as scheduled days off. 14.02 The hours and days of work of each employee shall be posted in an appropriate place for at least four (4) weeks in advance. The Employer will endeavour to provide
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND SHIFT PREMIUM. 6.01 Seven (7) hours shall constitute one full day's work; thirty-five (35) hours shall constitute one full week's work, Monday through Friday, inclusive.