Salary Guidelines Sample Clauses
Salary Guidelines. 1. Typically, persons entering employment will be placed on the minimum step of the appropriate salary scale.
2. One (l) incremental step credit for each year of in-ser- vice qualifying previous work experience in area of employment within a ten (10) year period.
3. One (l) incremental step credit for every two (2) years of outside qualifying previous work experience within a ten (10) year period.
4. No incremental step credit for education beyond the minimum educational requirements for a particular salary category.
5. No maximum step placement upon entry into the school system for any new employee.
6. Personnel on flat-rate salary, transferring to the High School or greater category would be placed on the appropriate step corresponding with the years of satisfactory in-service experience; however, this step placement shall not exceed the step upon which they fall had they not been on a flat-rate salary.
7. A paraprofessional qualifying for transfer from a low- er salary grade to a higher salary grade will be placed on the corresponding step in the higher grade. All other employees in the bargaining unit who qualify for transfer from a lower job classification to a higher job classification will be placed on an interval in the higher classification that is at least four percent (4%) higher than the interval in the lower classification from which the employee is transferred.
8. Persons transferring from the aide’s Salary Scale to a higher Salary Scale will advance to the minimum step of the new salary scale or the step immediately higher than the person’s current salary, whichever is greater.
9. Persons entering assignments after February 15 of any calendar year will not be eligible for an additional step in- xxxxxxx until September 1 of the following calendar year.
10. Salary changes for college credits earned will be made effective the beginning of the second payroll period following the receipt and recording of the credits.
11. Persons transferring from any Paraprofessional Salary Scale to the Teachers’ Salary Scale shall be given credit for salary scale placement at the rate of one step for every two years service as a Paraprofessional with a maximum of 8 steps.
Salary Guidelines. 1. The salary range (see B.7.) applies to a nine-month (9) base contract relating to the academic years 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13. One-ninth (1/9) of the nine-month (9) base contract salary will be added for each additional month for employees who are employed more than nine (9) months. A proportionate amount will be paid for any contract less than a month. Academic support faculty who are under summer contract will be guaranteed to work 300 hours during the summer session for two-ninths (2/9) of the nine-month (9) contract salary. Academic support faculty who work less than or more than 300 hours will be paid an hourly rate based on the following formula: Rate per hour equals 9-month salary divided by (number of days in the academic calendar year multiplied by 8 hours per day).
2. Summer term and intersession will be paid by special contract. Full-time instructors will be paid 1/36 of the contract salary per equated credit hour up to 11 ECH during the summer session with no more than eight (8) ECH during the summer term and no more than four (4) ECH during intersession. All other equated credit hours during the summer term and intersession will be paid at the overload rate. No overloads will be assigned without prior approval of the Vice President for Academic Services. Each academic year a two (2) year plan shall be prepared based upon the projected needs of the educational program. This plan will identify courses and instructional activities which are expected to be offered during the summer session. In order to provide staff members with an equitable opportunity for summer employment each division will prepare a two (2) year rotational plan identifying those staff members who will be offered summer term and/or intersession employment consistent with the educational needs plan. Each division shall prepare an equitable summer term rotation plan and intersession rotation plan that is mutually acceptable to the division and the Vice President for Academic Services. The educational needs plan and the division rotational plan shall be reviewed annually and revised as needed.
3. Compensation for overload assignments (teaching assignments in excess of thirty (30) equated semester hours in the academic year or eight (8) equated semester hours in the summer session) will be paid at the following rate: Academic Year 2010-2011 Academic Year 2011-2012 Academic Year 2012-2013
4. Instructors supervising an independent study or limited student course shall be paid...
Salary Guidelines. 8.1 SALARY Absent extenuating, non-discriminatory circumstances as provided for in this Article, the Superintendent will utilize the following formula in establishing the starting salary for a newly hired administrator: Salary = Base x (1+ Differential) x (number of days administrator is contracted to work*) (number of contract days based on HEA negotiated agreement) * Full time is 221 days Base – The salary amount on the current year’s HEA Salary Schedule, considering the administrator’s years of experience in education and attained educational level. Differential – Percent over teacher’s salary at appropriate step on the current salary schedule at the time of hire. The Superintendent determines a newly hired administrator’s Differential. The Differential range for any newly hired administrator will not be lower than .17 or higher than .25. If requested by the HAA, the Superintendent will provide the HAA with justification for placement within the differential range upon offering of the contract.
8.2 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and with the approval of the Board, an administrator’s salary can be increased if an inequity in that administrator’s salary is identified by November 30 for the succeeding year.
8.3 Upon attainment of a PhD Degree or an Ed.D, an Administrator can request of the Superintendent a one- time salary increase of up to .5% based on the Administrator’s current fiscal year salary. The request must be made by December 1st of the preceding school year. Official transcripts, or a letter of completion, if transcripts will not be immediately available, conferring the degree from an accredited college or institution, must be submitted prior to the year in which the salary increase will be implemented. If the request is approved, the salary increase will be applied to the Administrator’s salary in the following fiscal year.
Salary Guidelines a. Base on salary schedule was increased by $348 to the amount of $34,050.
b. Appendix B – AD salary was increased from $3500 to $5000.
c. Appendix C – FBLA sponsor was removed and replaced with Safe Schools Sponsor at a salary of $500. Service Learning sponsor was added at a salary of $750. The Instrumental/Vocal Music Sponsor was corrected to be $6,000.
d. Credit hour reimbursement was increased to $100 per credit hour.
Salary Guidelines. 1 . Typically, persons entering employment will be placed on the minimum step of the appropriate salary scale .
2 . One (1) incremental step credit for each year of in-ser- vice qualifying previous work experience in area of em- ployment within a ten (10) year period .
3 . One (1) incremental step credit for every two (2) years of outside qualifying previous work experience within a ten (10) year period .
Salary Guidelines. STARTING SALARY - Starting salaries for new teachers will be established off of an annual base salary of:
1. 2016/2017 school year - $42,645 2. 2017/2018 school year - $43,711 3. 2018/2019 school year - $44,803 SALARY ADVANCEMENT GUIDELINES - salary increases are calculated on two variables:
A. Longevity Increase:
1. 2016/2017 school year - 5% salary increase for all teachers.
a. Targeted Salary Increase - An additional $1,000 one-time increase for teachers who were initially hired in a licensed position by the school district between August 1997 through June 2011.
2. 2017/2018 school year - 4.5% salary increase for all teachers.
3. 2018/2019 school year - 4.5% salary increase for all teachers.
Salary Guidelines. 1. Typically, persons entering employment will be placed on the minimum step of the appropriate salary scale.
2. One (l) incremental step credit for each year of in-service qualifying previous work experience in area of employment within a ten (10) year period.
3. One (l) incremental step credit for every two (2) years of outside qualifying previous work experience within a ten (10) year period.
4. No incremental step credit for education beyond the minimum educational requirements for a particular salary category.
5. No maximum step placement upon entry into the school system for any new employee.
6. Personnel on flat-rate salary, transferring to the High School or greater category would be placed on the appropriate step corresponding with the years of satisfactory in-service experience; however, this step placement shall not exceed the step upon which they fall had they not been on a flat-rate salary.
Salary Guidelines. 1. Typically, persons entering employment will be placed on the minimum step of the appropriate salary scale.
2. One (l) incremental step/interval credit for each year of in-service qualifying previous work experience in the area of employment within a ten (10) year period. Contract work for the Board shall be considered in-service work for the purpose of initial salary placement.
3. One (l) incremental step/interval credit for every two (2) years of outside qualifying previous work experience in the area of employment within a ten (10) year period. Relevant, outside work experience does not need to take place in a school system or in education for the purpose of initial salary placement.
4. No incremental step credit for education beyond the minimum educational requirements for a particular salary category.
5. No maximum step placement upon entry into the school system for any new employee.
6. Personnel on flat-rate salary, transferring to the High School or greater category would be placed on the appropriate step corresponding with the years of satisfactory in-service experience; however, this step placement shall not exceed the step upon which they fall had they not been on a flat-rate salary.
Salary Guidelines. The base salary for a new member with a BA degree and no prior experience shall be $42,466 for each year of this Agreement. All employees will receive a 3% salary increase over their 2014/2015 salary for the first year of the agreement. This increase will be retroactive to August 28, 2015. Each employee shall receive an annual salary increase of 100% of the CPI reported in December of the prior school year that is reported by the U.S. Department of Labor for each of the final three years of this Agreement. The increase will be no less than two percent and no more than four percent. Educational Advancement salary increases will be available for completing BA+12 and BA+24 in the amount of $1,500; for completing a Master’s degree in the amount of $2,500; and for completing Master’s+15, Master’s+30, and Master’s+45 in the amount of $2,000. Members that were employed by NDSEC during the 2010/2011 school year and are not receiving the Retirement Enhancement Option will receive a Two Year Targeted Salary Increment of $1,500 for the 2015/2016 school year and $1,500 for the 2016/2017 school year.
1) Each teacher will be paid on the basis of twenty-two (22) or twenty-six (26) payments to be made on alternate Fridays.
2) All teachers shall be granted one year of seniority for each year they work full time for 120 days or more.
3) New employees will be placed at the discretion of the Board but will not be placed at a higher rate than a current employee with the same education and experience.
4) Any increase in salary as a result of approved coursework will become effective either at the beginning of the school year or at the beginning of the second semester, depending on when the transcripts are received by the Business Department indicating that the coursework was completed with a grade of “B” or better. Transcripts received by October 1, or sooner, will result in salary advancement at the beginning of the school year. Transcripts received between October 2 and January 31 will result in a salary advancement effective at the beginning of second semester.
5) If a teacher is required to work more than 183 days during the school year, they shall be compensated for each extra day at the rate of 1/183 of their yearly salary.
6) From the compensation schedule, the Board shall deduct and remit the required amounts for each teacher, pursuant to the salary matrix, to the State of Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System and to the Teachers’ Health Insurance Security Fund to be app...
Salary Guidelines. 8.1 SALARY Absent extenuating, non-discriminatory circumstances as provided for in this Article, the Superintendent will utilize the following formula in establishing the starting salary for a newly hired administrator: Salary = Base x (1+ Differential) x (number of days administrator is contracted to work*) (number of contract days based on HEA negotiated agreement) * Full time is 221 days Base – The salary amount on the current year’s HEA Salary Schedule, considering the administrator’s years of experience in education and attained educational level. Differential – Percent over teacher’s salary at appropriate step on the current salary schedule at the time of hire. Position Low Differential High HHS Principal .20 .25 Special Education Director .20 .25 HMMS Principal .17 .22 HACTC Director .17 .22 Elementary Principals .17 .22 Assistant Principals .10 .17 HACTC Assistant Director .10 .17