1. The Association shall submit to the District office within thirty (30) days after adoption of this Master Agreement by the parties the following information:
a. Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the Association.
b. Name and mailing address of each area, state, or national organization with which the Association is affiliated.
c. Names, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers of the officers and representatives authorized to represent the Association.
d. Copies of the constitution and by-laws governing the Association.
e. A verified statement from an Association officer of the number of unit members who are members in good standing of the Association.
2. At least once each school year, or more frequently if the District shall so request in writing, the Association shall review the information on file with the District pursuant to this Article. It shall notify the District of any changes, additions, deletions or alterations which may be necessary to ensure that such information is current and correct.
3. All written correspondence or written inquiries from the Association to the District shall be directed to the District Superintendent or to the appropriate district administrative designee. All such correspondence or inquiries from the District to the Association shall be directed to the Association's President.
ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS. 4.1 The Association may use meeting rooms and other District facilities in accordance with District policies applicable to parent-teacher associations and other service groups or community organizations.
4.2 The District shall allow designated union representatives to engage in the following activities when conducted during work hours and at the District’s facilities, without loss of compensation or benefits:
A. Investigate and process grievances and other workplace-related complaints;
B. Attend investigatory meetings, hearings, and other due process proceedings;
C. Participate in, or prepare for, proceedings that arise from a dispute involving the collective bargaining agreement, including arbitration proceedings, administrative hearings and other proceedings before the Employment Relations Board;
D. Engage in collective bargaining;
E. Attend labor-management meetings, safety committee meetings and any other meetings between representatives of the District and OSEA to discuss employment relations;
F. Provide information regarding the collective bargaining agreement to newly hired bargaining unit employees within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of hire for a period up to thirty (30) minutes, during new employee orientations or at individual or group meetings that, when mutually agreed between the Association and the District, may take place during work hours, without loss of compensation or benefits to the newly hired employee(s).
G. Testify in a legal proceeding in which the designated union representative has been subpoenaed as a witness. For the purpose of this Article, “designated representatives” shall include chapter executive board officers, building representatives, and their designees. A non- employee OSEA staff member shall be permitted access to the District’s facilities for the purpose of engaging in the activities described in this Article on the same terms and conditions as designated representatives. The District shall not reduce a designated representative’s work hours to accommodate the performance of the activities listed above; however, at the discretion of the Superintendent, the designated representative and supervisor may agree to a flex schedule that allows the designated representative to perform the activities above during paid work hours.
4.3 The District may refuse to authorize additional work hours that incur overtime pay or which substantially extend an employee’s regular scheduled work-week as a result of performing th...
ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS. 4.1 The Association shall negotiate for all employees in the bargaining unit on matters affecting employment relations as provided by ORS 243.650 et al.
ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS. 4.1 The Association shall represent all classified employees in the District within the bargaining unit equally and without discrimination.
4.2 The Association or committees of the Association shall be allowed to use the facilities of the Board for meetings and use of copy equipment as needed to provide duplicating and information to employees. The Association will reimburse the District for cost of supplies used.
4.3 Visitations by state or local Association officers authorized by the District administration office will be allowed in the work areas of employees during work hours.
4.4 Bulletin boards and inter-school mail facilities may be used for distribution and posting of Association communications so long as such communications are labeled as Association and are not defaming to any individual and/or group.
4.5 Association representatives, elected or appointed, shall be granted time off, with no loss of pay, to attend to activities dealing with contract administration or for processing grievances, for no more than eight (8) working days total, annually, non-accumulative.
ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS. A. Information Provided by the District
ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS. 3.1 The Association may use meeting rooms and other District facilities in accordance with District policies applicable to parent-teacher associations and other service groups or community organizations.
3.2 The Association may post material relating to Association business on bulletin boards throughout the District facilities. The Association may distribute materials via in-district mail and in employee mailboxes. Association use of the District e-mail system shall comply with the District’s acceptable use policy. The Association shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the District against any claim, suit, or action brought as a result of the use of the inter-district mail service by or on behalf of the Association.
3.3 The Association may duplicate Association materials on District duplicating equipment provided the Association reimburses the District for the cost of materials and supplies and any repairs required.
3.4 The District shall make available to the Association Chapter President copies of the agenda of future meetings of the Board and official minutes of all Board meetings at the same time as these materials are sent to District officials.
3.5 Representatives of the Association may have access to an employee’s work area upon request during the employee’s break times and lunch time and before and after the employee’s work hours.
ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS. 5.1 The Association may use meeting rooms and other District facilities in accordance with District policies applicable to parent-teacher associations and other service groups or community organizations.
5.2 Representatives of the Association may have access to meeting areas to conduct Association business with their members after the students have been released. Association members who are normally on duty during scheduled Association meeting times may attend local Association meetings up to two hours a month without loss of pay. The Association will have access to a bulletin board in each building to post Association materials.
5.3 The Association may place materials relating to Association business in the mailboxes of the classified employees, subject to any Postal Service regulations.
5.4 The Management and Association will meet informally for discussion of any issues of mutual concern.
5.5 The District shall allow designated union representatives to engage in the following activities during work hours and at the Districts facilities without loss of compensation or benefits.
A. Investigate and process grievances and other workplace- related complaints
B. Attend investigatory meetings, hearings, and other due process proceedings
C. Participate in, or prepare for, proceedings that arise from a discipline involving the collective bargaining agreement, including arbitration proceedings, administrative hearings and other proceeding before the Employment Relations Board;
D. Engage in collective bargaining;
E. Attend labor-management meetings, safety committee meetings and any other meetings between representatives of the District and OSEA to discuss employment relations;
F. Provide information regarding the collective bargaining agreement to newly hired bargaining unit employees within twenty day (20) from the date of hire for a period of at least thirty (30) minutes, during new employee orientation or at individual/group meetings that may take place during work hours, without loss of compensation or benefits to the newly hired employee(s).
G. Testify in a legal proceeding in which the designated union representative has been subpoenaed as a witness.
5.6 The District must provide OSEA with information regarding bargaining unit employees. Within ten (10) days of date of hire or termination, the district will email chapter president, building representatives, Union representative and Salem OSEA office the name, email, building, phone number, and assignment of ...
ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS. 4.1 The Association may use meeting rooms and other District facilities in accordance with District policies applicable to parent-teacher associations and other service groups or community organizations.
4.2 Representatives of the Association may have access to work areas to conduct Association business. Association business shall be conducted before or after employees' regularly scheduled work shift, with the exception of representing employees in grievance procedures, which may occur during working hours.
4.3 The Association may post materials relating to Association business on designated bulletin boards throughout the District facilities.
4.4 The Association may duplicate Association materials on District duplicating equipment. The Association agrees to reimburse the District for the cost of these materials as provided by Board policies and rules.
ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS. A. The Association shall represent all classified employees in the bargaining unit on matters affecting employment relations as provided by ORS 243.650.
B. The Association or committee(s) of the Association shall be allowed the use of facilities and buildings of the District for meetings, pursuant to Board policies and procedures, at no cost to the Association. Meetings of OSEA or its committee(s) shall be scheduled before or after the regular workday. Those employees whose work assignment is before or after the regular workday may be released to attend Association meetings provided it does not interfere with school activities, the employee has received prior approval from his/her supervisor, and the employee will make up the time. The Association, pursuant to Board policies and procedures, shall be allowed use of such office equipment as needed to provide duplicating, distribution, and information to the employees on the basis that there is reimbursement for any consumable supplies and/or repair or replacement of equipment which is damaged in use. Inter-school mail facilities, school mailboxes, and the District email system may be used for distributing information to employees in the bargaining unit.
C. The Association will be allowed to visit the work area of the employees in the bargaining unit, provided there is no disruption or interruption of work. Building visitor policies shall be followed.
ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS. The Association may request use of meeting rooms and other district facilities in accordance with district policy and may be granted use where no conflict exists. Such use will not conflict with any student activity. The Association shall not use district materials or equipment for any Association activity. No member of the Association shall conduct any association business during the work day. Any member of the Association found to have violated this section will be subject to disciplinary action. The Association may distribute material related to the official business of the Association by placing such material in the individual mailbox of each support employee and/or by placing such material on a bulletin board designated by the immediate supervisor and easily accessible to support employees. One copy of such material shall be provided to the supervisor at each site. The Association may be permitted, by the Superintendent, fifteen (15) days Association leave for the purpose of legislative visits, Association related professional meetings and Association business. For the purpose of this section a day of Associational leave shall be defined as one person, one day or any part thereof except that one-half (1/2) day usage per person may be counted for Legislative Lobbying Day. No more than two (2) persons may utilize Association leave on the same day, with the exception of MDSEA’s Legislative Lobby Day and Annual Conference. No more than one (1) person from the same department, or site may utilize Association leave on the same day, for any reason except that the President of the Association may utilize approved leave as provided in 4.4 above without the restriction contained in this section. The Association shall reimburse the Board in the amount of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each Association leave day used when a substitute is required. For the 2023-2024 school year, there will not be an expectation from the Board for the Association to reimburse Association leave day substitute expenses. Written request to use Association leave must be submitted to the Superintendent at least one (1) week in advance.