General Policies Governing Leaves of Absence. (a) Leave of absence without pay may be granted to an Employee at the discretion of the Employer. The Employee shall not work for gain during the period of leave of absence except with the express consent of the Employer.
(b) Unless otherwise stated in this article, with the exception of bereavement leave, all applications for leave of absence shall be made in writing to the Employer, twenty-eight (28) calendar days in advance except in extenuating circumstances, in order that staff substitution may be arranged. The Employer shall endeavour to respond to the request for a leave of absence within fourteen (14) calendar days of the request by the Employee. Applications shall indicate the date of departure on leave of absence and the date of return.
(i) In the case of leaves of absence without pay of more than one (1) month's duration, Employees may make prior arrangements for the payment of the full premium (Employer’s and Employee’s share) of those insured benefit plans specified in Article 18 in which they are currently participating. The Employee may choose to contribute to the Pension Plan for up to one (1) month.
(ii) In the case of leave of absence without pay of one (1) month or less, regular premium deductions for insured benefits specified in Article 18 shall be made by the Employer from the Employee’s last pay cheque or from the first pay cheque of the Employee after return from such absence. The Employee may choose to contribute to the Pension Plan for up to one (1) month.
(d) In the case of leaves of absence without pay in excess of one (1) month, Employees shall cease to accrue sick leave, annual vacation and service credits for pension purposes. The Employee’s anniversary increment date shall also be adjusted by the same amount of time as the leave of absence.
(e) Employees shall not be entitled to Named Holidays with pay which may fall during any period of leave of absence without pay.
General Policies Governing Leaves of Absence. (a) Applications for leave of absence shall be made, in writing, to the Employer as early as possible in order that staff substitutions may be arranged. Applications shall indicate the date of departure on leave and the date of return.
(b) Except as provided in Article 20.01(c), where an Employee is granted a leave of absence of more than a month’s duration, and that Employee is covered by any or all of the plans specified in Article 19: Prepaid Health Benefits, that Employee may, subject to the Insurer’s requirements, make prior arrangement for the prepayment of the full premiums for the applicable plans.
(c) With the exception of a leave of absence for Union or Local business, in the case of a leave of absence in excess of one (1) month, Employees shall cease to accrue sick leave and earned vacation to the extent that such leave exceeds one (1) month. The Employee’s increment date shall also be adjusted by the same amount of time.
(d) Employees shall not be entitled to Named Holidays with pay which may fall during the period of leave of absence.
(e) During an Employee’s leave of absence, the Employee may work as a Casual Employee with the Employer without adversely affecting the Employee’s reinstatement to the position from which the Employee is on leave.
(f) In reinstating an Employee under Article 20.04 and 20.05, the Employee will be reinstated to the Employee’s former position, and if not possible the Employer will consult with the Employee and the Union over possible suitable placements.
General Policies Governing Leaves of Absence. (a) Leave of absence without pay may be granted to an Employee at the discretion of the Employer and the Employee shall not work for gain during the period of leave of absence except with the express consent of the Employer.
(b) Unless otherwise stated in this Article all applications for leave of absence shall be made in writing to the Employer four (4) weeks in advance except in extenuating circumstances, in order that staff substitutions may be arranged. Applications shall indicate the date of departure and return.
(c) In the case of leave of absence without pay of more than one (1) month’s duration, LTD coverage ends on the date the leave begins. Other benefits may be maintained for up to twelve (12) months, provided the Employee makes full payment of the premium cost, including the Employer’s portion if applicable.
(d) With the exception of leave of absence for Union business, in the case of leaves of absence without pay in excess of one (1) month, Employees shall cease to accrue seniority, sick leave, annual vacation and service credits. The Employee’s increment date shall also be adjusted by the same amount of time as the leave of absence.
(e) Employees shall not be entitled to Named Holidays with pay which may fall during any period of leave of absence without pay.
(f) Contributions to the Canadian Blood Services Pension Plan by the Employer and the Employee shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations under the Plan.
General Policies Governing Leaves of Absence. (a) Applications for leave of absence shall be made, in writing, to the Employer as early as possible in order that staff substitutions may be arranged. Applications shall indicate the date of departure on leave and the date of return.
(b) Except as provided in Article 20.01(c), where an Employee is granted a leave of absence of more than a month’s duration, and that Employee is covered by any or all of the plans specified in Article 19: Prepaid Health Benefits, that Employee may, subject to the Insurer’s requirements, make prior arrangement for the prepayment of the full premiums for the applicable plans.
(c) With the exception of a leave of absence for Union or Local business, in the case of a leave of absence in excess of one (1) month, Employees shall cease to accrue sick leave and earned vacation to the extent that such leave exceeds one (1) month. The Employee’s increment date shall also be adjusted by the same amount of time.
(d) Employees shall not be entitled to Named Holidays with pay which may fall during the period of leave of absence.
(e) During an Employee’s leave of absence, the Employee may work as a Casual Employee with the Employer without adversely affecting the Employee’s reinstatement to the position from which the Employee is on leave.
General Policies Governing Leaves of Absence. (a) Application for leave of absence shall be submitted in writing, to the Employer as early as possible in order that staff substitutions may be arranged. Applications shall indicate the date of departure of leave and the date of return. With the exception of special circumstances, employees must have worked for the Employer for one full year before an application for a leave of absence may be made. Permission for leave of absence will not be unfairly withheld and where permission is denied reasons will be given.
(b) Vacation entitlement and credit towards increments do not accrue during any leave of absence without pay in excess of one (1) month.
(c) Employees shall not be entitled to paid holidays with pay, which may fall during a period of leave of absence without pay.
General Policies Governing Leaves of Absence. 19.2.1 No leave will be considered an interruption in continuity of service.
19.2.2 Any unit member on a leave, paid or unpaid, for one (1) school year or less shall be returned to the same assignment held prior to the beginning of the leave, if that assignment still exists. If the assignment does not exist, the unit member shall be given a similar assignment at the same school. If no similar assignment exists at the same school the unit member shall be returned to a position, subject to the transfer procedures.
19.2.3 The parties shall maintain a list of temporary employees hired to fill the assignment of unit members on leave pursuant to this section.
19.2.4 Unit members returning from a leave, paid or unpaid, greater than one
(1) school year shall have the opportunity to return to the same assignment if a vacancy exists. If the assignment is not vacant, the unit member shall be offered a vacant position at the same school. If there is no vacancy at the same school site, the unit member shall be returned to a position, subject to the transfer procedures. A vacancy is defined as a position not held by a probationary or permanent unit employee.
19.2.5 Requests for leave must be submitted to the Personnel Services Office on the appropriate form. With agreement of the District a unit member may return from leave prior to the previously stated return date. Any forms used for requesting or reporting leaves must be mutually agreed upon by the District and the Association. The District reserves the right to require verification of absences if the number of absences becomes excessive or has an identified pattern. Verification of the cause of absence and/or the unit member's fitness to return to work by a licensed physician or recognized practitioner of a church must be presented before allowing payment for six (6) or more consecutive days of absence due to illness or accident.
19.2.6 A one (1) year unpaid leave shall be extended for a second year provided that the Personnel Services Office receives a request to extend the leave for a full second year no later than April 15 of the school year preceding that for which the extension is sought. With agreement of the Personnel Services Office, a unit member may be granted a leave extension requested after April 15. Except as provided by statute, the maximum allowable unpaid leave of absence is two (2) consecutive school years. For purposes of this section a school year is defined as...
General Policies Governing Leaves of Absence. (a) Applications for leave of absence shall be made, in writing, to the Employer as early as possible in order that staff substitutions may be arranged. Applications shall indicate the date of departure on leave and the date of return.
(b) Except as provided in Article 19.03 and 19.04, where an Employee is granted a leave of absence of more than a months duration, and that Employee is covered by any or all of the plans specified in Article 18, that Employee may, subject to the Insurer’s requirements, make prior arrangement for the prepayment of the full premiums for the applicable plans.
(c) With the exception of a leave of absence for Union business, in the case of a leave of absence in excess of one (1) month, Employees shall cease to accrue sick leave and earned vacation to the extent that such leave exceeds one (1) month. The Employee’s increment date shall also be adjusted by the same amount of time.
(d) Employees shall not be entitled to Named Holidays with pay which may fall during the period of leave of absence.
General Policies Governing Leaves of Absence a. No leave will be considered an interruption in continuity of service.
b. Requests for leave must be submitted to the Executive Director, Human Resources, in writing, giving the type of leave requested, the specific date it is to begin and the return date. Once requested and approved, the leave must be taken unless otherwise agreed to by the unit member and the District. No requests shall be unreasonably denied.
c. A one (1) year unpaid leave may be extended for a second year with approval of the Executive Director, Human Resources. Request to extend the leave for a second year must be received no later than April 15, of the school year preceding that for which the extension is sought.
d. For all absences subject to a daily rate reduction, the daily rate of pay shall be determined by dividing the annual rate of pay by the number of days in the unit member's work year. The daily rate of pay so determined shall be deducted for each working day (days the unit member is required to be on duty) that the unit member is absent from duty.
e. When a leave is granted, the recipient has a contractual obligation to the District to utilize the leave period for the purpose specified.
General Policies Governing Leaves of Absence. Leaves With Pay
(a) to a half day if the fractional entitlement is less than one-half day; to a full day if the fractional entitlement is more than one-half day. Leaves of Absences Without Pay Leave of absencewithout pay may be granted to an employeeat the discretion of the Employer. Applications for leave of absence shall be made in writing to the Ernployer as early as possible in order that staff substitutions shall be arranged. Applications for leave shall indicate the departure on leave of absence and the date of return to work. In the case of an approved leave ofabsence,without pay of more than thirty (30) days duration, an employee shall: if the employee wishes to maintain coverage under the health benefits plans, she shall make for the direct payment of the one hundred percent (100%) premiums for all benefit plans subject to the insurer’s requirements; cease to accrue sick leave, and for the entire period; an employee shall have her pay increment date adjusted by the number of calendar days equal to her length of leave and such date shall prevail thereafter; an employee granted leave of absence without pay shall not be entitled to a Designated Paid Holiday with pay which may fall during the authorizedleave of absence. Upon request of an employee, when the Employer rejects an employee’s application for leave, the reasons for the rejection shall be provided to the employee in writing forthwith.
General Policies Governing Leaves of Absence. The following rules and procedures shall apply to requests for leaves of absence;
(a) Unless otherwise stated, all leaves granted under this article are without pay, accumulation of seniority, benefits, income protection or earned vacation, nor will any other benefit be paid or accrued while on leave of absence.
(b) Where any leave of absence without pay exceeds one (1) month:
(i) The Employer shall pay it's share of the Health and Welfare benefits for the calendar month in which the leave commences and in the month immediately following up to a total of one (1) month.
(ii) If the leave of absence exceeds one (1) month, benefit coverage may be continued by the Employee provided she pays the total cost of the premiums to the Employer in advance for each monthly period in excess of the first month's leave of absence. Failure to remit the payment above will result in the cancellation of benefits.