ARTICLE STATUTORY HOLIDAYS. Employees shall receive a day off without loss of pay on the following public holidays: NEW YEAR’S DAY, GOOD FRIDAY, VICTORIA DAY, DOMINION DAY, LABOUR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, REMEMBRANCE DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, BOXING DAY, DAY, SASKATCHEWAN DAY, BIRTHDAY and any other holidays proclaimed by Dominion, Provincial or civic Authority. Pay shall be calculated on the basis of eight (8) hours per day for the above-mentioned holidays for regular employees. Probationary employees shall be paid on the basis of the average earnings, of overtime, for the previous four (4)weeks immediately preceding the week in which a public holiday occurs. To qualify, for public holiday pay, employees shall be on the payroll in the week prior and in the payroll week in which such holiday oc- curs. Statutory holidays shall be observed on days other than calendar date when so proclaimed by proper Government authority or when agreed in writing between the Union Executive and the Employer. Any employee required to work and who agrees to work on any of the Statutory Holidays listed above shall, in addition to his regular wages, be paid for the number of hours worked on that day at one and one-half times his regular rate of pay. In the event of a Statutory Holiday coming on an employ- ee’s regular day off, he shall receive another day in lieu thereof, such other day to be granted within two (2) weeks from the said Statutory Holiday. In regards to birthday, an employee shall take the day of his birthday off or if his birthday falls on a Saturday, he shall take the Friday off in the preced- ing week or if his birthday falls on a Sunday, he shall take the Monday off in the succeeding week.
ARTICLE STATUTORY HOLIDAYS. The following days for observing a public holiday shall be recognized as paid holidays and salaried members shall suffer no deduction from pay while hourly rated members shall receive a regular day's pay by virtue of not working on such days. New Year's Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Remembrance Day (unless it falls on a Saturday or Sunday) Victoria Day Civic Holiday Dominion Day Boxing Day Christmas Day One (1 Floating Holiday* * To be taken at a time that is mutually agreed to between the member and member's Supervisor. In addition to the foregoing, the one-half working day preceding Christmas Day, and the one-half working day preceding New Year's Day, shall constitute an additional paid half holiday on each day. When any of the holidays, except Remembrance Day, so mentioned in Clause of the Agreement falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday preceding or Monday succeeding such holiday, shall be designated by the Board as the day of observance of such holiday. When a member is required to work on any holiday, the member shall be paid for working at the rate of time and one-half in addition to the other provisions of this Article. Notwithstanding the above, Remembrance Day shall be recognized as a normal public holiday for all members regularly working on a seven (7) day shift operation. Where Clause refers to a "Regular Day's Pay", for hour classifications this represents an eight (8) hour day, and for hour classifications a seven (7) hour day, notwithstanding any compressed work schedule which may be in effect.
ARTICLE STATUTORY HOLIDAYS. The provisions contained in Article of this Agreement affect all employees covered by this Appendix. To qualify for pay for a legal holiday, the employee must have: three (3) months' service with the Owner; worked at least thirty two (32) hours during the four (4) weeks preceding the week during which the legal holiday occurs; worked on his last scheduled shift preceding and his first scheduled shift following the legal holiday. An employee who so qualifies, shall receive legal holiday pay based on his average number of daily hours worked (exclusive of daily overtime) during the four (4) weeks immediately preceding the week during which the legal holiday occurs, times his standard rate of pay.
ARTICLE STATUTORY HOLIDAYS. The provisions contained in Article of this Agree- ment affect all employees covered by this Appendix. To qualify for pay for a legal holiday, the employee must have: three (3) months’ service with the Owner; worked at least thirty two (32) hours during the four
ARTICLE STATUTORY HOLIDAYS. In lieu of twelve (12) statutory holidays, each Member who regularly works three (3) shifts in a seven (7) day operation, will receive an additional twelve (12) days' pay per year at the rate of time and one-quarter (1 or equivalent time off at the option of the Member, subject to the needs of the Service. The option as to choice of pay or time off must be made by December each year for the following year. All time off must be declared in writing, before October of that year and utilized before December of that year. Members working a hour shift schedule will receive, in lieu of twelve (12) statutory holidays, one hundred and twenty (120) hours pay or time off each year at the option of the Member. The option as to choice of pay or time off must be made by December each year for the following year. All such days to be scheduled as time off must be declared, in writing, before October of the selected year, and utilized before December of that year. If a Member requests time off, the choice of the day will be at the sole discretion of the Member, subject to the needs of the Service. The Statutory Holidays are: New Year's Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Remembrance Day Easter Monday Half day Christmas Eve Victoria Day Christmas Day Dominion Day Boxing Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Half day New Years Eve and any other holiday declared or proclaimed by law as a national or provincial (Ontario) holiday. Statutory holiday pay in lieu will be paid on or before November of each year. When a statutory holiday falls on a day shift workers' regular day off the Member will receive an additional day off. Day shift workers will be allowed to use Remembrance Day and Easter Monday as well as two (2) additional days on days other than they fall upon with the agreement of their supervisor. Members who are assigned permanent day shift positions and, as such, receive the twelve (12) statutory holidays as time off, will be granted one additional day to be taken at the Members option, subject to the needs of the Service, for a total of thirteen (13) Statutory days leave.
ARTICLE STATUTORY HOLIDAYS. The Company will grant to all full-time regular employees who are on the seniority list within the scope of the Agreement and who have completed fifty (50) working days worked prior to the holidays concerned, pay for the days listed: New Year's Day Good Friday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Easter Monday Anniversary Date Employee's Birthday employee who has completed their probationary period and works the scheduled shifts immediately prior to, and following the holiday shall be paid holiday pay at their hourly rate for the number of hours worked. a Statutory Holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, then the employee shall be entitled to one day’s pay or one extra day’s vacation at the Company’s discretion. who work on the Statutory Holiday (excluding the employee’s Anniversary Date and the Employee’s Birthday, which will be governed by past practice) specified will receive one and one half (1 times their regular rate for hours worked plus an additional eight (8) hours pay for the holiday. In the event an employee is required to work on one of the Statutory Holidays specified, the Company may choose to substitute a day off in lieu without deduction in pay. The lieu day chosen will be with the agreement of both parties. required to work, but who absent themselves from employment on the above dates shall be considered absent without leave, and do not qualify under this provision. is understood and agreed that should the government of Ontario legislate an additional paid holiday that is not mentioned in any one of the twelve (12) days prescribed then the Company and the Union mutually agree to substitute this day for one of the four (4) present days. scheduling for holidays, full-time employees will be granted statutory holiday requests in order of seniority. It is further understood that if an insufficient number of employees are thus scheduled, then, the Company has the right to schedule employees in reverse order of seniority, as business needs dictate.
ARTICLE STATUTORY HOLIDAYS. All Employees will be given the following paid Statutory Holidays and any other Federally or Provincially (Ontario) proclaimed Statutory Holiday. New Year's Day Good Friday Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Should an Employee be required to work on a Statutory Holiday, he shall be paid, in addition to his regular rate of pay for that day, at the overtime rate for each hour so worked.
ARTICLE STATUTORY HOLIDAYS. Subject to the conditions set out below, the Company will pay employeesfor the following holidays or days observed by the Company in lieu thereof. New Day Good Friday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day ThanksgivingDay Christmas Day Boxing Day * Two (2) holidays Each floating holiday will be selected at Company discretion notice to employeesposted no lessthan sixty (60) days in advance. To be eligible a holiday with pay an employeemust have: Completed their probationary period prior to the date of the holiday; and, Completed their work day as scheduled immediately preceding the holiday (or holidays) and immediately followingthe holiday, unless prevented doing so due to an leave of absence, non-compensable or illness such non-compensable injury or illness is substantiated to the satisfaction of the Company and has commenced within fourteen (14) days of the holiday; and, Not been on lay-off more than fourteen (14) days prior to the holiday. An employee who works on any of the holidays listed in thisArticle shall be paid for such work in with and if eligible, shall also paid for the holidays as provided in hereof. An actual pay for a holiday not worked will be current hourly multiplied by eight (8) hours. In the event that a holiday falls on either a Saturday or a Sunday, the Company may elect to celebrate it on a Friday or Monday instead,in which case the day so celebrated will be deemed to be the contractual holiday. a holiday within an eligible time off for vacation, such holiday will be paid for without the day off in the judgement of the Company that day off can be at some other time. Eligibility for provided in this Article shall be limited to a full-time employee who has successfully completed probationary Time absent within the of provided in thisArticle and for compensationis received the Company shall be considered as if thetime, not to exceed eight (8) hours in any one day. had beenworked for of eligibility for in the same work week, a holiday or vacation for which eligible. An employee summoned and who reports for jury duty or crown witness shall be excused work on such days on which would have worked and be paid eight (8) base hourly wage rate so long as any pay forjury or crown witness service (other travel allowance) is signed over to the Company. The employee must give the Company prior notice of summonsand must to work promptly when released on any or at the end of service. If the employee works on the same day, will be paid the ...
ARTICLE STATUTORY HOLIDAYS. Employees shall be entitled to the following holidays with pay: New Year’s Day Good Friday Victoria Day Dominion Day Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Easter Monday Civic Holiday In addition the last scheduled working days before Christmas Day and New Year’s Day shall be half holidays with pay. In addition to the above, employees on staff prior to February will be entitled to one floating holiday provided it is taken between March and December in the same year. In the event of a new holiday being proclaimed to take place during January or February by the Federal Government, that day will take the place of the floating holiday. Holiday pay will be computed on the basis of the number of hours the employee would otherwise work had there been no holiday or half holiday, at this regular straight time rate of pay. In order to qualify for holiday pay, the employee must work the full scheduled shift on each of the working days immediately preceding and immediately following the holiday concerned except in cases of excused absence satisfactory to the Corporation. Any disagreement regarding this clause may be subject to the grievance procedure. Any employee required to work on a holiday shall be paid for all authorized work performed on such holiday at times straight time rate of pay for all hours worked in addition to holiday pay. Any employee scheduled to work on a holiday who does not report for work shall forfeit holiday pay except in cases of excused absence satisfactory to the Corporation. Any disagreement regarding this clause may be subject to the grievance procedure. In the event that any of the above holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday or Monday shall be considered as the Statutory holiday for the purpose of this Agreement.