UNION ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. (a) The Employer shall allow time off work without pay to any man or woman who is serving as a Union delegate to any conference or function provided all requests for time off are reasonable and do not interfere with the proper operation of the business, and there shall be no more than one (1) employee in the bargaining unit absent at any one (1) time. No employee who acts within the scope of the above paragraph shall lose his job or be discriminated against for so acting.
(b) Any employee serving on a Union committee for discussions with the Company shall be paid for all time spent in such discussions; provided all requests for time off are reasonable and there are other employees on the job who are able to perform the work of the employee requesting time off. There shall be no more than one (1) employee in the bargaining unit absent at any one (1) time for the purpose of such discussions with the Company. The Company reserves the right to exercise the option when there are 12 or more employees in the bargaining unit. This is exclusive of grievance meetings. This provision shall only apply if such discussions are held during an employee's regular work hours.
(c) When an employee suffers an injury, whether on the job or not, or suffers any illness preventing him or her from reporting to work, he or she will automatically be granted leave of absence, without pay, until such time as their doctor states they can return to work. If an employee desires a leave of absence for reasons other than those referred to above, he must obtain permission for same in writing from the Company. In any instance where an employee accepts other employment without the consent of the Management, when on leave of absence or vacations for any reason, his or her employment may be terminated, subject to proper proof of same. When any employee suffers an injury or illness which requires his or her absence, they shall report the fact to the Company as soon as possible, prior to their actual starting time, so adequate replacement may be made if necessary.
(d) During an authorized leave of absence, an employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority.
(e) When any employee hereunder is either elected or appointed to a full time job with the Union, he shall be granted leave of absence until such time as his job with the Union ceases.
(f) In case of death in the immediate family, the employee affected shall be granted compassionate leave of absence with full pay for three (3) days. Immediate...
UNION ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. (a) The Employer shall allow time off work, without pay, except as otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, to any person who is serving as a Union delegate to any conference or function.
(b) During an authorized leave of absence, an employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority.
(c) When an employee suffers an injury, whether on the job or not, or suffers any illness preventing him from reporting to work, he will automatically be granted leave of absence, without pay, except as otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, until such time as he can properly return to work, up to a maximum of one (1) year unless extended by mutual consent of the Parties.
(d) If an employee desires a leave of absence for reasons other than those referred to above, he must obtain permission, in writing, for the same from the Employer and the Employer will send a copy of same to the Union. However, no legitimate and reasonable request for a leave of absence will be denied.
(e) When an employee suffers an injury or illness which requires his absence, he shall report the fact to the Employer. It is intended that this report be made prior to the employee's starting time if possible.
(f) In case of death in the immediate family, the employee affected shall be granted leave of absence with full pay for three (3) days and a further two (2) days without pay if required. Immediate family means: husband, wife, mother, father, children, sister and brother, mother and father-in-law, sister and brother-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren and step parents.
(g) All time lost by an employee due to necessary attendance on Jury Duty or any Court proceedings where subpoenaed as a witness, shall be paid for at the rate of pay applicable to said employee. Once an employee is released from Jury or Witness Duty, he shall be returned to the job classification and pay rate he was on prior to such duty. All Jury Duty pay or witness payments received by the employee from the Courts or otherwise shall be reimbursed to the Employer by endorsation of Jury Duty cheque and/or witness fees to the Employer.
(h) When any employee hereunder is either elected or appointed to a full time job with the Union, he shall be granted leave of absence for a period of up to one (1) year.
UNION ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. (a) The Employer shall allow time off work, without pay, except as otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, to any person who is serving as a Union delegate to any conference or function, provided the Union gives the Employer advance notice of one (1) week and such absence does not interfere with operational requirements.
(b) During authorized leave of absence, an employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority.
(c) When an employee suffers an injury, whether on the job or not, or suffers any illness preventing him from reporting to work, he will automatically be granted leave of absence, without pay, except as otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, until such time as he can properly return to work. Such absence shall not exceed six (6) months unless extended by mutual consent of the parties.
(d) If an employee desires a leave of absence for reasons other than those referred to above, he must obtain permission, in writing, for the same from the Employer and the Employer will send a copy of same to the Union. However, no legitimate and reasonable request for a leave of absence will be denied.
(e) When an employee suffers an injury or illness which requires his absence, he shall report the fact to the Employer. It is intended that this report be made prior to the employee's starting time if possible.
(f) In case of death in the immediate family, the employee affected shall be granted compassionate leave of absence with full pay for two (2) days. Immediate family means: husband, wife, mother, father, children, sister and brother. For mother and father-in-law, sister and brother-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren and step-parents, a three (3) day leave of absence without pay shall be granted.
(g) Employees shall be granted a leave of absence, without pay, for pregnancy without loss of seniority for a period consistent with the Parental Leave legislation. This period may be extended by mutual consent.
(h) Fathers shall be granted a leave of absence of two (2) working days, with pay, at the time of the birth or adoption of a child or a leave consistent with the Parental Leave legislation.
UNION ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 5.01 The Company may, on written request from the Union, grant a one (1) year's leave-of-absence during his term of office to not more than one (1) employee who is employed as an Officer of the Union. Such leave may be renewed by the Company at the request of the Union. No employee who acts within the scope of the above paragraph shall lose his job or be discriminated against for so acting.
5.02 The Company may grant leave-of-absence which must be written and signed by an authorized Company official.
5.03 When hereafter an employee is absent on leave-of-absence or otherwise for a period in excess of thirty (30) days, except in case of disabling accident or sickness, such excess period shall not be counted and shall be excluded in computing seniority.
5.04 An employee on a leave-of-absence which extends beyond thirty (30) days will be required to pay the full cost, employee and Company shares, of the benefits outlined in Article 24 - Health and Welfare, subsections (a), (c) and (d).
5.05 An employee on leave-of-absence which extends beyond thirty (30) days will not be covered by Non-occupational sickness and Accident Weekly Indemnity Insurance as outlined in Article 24 - Health and Welfare, subsection (b).
5.06 In the event of the death of a spouse, mother, father, children, sister, brother, mother and father-in-law, sisters and brothers-in-law, grandparents, and step-parents, the employee shall be allowed time off work with pay for the purpose of arranging for or attending the funeral, as follows. The time to be paid for will be a maximum of three (3) consecutive working days from the day of death through the day after the funeral, inclusive. For the purpose of this Agreement the definition of spouse will include a man or woman not married to each other who lived together as husband and wife for a period of not less than two (2) years. Payment will be made on the basis of the employee's hourly wage rate for the employee's regularly scheduled shift of 8 hours per day, exclusive of overtime and other forms of premium pay, for up to three days absence. Payment will only apply to a day on which the employee would otherwise have worked a regular shift. No extra pay allowance will be granted for multiple or simultaneous deaths occurring within any three day period.
5.07 If, because of the distance involved, the employee does not attend the funeral of a member of his immediate family, as defined in 5.06 above, then one day's paid absence from work will be granted...
UNION ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. ( a) The Empl xxxx shal l al l ow t i me of f wor k, wi t hout pay, t o any man or woman who i s ser vi ng as a Uni on del egat e t o any conf xx xxxx or f unct i on, pr ovi ded al l r equest s f or t i me of f ar e r easonabl e and do not i nt er f er e wi t h t he pr oper oper at i on of t he busi ness, and t her e shal l be no mor e t han one ( 1) empl oyee i n t he bar gai ni ng uni t absent at any one ( 1) t i me. No empl oyee who act s wi t hi n t he scope of t he above par agr aph shal l l ose hi x x ob or be di scr i mi nat ed agai nst f or so act i ng.
( b) Dur i ng an aut hor i zed l eave of absence, an empl oyee shal l mai nt ai n and accumul at e seni or i t y.
( c) When an empl oyee suf f er s an i nj ur y, whet her on t he j ob or not , or suf f er s any i l l ness pr event i ng hi m or her f r om r epor t i ng t o wor k, he or she will aut omat i cal l y be gr ant ed l eave of absence, wi t hout pay, except as ot her wi se st i pul at ed i n t he Agr eement , unt i l such t i me as t hey can pr oper l y r et ur n t o wor k. Such absence will not exceed one ( 1) cal endar year except by mut ual consent of t he par t i es. I f an empl oyee desi r es a l eave of absence f or r easons ot her t han t hose r ef er r ed t o above, he must obt ai n per mi ssi on, in wr it i ng, f or t he same f r om t he Empl xxxx and t he Empl xxxx will send a copy of same t o t he Uni on. However , no l egi t i mat e and r easonabl e r equest f or a l eave of absence will be xxxx xx.
UNION ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. The Employer shall allow time off work, without pay, to any man or woman who is serving as a Union delegate to any conference or function, provided all requests for time off are reasonable and do not interfere with the proper operation of the business, and there shall be no more than one (1) employee in the bargaining unit absent at any one
UNION ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. (a) The Employer shall allow time off work, without pay, except as otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, to any person who is serving as a Union delegate to any conference or function.
(b) During authorized leave of absence, an employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority.
(c) When an employee suffers an injury, whether on the job or not, or suffers any illness preventing him/her from reporting to work, he/she will automatically be granted leave of absence, without pay, except as otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, until such time as he/she can properly return to work.
(d) If an employee desires a leave of absence for reasons other than those referred to above, he/she must obtain permission, in writing, for the same from the Employer and the Employer will send a copy of same to the Union. However, no legitimate and reasonable request for a leave of absence will be denied.
UNION ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. The Employer shall allow time off work, without pay, to any man who is serving on a Unioncommittee for purposesof discussions with the Employer, when serving as a Union delegate to any conferenceor function, without pay, provided all requestsfor time off are reasonable (not to exceed ten (1O) days in any one (I) year) and do not interfere with the proper operation of the business, and there shall be no more than one (I) employee in the bargaining unit absent at any one (1) time. No employee who acts within the scope of the above paragraph shall lose his job or be discriminated against for so acting. The Employer may grant an employee a leave of absence of up to two (2) years to work for the Local or International Union. The employee must request the leave in writing and the Union must approve it. This leave will be extended for additional periods if the Employer so wishes. Not more than one (1) employee may be on leave under this Section at any one (1) time. During an authorized leave of absence, an employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority. When an employee suffers an injury, whether on the job or not, or suffers any illness preventing him from reporting to work he will automatically be granted leave of absence without pay until such time as his doctor states he can return to work.
UNION ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. (a) The Employer shall have the right to grant leave of absence to employees and will grant leave of absence without pay to enable two (2) employees of the Employer to serve as a delegate to Union meetings or conventions.
(b) An employee who has been elected to a full-time office in the Union shall automatically be granted Leave Of Absence and such leave will not extend beyond the term of office or one (1) year whichever comes first.
(c) All leaves of absence other than those specifically set out herein must be applied for and given in writing. During such leave an employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority for up to six months. If more than six months the employee will maintain but not accumulate seniority. During authorized leave of absence, except as stated above, an employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority.
(d) Bereavement leave, with pay, for employees will be granted on the following basis. In the event of death in an employee's immediate family (parents, sister or brother, spouse or children, grandparents) the paid leave will be for three (3) days. For mother or father-in-law, brother or sister-in-law, grandfather or grandmother-in-law, the paid leave will be for one (1) day. Should a member of an employee's immediate family, as defined above, die while the employee is on vacation, the vacation will be extended by the length of time allowed for bereavement leave provided management is notified prior to the employee's scheduled return date. Employees will be granted paid leave up to a maximum of five (5) days if such time is required to travel to the funeral.
(e) All time lost by an employee due to necessary attendance on Jury Duty or any Court proceedings where subpoenaed as a witness shall be paid for at the rate of pay applicable to said employee. Once an employee is released from Jury or Witness Duty, he or she shall be returned to the job classification and pay rate he or she was on prior to such duty. All Jury Duty or Witness payments received by the employee from the Courts or otherwise shall be reimbursed to the Employer by endorsation of Jury Duty cheque and/or Witness fees to the Employer. Employees on Jury Duty will be expected to return to complete their shift upon dismissal.
(f) When an employee suffers an injury or illness which requires his or her absence, they shall report the fact to the Employer as soon as possible, prior to their actual starting time, so adequate replacement may be made if necessary. Employees must ke...
UNION ACTIVITIES OF EMPLOYEES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. The Employer shall have the right to grant leave of absence to and will grant leave of absence without pay to enable two (2) employees of the Employer to serve as a delegate to Union meetings or conventions. An employee who has been elected to a full-time office in the Union shall. automatically be granted Leave Of Absence and such leave will not extend beyond the term of office or one (1) year whichever comes All leaves of absence other than those specifically set out herein must be applied for and given in writing. During such leave an employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority for up to six months. If more than six months the employee will maintain but not accumulate seniority. During authorized leave of absence, except as stated above, an employee shall maintain and accumulate seniority. Compassionate leave, with pay, for employees will be granted on the following basis. In the event of death in an employee's immediate family (parents, sister or brother, spouse or children, grandparents) the paid leave will befor three (3) days. For mother or father-in-law, brother or sister-in-law, grandfather or grandmother-in-law, the paid leave will be for one (1) day. Should a member of an employee's immediatefamily, as defined above, die while the employee is on vacation, the vacation will be extended by the length of time allowed for bereavement leave provided management is notified prior to the employee's scheduled return date. Employees will be granted paid leave up to a maximum of five (5) days if such time is required to travel to the funeral.