Attendance MPS shall allow any Charter School pupil who meets MPS admission standards to enroll in an MPS School, in accordance with MPS Student Assignment Policies, as amended from time to time, unless such pupil has been expelled from Charter School.
Absences and Leaves In the event that one member of the job/time sharing arrangement is off due to illness or injury or goes on any other leave of absence, the remaining partner will endeavour to cover all of the absent partner’s shifts for the duration of the absence. If the employee is unable to cover the absences, she or he must inform the Director of Resident Care or designate.
Attendance Bonus Employees are eligible for an attendance bonus when every shift is satisfactorily worked throughout the monthly schedule period and no changes are requested in the schedule by the employee except for trading shifts as provided for in Article 13.4.4 or utilizing unpaid union leave. To qualify, a minimum of 130 compensated hours must have been worked during the qualifying period. The bonus will be an additional twenty-five ($0.25) per hour on only the hours worked in the qualifying period.