Volunteer Firefighting Leave Leave without pay will be granted when an employee who is a volunteer firefighter is called to duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster or medical emergency.
Volunteer Leave Subject to operational requirements as determined by the Employer and with an advance notice of at least five (5) working days, the employee shall be granted, in each fiscal year, a single period of up to seven decimal five (7.5) hours’ of leave with pay to work as a volunteer for a charitable or community organization or activity, other than for activities related to the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign. The leave will be scheduled at a time convenient both to the employee and the Employer. Nevertheless, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to grant the leave at such a time as the employee may request.
Attendance MPS shall allow any Charter School pupil who meets MPS admission standards to enroll in an MPS School, in accordance with MPS Student Assignment Policies, as amended from time to time, unless such pupil has been expelled from Charter School.
Vacation and Leave a. The Executive shall be entitled to vacation and other leave in accordance with policy for senior executives, or otherwise as approved by the Board. b. In addition to paid vacation and other leave, the Executive shall be entitled, without loss of pay, to absent himself voluntarily from the performance of his employment for such additional periods of time and for such valid and legitimate reasons as the Board may in its discretion determine. Further, the Board may grant to the Executive a leave or leaves of absence, with or without pay, at such time or times and upon such terms and conditions as the Board in its discretion may determine.
Court Attendance Any employee covered by this Agreement who may be required to attend any commission, court or hearing, to give evidence in any case, civil or criminal respecting the hotel in which they are employed, shall be compensated at the same hourly rate as called for in this Agreement, with a minimum of four (4) hours pay.
Vacations and Leave a. Executive may take vacations and other leave in accordance with the Bank’s policy for senior executives, or otherwise as approved by the Board. b. In addition to paid vacations and other leave, the Board may grant Executive a leave or leaves of absence, with or without pay, at such time or times and upon such terms and conditions as the Board, in its discretion, may determine.
Absences and Leaves In the event that one member of the job/time sharing arrangement is off due to illness or injury or goes on any other leave of absence, the remaining partner will endeavour to cover all of the absent partner’s shifts for the duration of the absence. If the employee is unable to cover the absences, she or he must inform the Director of Resident Care or designate.
Attendance Incentive It is the desire of both the Employer and the Union to provide consistent quality bus service for all students. It is also a mutual desire to have qualified permanent District bus drivers available to drive all identified bus routes. Based on this mutual interest, the parties agree to this Attendance Incentive program during the life of the Agreement:
Paid Leaves A. A bank of ten (10) sick leave days per year shall be credited to each Kitchen Manager at the beginning of the yearly period of employment. Probationary employees who successfully complete their probationary period after the start of the work year shall be credited with a prorated number of sick leave days at the beginning of their non- probationary period. Employees who are promoted from ESP#1 to Kitchen Managers Association shall have accumulated sick leave days prorated based upon number of hours-worked in previous position. Total sick leave accumulation will be unlimited. Sick leave days may be used for personal illness of the employee or illness in the immediate family of the employee living in the same household and/or those critically ill family members who warrant immediate attention. B. Two (2) days of sick leave each year may be used as Business Days. All requests must be in writing except when an emergency situation prevails, approval may be obtained by telephone with a follow-up letter stating the date and reason for being off. Written requests for the day off must be received in the office of the Supervisor of Food Services at least three work days before the day the employee wishes off. Requests will be granted only when there is sufficient number of substitute employees to cover the workload. The day before and the day after a paid holiday or a scheduled vacation day cannot be used as a Business Day. C. Each employee shall be entitled to leave with pay without charge to his/her sick bank for death in the immediate family or immediate step family of the employee and/or spouse or the death of a person residing in the same household as the employee. The funeral leave shall be for a period not to exceed three (3) days, provided the employee attends the funeral. Immediate family shall mean mother, father, brother, sister, child, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild and grandparents. Immediate step family shall mean step-mother, step-father, step-brother, step-sister, step-child and step-grandchild. In the event of the death of a spouse, child or step- child, the funeral leave shall be for a period not to exceed five (5) days, provided the employee attends the funeral. Additional time beyond the three (3) or five (5) days, if granted by the employee’s immediate supervisor, will be charged to sick leave. The employer has the right to request and receive appropriate substantiation of attendance at the funeral and verification of residence of an individual residing in the household. Funeral leave may be granted to any Kitchen Manager in case of the death of a person whose relationship to the employee warrants attendance at the funeral. Time off for funerals may be granted before or after the fact by the Supervisor of Food Services. All approved absences caused by funerals will be deducted from the sick bank. D. Sick leaves days will accumulate but not be granted to probationary employees until employee is permanently assigned.
Attendance Bonus Employees are eligible for an attendance bonus when every shift is satisfactorily worked throughout the monthly schedule period and no changes are requested in the schedule by the employee except for trading shifts as provided for in Article 13.4.4 or utilizing unpaid union leave. To qualify, a minimum of 130 compensated hours must have been worked during the qualifying period. The bonus will be an additional twenty-five ($0.25) per hour on only the hours worked in the qualifying period.