Good morning Sample Clauses

Good morning. My company would like to attend this webinar for RFP #PSA5 ‘CONSULTANT PLANNING SERVICE AGREEMENT for NYMTC’: Pre-Proposal Webinar: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 2 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) I would like to attend the webinar for preproposal information on the NYMTC PSA#5 scheduled for today. Can you please send me the details of the webinar? I missed the pre-proposal webinar. Is it possible to get a link to the recording? Main Body of the RFP:
Good morning. Thanks for your responses about having access to USASCN. Since you all have access to this program, I have attached some directions for using the program to check the status of your account balances. To explain briefly how it works, when you make a deposit, it is posted to the Receipt account and automatically adds to the Cash Account in one transaction. When an expense is made, it posts immediately and automatically to the Budget account and the Cash Account at the same time. Therefore, the cash account is always correct at any point in time with a current cash balance (and includes encumbrances). Budget accounts for Funds 009, 018 and 200 are then increased only after receipts are posted. If that step is not done at the exact time as the receipt is posted, you can find that the balance on a BUDSUM may be low by the most recent revenues that you have deposited. The Budget accounts need to be "updated" every time a receipt is deposited/posted. Therefore, when you have questions regarding a balance in one of your accounts, using the USASCN Account File Maintenance Program is the quickest and most reliable way to check your balances. If you see a discrepancy between a BUDUM or Budget account balance and the Cash balance, it is likely because your most recent receipts have not been posted to the Budget account. This applies only to your Funds 007, 009, 018, and 200. If you want to review a general fund account balance, you can use USASCN anytime with the 02 (budget) code in front of the account number. General fund accounts are not updated by receipts deposited. If you have any questions or have any difficulty when you experiment with this program, please feel free to call Xxxxx or me for help. We'll be happy to walk you through it or come out to your building to work with you. I hope this information proves to be useful to you! Xxx BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE OAPSE UNION LOCAL #131 COVENTRY LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Board President Union President Superintendent COVENTRY LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Classified PersonnelEvaluation Form (Appendix B) EMPLOYEE __________________________ LOCATION ___________________ POSITION __________________________ DATE __________________________ Evaluation Code: E -Excellent G - Good S-- Satisfactory NI--Needs Improvement U--Unsatisfactory 1. Performs job duties effectively Comment:
Good morning. I'm in the Sierras a lot and catch CapRadio often. Their programming is different‐‐‐if you experience "poor me", "I was born in a log cabin" to mixed parents", stories in NSPR, you should listen to Sacramento. They have a different audience, more urban, they're carried in Reno and Tahoe and, I'm tempted to believe, they will eventually dominate the NorCal programming. Consider the merge carefully. Thanks. I live in Penn Valley south of Chico and am not in your “listening area”. The reception is better from Chico than Sac, and I like your programing better—more local, rural and the weather reports are more relative to Penn Valley than Sac weather. I hope you will maintain the local flavor. I am a sustaining member. As an avid listener to NSPR, I would hope that its programming would not change. I listen to NPR where ever I go…from various cities in California and clear across the US…and I’ve never… to date…found an NPR station to equal that of NSPR. I listen to just about every program when home (whether I’m sewing upstairs or cooking down), (from the Xxx Hour, Selected Shorts, Afternoon Classics, Fresh Air….love the interview by Xxxxx, etc.). and have always been amazed at the diversity, integrity, value of local interests/needs, and high standards of professionalism. In short, it’s terrific as is….and I would hate to see it change or cater to the wants of a large metropolitan city. Sacramento is a great place…lived there for a few years, but I could see its ‘tastes’ with it’s larger population easily changing the direction/programming. Again, I’ve listened to dozens of NPR stations, and this one is a gem among them. Please don’t change. How will this effect local coverage? What guarantees do NSPR staff have for maintaining their current positions? As a loyal listener, this proposed merger appears to be a positive one, giving our journalists more resources at their disposal for investigating and reporting. However, will this jeopardize current NSPR staff employment? Will any local NSPR jobs be lost due to this possible change? I hope the amazing local shows like Blue Dot continue ‐ and even expand! I'm concerned that this management agreement will turn out like the one initiated between CapRadio and KUOW in Stockton a couple of decades ago. KUOW became nothing more than a translator for CapRadio and all its unique programming disappeared. Xxxx Xxxxx has assured me that this won't happen with NSPR, but I'm still concerned. I have read the FAQs and it appear...
Good morning. This is 11 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, and with me I have Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 12 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, and Xxx Xxxxxx.
Good morning. I would like to welcome everyone this morning. We are getting accustomed to some of the new electronic and other improvements that have been made here in the committee room. This is the first time we are doing our hearing in these renovated facilities. And we are pleased to see Xxxxx Xxxxxx back. Where is Xx. Xxxxxx? Everybody wishes him a speedy recovery. [Applause.] Mr. Xxxx. It looks like he is doing well and back at it again. We do appreciate his many years of service, and it does take a toll on one's health, but we appreciate all he has done and wish him a speedy recovery. Well, this morning, the Aviation Subcommittee's hearing is going to deal with the United States and European Union Open Skies Agreement, and also the other subject that is closely related is the Department of Transportation's Notice of a Proposed Rule Change relating to actual control dealing with aviation ownership issues. The order of business will start with opening statements. I will start with mine and then yield to members. Then I believe we have two panels of witnesses today, and we will proceed with those witnesses. So, again, I would like to welcome everyone this morning, and we will go ahead and get started. I have an opening statement, and I will proceed with that and then, as I said, will yield to other members. This morning's hearing, as I said, will focus on two issues that are both timely, and I believe very important. The Subcommittee will receive testimony, first about the Department of Transportation's Actual Control Rulemaking Proposal, and then secondly, we are going to take a look and review the status of the tentative Open Skies Agreement between the United States and the European Union. There is some urgency to resolving these issues. Several United States airlines in recent months have announced plans to expand and in some cases to significantly increase their international services. This reflects the increasingly common belief that greater service to foreign locations will be a very key element in the U.S. airline industry's efforts to recover from some four years of very difficult financial problems. The American aviation industry has lost, as we know, some $40 billion since 2001. It does need the freedom today to compete and succeed anywhere and everywhere. Some of the best future opportunities for expansion will really depend on having U.S. cities link with growing markets that are across the globe. All of us in labor management, U.S. communities, and gov...
Good morning. I welcome all of you to this event of the signing of the Hostels Project Agreement between Africa Integras, a New York-based firm and Xxxxxxxx University. Allow me to thank the Chancellor and the Chairman for finding time to grace this ceremony. After this ceremony of the signing towards meeting the
Good morning. You are now a director of the company, aren't you? It is now called Xxxxxx, it used to be called Xxxxx & Xxxxxxxxxx; is that right?
Good morning. Thank you, President Xxxxxx. Thank you, members of the Executive Council. I am so excited to be here. I am not only an organizer in the labor movement, I am a huge fan. You are some of our favorite people and real heroes of the working class. I am a proud member of the working class and so I’m honored to be here. My family and I came to this country in 1979, when I was six years old. I first came to understand the word “scab” to mean when my mom, who was a factory worker, suffered an injury, if it was a union shop, she would get a band-aid. If it wasn’t a union shop, she would get a scar on her hand and we would see the scab. I don’t think my English interpretation was so far off. I’m proud to now work in the movement that helped keep my mom safe at work. The New York organize workers who are at the front lines of attack. Under leasing, drivers no longer have guaranteed income and are not paid wages. The bosses of our billion-dollar industry don’t have to provide “jobs,” just rentals of the taxi and medallion where, through a lease paid up front by the driver, the companies are guaranteed a profit while the workers sweat out the first 5 to 6 hours of a 12 hour shift just to break even. Besides the relegation of drivers as independent contractors without labor protection, there was one other significant development during the change from commission to leasing. Companies, who had entered into a private contract with the union, started to create mini corporations outside of the contract. And new forms of sub-contracting emerged. So by the mid- nineties, when we started organizing, only about 25% of the drivers were under the union contract and the overwhelming majority were not. The workers were divided seized control over our destiny and set it back on the right path. For the first time under leasing, through the strikes, drivers could feel their power. Similarly, when we went out on strike in 2007, thousands of drivers beyond our membership participated. Despite the attacks, the dismantling of our rights, the pitting worker against worker on the street, we have self-organized for a unified voice. I am proud to report to you that, today, we stand tall with 15,000 registered members. During the declassification, there was a systematic effort to not only drag us down from employee to independent contractor but, more importantly, from worker to small business owner/service provider. The regulatory agency went from a labor framework to consumer rights - a conven...
Good morning. Those scenarios that you calculated using capital 17 cost data, did they properly use the hybrid 18 methodology?
Good morning. We're here today for a 5 presentation on the 2017 Duke settlement agreement in 6 Docket No. 217 -- 20170183-EI. This meeting was noticed 7 by informal meeting -- notice for informal meeting on 8 Wednesday. 9 I ll begin introductions with those present in 10 the room, and then we can introduce those present over 11 the telephone. I would note that although this is an 12 informal meeting, we do have a court reporter present. 13 So I would ask that everyone, prior to speaking, please 14 identify yourself so the court reporter can accurately 15 transcribe this meeting. 16 And so I'll begin with those on my left. 17 XX. XXXXXXXX: Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, Commission 18 staff. 19 XX. XXXXXXX: Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Commission staff. 20 XX. XXXXXX: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, OPC.