LEAVE GENERAL Sample Clauses
LEAVE GENERAL. 30.1 For purposes of earned leave credits or other leave entitlements, a day shall be equal to seven decimal five (7.5) hours for employees to whom Schedules 2 (Supervisory) and 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 (Non-supervisory) of the Pay Schedules apply or eight (8) hours for employees to whom Schedules 3 (Supervisory) and 3 (Non-supervisory) of the Pay Schedules apply.
30.2 When leave is granted, it will be granted on an hourly basis and the number of hours debited for each day of leave shall be equal to the number of hours of work scheduled for the employee for the day in question.
30.3 Notwithstanding the above, Article 35.2 Bereavement Leave, a day will mean a calendar day.
30.4 When an employee has been permitted to liquidate more vacation or sick leave with pay than the employee has earned and the employee’s employment is terminated by death, the employee shall be considered to have earned such leave.
30.5 When an employee has been permitted to liquidate more vacation or sick leave with pay than the employee has earned, and the employee’s employment is terminated for reasons of incapacity or layoff, the employee shall be considered to have earned such leave if at the time of termination for reasons of incapacity or lay-off the employee has completed two (2) or more years of continuous service. Following notice of termination for reasons of incapacity or lay-off, an employee is entitled to liquidate earned leave only.
30.6 The amount of leave with pay credited to an employee by the Council at the time when this Agreement becomes effective, or at the time when the employee becomes subject to this Agreement, shall be retained as leave by the employee, except as provided for in those clauses providing for the liquidation of compensatory leave.
30.7 An employee is entitled at least once in each fiscal year to be informed, upon request, of the balance of his vacation, compensatory and sick leave.
30.8 An employee is not entitled to leave with pay during periods of leave without pay or when the employee is under suspension.
30.9 An employee shall not be granted two (2) different types of leave with pay in respect of the same period of time.
LEAVE GENERAL. When the employment of an employee who has been granted more vacation, sick leave or special leave with pay than he has earned is terminated the employee shall be considered to have earned that amount of leave with pay granted to him provided that:
LEAVE GENERAL. 16.01 When leave is granted, it will be granted on an hourly basis and the number of hours debited shall be equal to the number of hours of work scheduled for the employee for the day in question.
16.02 Notwithstanding the above, for the purposes of Article 19.02 Bereavement Leave, a day will mean a calendar day.
16.03 When the employment of an employee who has been granted more vacation or sick leave with pay than the employee has earned is terminated by death, the employee is considered to have earned the amount of leave with pay granted.
16.04 When the employment of an employee who has been granted more vacation or sick leave with pay than the employee has earned is terminated by lay-off, the employee is considered to have earned the amount of leave with pay granted if at the time of lay-off the employee has completed two (2) or more years of continuous employment.
16.05 The amount of vacation leave and sick leave with pay credited to an employee by the Council at the time when this Agreement becomes effective, or at the time when he/she becomes subject to this Agreement, shall be retained by the employee.
16.06 An employee shall be informed in writing by the Council, once each fiscal year, of the balance of his/her vacation and sick leave.
16.07 An employee shall not be granted two (2) different types of leave with pay in respect of the same period of time.
16.08 An employee is not entitled to leave with pay during periods he/she is on leave without pay, on educational leave or under suspension.
LEAVE GENERAL an employee who holds the position of full-time president with the Union shall be granted a leave of absence without pay for the period during which she holds the position. Such leave will not affect the employee’s seniority, increment anniversary date, service for the purpose of vacation leave, sick leave and special leave accumulation. The Employer will continue to pay the premiums for medical, dental, extended health, group life and LTD while the employee is on leave and the Union will reimburse the Employer for the costs of such benefits. The employee shall be entitled to return to her former position with the Employer, and shall be provided with an adequate period of orientation upon her return to work. The employee shall not be subject to discipline by the Employer for activities related to work on behalf of the Union.
LEAVE GENERAL. 17.01 When the employment of an employee who has been granted more annual, sick or special leave with pay than he/she has earned is terminated, the employee shall be considered to have earned that amount of leave with pay granted to him/her provided that:
(a) an employee's employment is terminated by his/her death;
(b) an employee's employment is terminated by lay-off instituted at any time after he/she has completed one (1) or more years of continuous employment.
17.02 When an employee is in receipt of an extra allowance and is granted leave with pay, he/she is entitled during his/her period of leave to receive the allowance if the special or extra duties in respect of which he/she is paid the allowance were assigned to him/her on a continuing basis.
17.03 During the month of May in each year, the Employer shall inform each employee in the Bargaining Unit in writing of the balance of his/her special, sick and annual leave credits as of the 31st day of March.
17.04 If, at the end of the fiscal year, an employee's entitlement to annual leave with pay includes a fractional entitlement of less or more than one-half day the entitlement shall be increased as follows:
(a) to a half day if the fractional entitlement is less than one-half day;
(b) to a full day if the fractional entitlement is more than one-half day.
(a) Special and annual leave will be taken in hours, on the basis of the employee's regularly scheduled hours of work for the day the leave is taken.
(b) An employee's entitlement to special and annual leave will be converted from days to hours as follows:
(i) Employees whose class code in Appendix B specifies 40-hour work week will have their entitlement to special and annual leave multiplied by 8.
(ii) Employees whose class code in Appendix B specifies a 37.5-hour work week will have their entitlement to special and annual leave multiplied by 7.5.
(iii) Employees whose class code in Appendix B specifies a 42-hour work week will have their entitlement to special and annual leave multiplied by 8.4.
LEAVE GENERAL. 16.01 An employee is entitled, through the electronic leave system, to be informed of the balance of his/her vacation leave, sick leave, compensatory leave and family-related leave credits.
16.02 The amount of leave with pay earned, but unused, credited to an employee by the Employer at the time when this Agreement is signed, or at the time when he/she becomes subject to this Agreement, shall be retained by the employee.
16.03 An employee shall not be granted two (2) different types of leave with pay or monetary remuneration in lieu of leave in respect of the same period of time.
16.04 In the event of termination of employment for reasons other than incapacity, death or lay-off, the Employer shall recover from any monies owed the employee an amount equivalent to unearned vacation and sick leave taken by the employee, as calculated from the classification prescribed in his letter of appointment on the date of the termination of his/her employment.
16.05 An employee shall not earn leave credits in any month for which leave has already been credited to him/her under the terms of any other collective agreement to which the Employer is a party or under other rules or regulations of the Employer.
16.06 An employee is not entitled to leave with pay during periods he/she is on leave without pay or under suspension.
16.07 When leave is granted, it shall be considered to be granted on an hourly basis with the hours debited for each complete day of leave being the same as the hours the employee would normally have been scheduled to work on that day.
16.08 Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement: a) Where leave without pay for a period in excess of three (3) months is granted to an employee for reasons other than illness, the total period of leave granted shall be deducted from “continuous employment” for the purpose of calculating severance pay and “service” for the purpose of calculating vacation leave; b) Time spent on such leave which is for a period of more than three (3) months shall not be counted for pay increment purposes.
16.09 Notwithstanding article 16.08, for purposes of Article 19.02 (Bereavement Leave with pay), a day will mean a calendar day and leave will be granted in accordance with Article 16.07.
16.10 In the case of refusal, change or cancellation of any type of leave, the Employer shall provide the reason in writing when requested by an employee.
LEAVE GENERAL. 17.01 When the employment of an employee who has been granted more vacation, sick or special leave with pay than he/she has earned is terminated, the employee shall be considered to have earned that amount of leave with pay granted to him/her provided that:
(a) an employee's employment is terminated by his/her death;
(b) an employee's employment is terminated by lay-off instituted at any time after he/she has completed one (1) or more years of continuous employment.
17.02 When an employee is in receipt of an extra allowance and is granted leave with pay, he/she is entitled during his/her period of leave to receive the allowance if the special or extra duties in respect of which he/she is paid the allowance were assigned to him/her on a continuing basis.
17.03 Upon request of an employee who does not have access to the Employer’s Human Resources Management System, the Employer will provide a written statement of special, sick, vacation and mandatory leave balances once per year.
17.04 Any public servant who is recruited from the Public Service of Canada will receive credit for all sick leave and special leave credits earned but not taken by him/her in his/her Public Service prior to joining the Public Service of the Northwest Territories.
(i) When any period of vacation leave, special leave or time off in lieu of overtime has been approved and an employee‟s leave is cancelled, changed, or reduced prior to being taken, he/she shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses that he/she incurs in respect of any non-refundable deposits or prearrangements associated with his/her leave, after submitting such accounts as are normally required by the Employer.
(ii) When during any period of vacation leave, special leave or time off in lieu of overtime, an employee is recalled to duty, he/she shall be paid at time and one half for the first shift worked. Further, he/she shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses that he/she incurs:
(a) in proceeding to his/her place of duty;
(b) in respect of any non-refundable deposits or prearrangements associated with his/her leave;
(c) in returning to the place from which he/she was recalled if he/she immediately resumes vacation leave, special leave or time off in lieu of overtime upon completing the assignment for which he/she was recalled; after submitting such accounts as are normally required by the Employer.
(iii) The employee shall not be considered as being on vacation leave, special leave or time off in lieu of overtime du...
LEAVE GENERAL. 18.01 1. When the employment of an employee who has been granted more sick leave or special leave with pay than earned is terminated by death, the employee is considered to have earned the amount of leave with pay granted.
2. a) When the employment of an employee who has been granted more sick or special leave with pay than earned is terminated by lay off, the employer will not recover the sick or special leave advanced.
LEAVE GENERAL. An employee is entitled, once in each fiscal year, to be informed upon request, of the balance of his or her vacation and sick leave credits. The amount of leave with pay earned but unused credited to an employee by the Employer at the time when this Agreement is signed, or at the time when he or she becomes subject to this Agreement, shall be retained by the employee. An employee shall not be granted two (2) different types of leave with pay or monetary remuneration in lieu of leave in respect of the same period of time.
LEAVE GENERAL. Employees shall have their accrued days of vacation, and sick leave credits converted to hours of credits by multiplying the number of days by eight (8) or seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours per day, whichever is applicable, in accordance with their classification. When an employee ceases to be subject to this provision his/her credits will be converted to days by dividing the number of hours by eight