PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. Each teacher, upon recommendation of the building principal, may be granted one (1) professional visiting day per year. Such visiting day is to be approved by the principal of the school to be visited, as well as the local school principal. Upon request, reports of the results of such visits will be made to the principal and in a regular teachers meeting and/or the Board of Education. These reports are not to be used as punitive measures.
B. A teacher called to jury duty or to give testimony before any judicial or administrative tribunal shall receive their normal pay. However, pay earned from jury duty or giving testimony excluding any reimbursed expenses such as meals, mileage, or lodging, shall be returned to the school district. These days shall not be charged against accumulated sick leave.
C. Teachers are allowed three (3) days per year for personal business, without loss of pay, not to be deducted from sick leave, accumulative to five (5) days. The fifth day shall not be used in conjunction with other personal days. These days will not be used the last day before or the first day after Thanksgiving, Christmas, spring break, Memorial Day, or on the first day or the last day of the school year. The administration shall consider exceptions to the latter and shall not unreasonably deny a request. Association functions will be an exception to the first or last day of the school year.
D. The Board of Education recognizes the value of teacher conferences and clinics. Each teacher is allowed with permission of the Superintendent one (1) day per year for the purpose of attending professional meetings or clinics. This day is not to be accumulative year after year. Expenses accrued for attending approved professional meetings shall be reimbursed by the Board according to the following rate:
1. Actual railroad, bus or plane fare, private car expense at the rate of 40 cents per mile.
2. Meals not to exceed: Breakfast - $5.00; Lunch - $8.00; Dinner - $15.00 and tax - plus up to 15% for gratuity.
3. Lodging not to exceed $50.00 per person per day, double occupancy, $80.00 per person per day, single occupancy. Such costs may be exceeded upon prior approval of the Superintendent.
4. Registration fees for conference or clinic will be fully reimbursed to all teachers attending such clinics.
5. An expense sheet with receipts attached must be submitted to the Central Office before reimbursement for any of the above expenses will be authorized.
6. If an Employee is re...
PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND ASSOCIATION LEAVE. Leaves of absence with pay, and not chargeable against the teachers' sick leave, will be granted for the following reasons:
PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. At the beginning of every school year each teacher shall be informed that he/she may use professional business days for educational purposes at the discretion of the teacher and the principal. The teacher approved to use a professional business day shall notify his/her principal at least one (1) week in advance of his/her absence. Professional business days shall be used for the purposes of: (1) visitation to view other instructional techniques or programs, (2) conferences, workshops, or seminars conducted by colleges, universities, and the MEA and NEA and/or affiliate departments thereof. The teacher may be requested to file a written report, within one (1) week of his/her attendance at such visitation, conference, workshop, or seminar.
B. At the beginning of each school year each teacher shall be credited with four (4) days to be used for the teacher's personal business at the teacher's discretion. A teacher may only use half (1/2) day or full day increments when scheduling personal days off. At least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice must be given to the building principal except in an emergency. No more than two (2) teachers per building shall be given personal leave on the same day. Personal leave days will not be approved for the day before or following a vacation period. Any unused personal business days, may accumulate as the teacher's sick leave at the end of each school year. During the months of April and May only one
(1) person per building will be allowed use of personal leave on Monday and Friday except in an emergency. A half day of school on the calendar is a half personal day.
C. A teacher called for jury duty or to give testimony before any judicial or administrative tribunal shall be compensated for the difference between the teaching pay and the pay received for the performance of such obligation. A teacher serving on a recognized public governing body for up to one (1) day per month shall be compensated for the difference between the teaching pay and the pay received for the performance of such obligation. Such service shall not be counted against personal business or sick leave if not in excess of the time indicated above. The faculty shall be allowed up to eighteen
PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. Teachers may be granted a leave of absence with pay for Administration approved visitation at other schools, or attending meetings or conferences of an educational nature. The number of teachers allowed to leave at any one time will be within the discretion of the Administration.
B. At the beginning of every school year each teacher shall be credited with five (5) days to be used at the teacher's discretion for the teacher's personal business. It is understood such leave shall not be granted for the first or last day of the school year. A limit of two (2) days may be used on the first working days preceding or following a vacation period. A teacher planning to use a personal leave day or days shall notify his/her principal in writing at least three (3) school days in advance, except in cases of emergency. Personal business days not used shall be credited on the teacher's accumulated sick leave. In transferring the left over personal business leave days to the sick leave accumulated, if any portion of one-half (.5) day is used, the teacher will not be credited for that one-half (.5) day. At least one-half (1/2) hour will be deducted for any use of personal business leave. The teacher shall be allowed to cancel his/her application for personal leave by 3:30 p.m. of the preceding day. No more than three people per building per day may be allowed on personal leave unless more are permitted by the superintendent.
C. Any teacher called for jury duty during the school hours or who is subpoenaed to testify during school hours in any judicial or administrative matter, or who shall be asked to testify in any arbitration or fact-finding shall be paid an amount equal to the difference between the teacher's daily salary and the daily jury duty fee paid by the court (not including travel allowances or reimbursement for expenses) for each day on which the teacher reports for or performs jury duty on which he/she would otherwise have been scheduled for work.
D. At the beginning of every school year, the Association shall be credited with ten (10) days to be used by teachers who are officers or agents of the Association. An additional five (5) days shall be granted the Association provided the Association shall reimburse the Xxxxxxx School District for the substitute teacher's pay. The Association agrees to notify the Board and building principal in writing no less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of taking such leave. Not more than three (3) teachers shall be all...
PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. With superintendent approval, any certified teacher may be released from duties and allowed up to two (2) days per year to attend bona fide related educational meetings, without loss of pay. The Board may pay for mileage, meals, lodging and fees. These days are not cumulative.
B. At the beginning of every school year each teacher shall be credited with three (3) non- accumulative days, to be used at his/her discretion for teacher’s personal business. It is understood that such days are primarily intended to be used by the teacher to conduct personal business which ordinarily could not be accomplished outside of the work day. Cognizant of community relationships, each teacher is encouraged to use sound judgment in the use of such days. It is further understood such leave shall not be granted for the first day or the last day of the school year, nor on the first working day preceding or following a vacation or holiday. Teachers may use only one of their personal days during the last twenty
PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. Any teacher whose personal illness requires absenteeism more than the allotted number of days specified in Article 4.2, Paragraph A, may at the Employer’s discretion, be granted a leave of absence without pay for a period of not more than one (1) year. Upon return from such leave the teacher shall be assigned to a teaching position within his/her area of certification by the Superintendent as provided under article 4.1.
PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. Any teacher whose personal illness requires absenteeism more than the allotted number of days specified in Article 4.2, Paragraph A, may at the Employer’s discretion, be granted a leave of absence without pay for a period of not more than one (1) year. All leaves shall terminate at the end of the semester or school year. Notification of intent to return shall be given to the Superintendent sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled end of such leave.
B. Leave of absence with pay chargeable against the teacher's allowance shall be granted for the following reasons:
1. For a critical illness in the immediate family (reference paragraph C-1).
2. When emergency illness in family requires a teacher to make arrangements for necessary medical or nursing care.
3. Attendance at a ceremony awarding a degree to the teacher for such portion of the day as is necessary.
4. When travel requires additional time, for attendance at the school graduation of a son, daughter, husband or wife.
5. Time necessary for attendance at the funeral service of a person whose relationship to the teacher warrants such attendance.
6. Teachers are allotted three (3) personal business days per year. Two (2) unused personal business days may be accumulated to be used in another school year. These personal business days are to be deducted from sick leave. Therefore, any personal business days not used and not rolled over into the next school year as personal business days shall be added back into the teacher’s accumulated sick leave. Forty-eight hours notice must be given except in cases of emergency. Such days cannot be used immediately before or after a scheduled holiday or vacation period except in cases of emergency or unless previously approved by the Superintendent at his/her sole discretion. No more than two (2) personal days may be used consecutively. Not more than four (4) employees shall take a personal business day on the same date except in emergency or unusual situations, and then only at the sole discretion of the Employer. If more than four (4) employees request a personal business day on the same date, the earliest four (4) applications shall receive priority consideration for approval.
C. Leave of absence with pay not chargeable against the teacher's allowance shall be granted for the following reasons:
1. A maximum of five (5) days per death in the immediate family. The immediate family would be defined as spouse, father, mother, sister, brother, children, step- parent/childre...
PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. At the beginning of every school year, each teacher shall be credited with four (4) days to be used for the teacher's personal business. A personal business day may be used at the discretion of the teacher. No more than three (3) teachers shall be permitted to take a personal business leave day on the same date except in emergency and/or unusual circumstances. A teacher planning to use a personal business day(s) shall notify his/her principal at least one (1) day in advance, except in cases of emergency. A personal leave day shall not be granted immediately before or after a holiday or vacation period, except in emergency and/or unusual circumstances on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the Employer. The teacher may be asked to explain the reason for any personal leave requested for a school day immediately before or after holidays and vacation periods. Otherwise, no explanation will be required. A teacher will be given confirmation on his/her personal business day within twenty-four (24) hours of the time it is requested.
B. No teacher will be granted personal leave during the last two (2) weeks of each semester except in cases of emergency, as determined by the Superintendent or in his/her absence, the Principal.
1. Request (when possible) should be submitted thirty (30) days before the scheduled event.
2. Attendance at a professional meeting must be approved by the administration. Entitlement to professional meeting attendance as set forth in this section is limited to employees of at least half-time status. Employees who work half-time, but less than full- time, shall receive reimbursement for attendance of state and national conferences in relation to time worked. The calculation of reimbursement shall be based on the average reimbursement of a state or national conference cost the preceding year and the percent of full-time employment (5 days or 40 hours). Administration may use its own discretion on an individual basis, in granting conference attendance to part-time employees.
3. Each person will be allowed to attend a minimum of one (1) state conference in this professional area per year. Reimbursement will include travel at the regularly approved mileage rate for approved vehicles, and reasonable cost of meals. Lodging, parking fees, and conference registration will be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts.
4. Eligibility to attend national, out-of-state conferences in one's professional area will be determined as follows:
PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL AND ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. Building principals, at their discretion, may send teachers to conferences and workshops. Such shall not be charged against the teacher's sick leave or personal leave days.