ORGANIZATION RIGHTS. A. Mail Boxes and Mail System
ORGANIZATION RIGHTS. A. There will be no reprisals of any kind taken against any unit member because of his/her membership in the Organization or participation in its activities.
B. The Organization will be provided with the names, addresses and telephone numbers (unless a teacher has specifically requested that his telephone number not be released) of all unit members within twenty-five (25) days of the opening of school each year.
C. There will be at least one (1) bulletin board reserved exclusively for Organization use.
D. The Organization President will be sent a copy of the official agenda prior to each Committee meeting and a copy of the minutes of said meetings within five days of their approval by the Committee.
E. The Organization may use school facilities and equipment for Organization business and may hold Organization meetings in school with the approval of the Superintendent-Director.
F. The Committee authorizes the use of inter-school mail including e-mail to distribute Organization material. The Organization's headquarters will be considered as a regular inter-school mail stop.
G. The Organization President shall not be assigned a duty. The Organization will be provided with an office and a telephone.
H. The Organization will be furnished with a mailbox for its use by the mailroom attendant.
ORGANIZATION RIGHTS. Teachers shall have the right to organize and to join and assist the Association and to participate in professional negotiations with the District through representatives of their own choosing.
ORGANIZATION RIGHTS. A. Neither the District nor the Association shall impose or threaten to impose reprisals on unit members, to discriminate or threaten to discriminate against unit members, or otherwise to interfere with, restrain, or coerce unit members because of their rights guaranteed by this agreement.
B. Association representatives shall have the right of access to areas in which unit members work so long as the representatives identify themselves as Association representatives and check-in with the supervisor or designee prior to entering the work area of unit members. The Association will be considerate of critical workload times in the work area being visited.
C. One-half of the bulletin boards including but not limited to, those identified below are designated for the use of employee organizations. Posting of notices thereon shall be the exclusive right of employee organizations. All other bulletin board space is for District purposes only and may not be used for employee organization materials. All items to be posted shall bear the date of posting and the name of the Association and shall be removed by the Association.
1. Bulletin board in the mailroom/switchboard area on all campuses.
2. Bulletin board in the Xxxxxxx Xxxx Staff Lounge (BONH Building).
3. Bulletin board on the southeast wall of M & O.
4. Bulletin board in the Student Services kitchen area.
5. Bulletin board in the Early Childhood Education Building.
D. The Association’s Executive Board with permission from the Association President shall be permitted the use of the District’s network services including, but not limited to, the Internet, Intranet and electronic mail services for the dissemination of Association business. The use of District network services shall not include dissemination of information urging the support or defeat of any ballot measure or candidate in compliance with California Education Code Section 7054.
E. It is understood that the District in no way restricts the right of the Association as far as its Association communications, communication distribution to the bargaining unit, and Association bargaining unit/chapter meetings.
F. Association communications placed in mailboxes shall bear the date of the communication and the name of the Association.
G. The Association shall pay for its own supplies.
H. The Association shall be permitted the use of facilities and is subject to the same regulations governing other users as specified in the District policy on the use of faciliti...
ORGANIZATION RIGHTS. 3-1 The Organization may use the District’s In-house mail (Fleet) and email system to communicate with members of the bargaining unit. The system shall not be used to distribute political campaign and/or defamatory materials.
3-2 The Employer agrees that the individual Employee will have full freedom of association, self- Organization, and the designation of representatives of their own choosing in negotiating terms and conditions of their employment, and that they will be free from interference, restraint or coercion by the Employer, or its agents, in the carrying out of said activities.
3-3 Union membership shall be at the sole discretion of the Employee.
3-4 In November of each year during the term of the contract, the Organization shall furnish the Employer, in writing, with the names of its current officers and business agents or representatives.
3-5 The Organization agrees that it will not place notices any place within the District properties, with exception of NCSD designated space for Organization bulletin boards. The NCSD shall provide distinct, reasonable, and equitable space with other bargaining unit locals for the posting of union notices.
3-6 Representatives of the Organization may conduct Organization business at the work sites before and after the work day. The conduct of such business shall be such as not to interfere with the individual Employee’s duties.
3-7 Upon one (1) week written notification from the Organization President to the immediate supervisor, a total of one hundred and sixty (160) hours inclusive may be granted to Organization members each year for the purpose of attending Organization meetings, conferences, delegate assemblies, trainings, and conventions. Two (2) day notice may be given for the use of this time for other unscheduled union business. Employees taking Organization Leave will be paid the difference between their hourly rate and the hourly rate of a substitute. Additional leave may be granted as Leave Without Pay. The Organization shall reimburse the District for the cost of a substitute Employee when individuals are granted leave without pay.
ORGANIZATION RIGHTS. 3.1 Employees have freedom of association, self-organization, designation of representatives, enjoy freedom from interference by the District in Organization activities.
3.2 Employees have full freedom in choosing to be a member, or non-member of the Organization.
3.3 The Organization may use school facilities by scheduling with the building administrator. Representative of the Organization may conduct Organization business at the work sites before and after the workday, during lunch periods and during authorized breaks. The conduct of such business shall be such as not to interfere with duties. Any additional cost for custodial service or other added cost will be borne by the Organization.
3.4 The District will prepare the Master Contract and provide copies for all employees annually.
3.5 The Organization may post items for employees inside staff-workrooms and lounges and in mailboxes, and District e-mail. Such items must identify the Organization as the sender. (Amended 1999)
3.6 The Organization and employees will not discuss Organization business with students, use students in any fashion for Organization business, political and/or organizational efforts.
3.7 The Organization will be allotted time, not to exceed thirty minutes, to address District staff at the organizational meeting held at the beginning of each school year.
3.8 Upon request, the District will provide the Organization information as required by law in a timely fashion. (added 6/28/07)
ORGANIZATION RIGHTS. 4.1 Official representatives of the Organization will be permitted access to City property to confer with City employees on matters of employer-employee relations, but such representatives shall not interfere with work in progress without agreement of Management.
4.2 The City will provide the Organization adequate bulletin board space on existing bulletin boards for the purpose of posting thereon matters relating to official Organization business.
4.3 The City and the Organization will not interfere with, intimidate, restrain, coerce or discriminate against any employee because of the employee’s membership or non-membership in the Organization or the employee’s activity on behalf of the Organization.
4.4 Any employee, at the employee’s request, shall be permitted representation by an Organization representative and/or Xxxxxxx. The foregoing shall apply to employee required participation in processes involving reprimands, investigations that can reasonably be expected to result in disciplinary actions and due process hearings, providing there is no unreasonable delay in obtaining representation.
4.5 Joint Organization-Management meetings shall be held twice each year or as often as agreed upon by the Organization and Management. The purpose of these meetings shall be to promote harmony and efficiency and to improve communications between employees and all levels of management. The meeting agenda shall be determined by those in attendance and there shall be no restrictions on the subject matter, provided the meetings shall not substitute for normal grievance procedures or for formal negotiations between the Parties. Those in attendance shall consist of the Organization’s Representative and such other Organization representatives as determined by the Organization; and the City’s Personnel Director and such other management personnel as determined by the City. The number of representatives of each party shall be limited to five (5), except by advance mutual agreement. The meetings shall be summarized in written minutes. Except that the provisions of this section shall be observed, the meetings shall be self-organizing.
4.6 Whenever any employee is absent from work as a result of a formal request by the Organization and is engaged in official Organization business, the City shall pay for all regular time absent and shall be reimbursed therefor by the Organization at the rate of one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the employee’s regular pay rate.
4.7 The City ag...
ORGANIZATION RIGHTS. CSEA shall have the right to represent the classified employees as defined in 3 Appendix A in their employment relations with the District.
ORGANIZATION RIGHTS. 3-1 The Organization may use the District’s mail system to communicate with members of the bargaining unit. The system shall not be used to distribute political campaign materials.
3-2 The Employer agrees that the individual Employee will have full freedom of association, self- Organization, and the designation of representatives of their own choosing in negotiating terms and conditions of their employment, and that they will be free from interference, restraint or coercion by the Employer, or its agents, in the carrying out of said activities.
3-3 Union membership shall be at the sole discretion of the Employee.
3-4 In November of each year during the term of the contract, the Organization shall furnish the Employer, in writing, with the names of its current officers and business agents or representatives.
3-5 The Organization agrees that it will not place notices any place within the District properties, with exception of designated bulletin boards.
3-6 Representatives of the Organization may conduct Organization business at the work sites before and after the work day. The conduct of such business shall be such as not to interfere with the individual Employee’s duties.
3-7 Upon one (1) week written notification from the Organization President to the immediate supervisor, a total of one hundred and sixty (160) hours inclusive may be granted Organization members each year for the purpose of attending Organization meetings, conferences, delegate assemblies, trainings, and conventions. Two (2) day notice may be given for the use of this time for other unscheduled union business. Employees taking Organization Leave will be paid the difference between their hourly rate and the hourly rate of a substitute. Additional leave may be granted as Leave Without Pay. The Organization shall reimburse the District for the cost of a substitute Employee when individuals are granted leave without pay.
ORGANIZATION RIGHTS. 3-1 To the extent required by law, the Board agrees to furnish to the Organization such information as the Organization requests. 3-2 Use of Facilities 3-2-1 The Organization and its representatives will be permitted to conduct Organization business on school property during non-work hours. The Organization may request and be granted use of space for meetings. District procedures for approval of use of space will be followed.
3-2 2 The Organization will have an identified support staff bulletin board at each school site in the District. The Organization can use the support staff bulletin boards to post meeting notices and other non-political, official Organization notices, provided such notices are signed by the Organization’s President. A date on which they will be removed shall appear on the notice. The Organization may utilize employee mailboxes to distribute signed, official Organization notices and correspondence, provided such use does not interfere with District use of the mail boxes. (Mod . 2001)