DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. Expedited Arbitration), except that the parties may use legal counsel during the arbitration. The parties will endeavour to select a third party with knowledge of the industry and its practices.
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. The purpose of the dispute resolution and grievance procedure is to create a problem solving process to address any questions regarding the interpretation, application, or alleged violation of any Article of this agreement. The intent is to focus on problem resolution at the level closest to the issue through open communication between the parties involved.
a) Dispute Resolution Step 1 - Seek information and/or clarification of the issue from the LINC representative within ten
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. 19.1 A Board of Review shall be established each year prior to the end of December. Three (3) representatives shall be named by each of the parties to this agreement and their names will be submitted to the Superintendent of Human Resources xxxxxxxx@xxxx000.xx. The committee shall mutually agree upon a Chairperson from within the committee.
19.1.1 The Board of Review shall set up its own procedures and will be responsible for dealing with and making recommendations on any matter related to the meaning, interpretation or application of any words, expressions or provisions contained in this agreement.
19.1.2 The Board, The Teachers, or any teacher, may make representation to the Board of Review on any matter related to the implementation or interpretation of any part of this agreement. The Board of Review shall make its recommendation in writing and copies shall be forwarded to the parties involved as well as to both parties to this agreement.
19.2 The chairperson shall have the right to vote on all questions.
19.3 The Board of Review will receive and consider appeals by teachers related to interpretations of the agreement.
19.4 Appeals are to be submitted in writing to the chairperson of the Board of Review.
19.5 The Board of Review shall report to the Board of Education through the Director of Education with respect to each appeal and may submit recommendations.
19.6 Reports shall be submitted within thirty (30) days of receipts of the appeal except that, in extenuating circumstances, the time may be extended.
19.7 In the event that the teacher is not satisfied with the decision of the board, in respect to this agreement or any administrative procedure, further action may be taken in accordance with, The Education Act. Section 256
19.8 If the aggrieved is still dissatisfied, the individual may within fifteen (15) days submit the grievance to arbitration as provided for in The Education Act, Sections 261-263
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. All disciplinary grievances shall be subject to the provisions of this Article. Should a member of the bargaining unit disagree with the content of a written reprimand, the Coroner shall allow said member to reduce to writing the disagreement and to have such writing attached to the written reprimand issued by the Coroner or the Coroner’s designee. Nothing shall prevent the Coroner from withdrawing or modifying the written reprimand based on the content of the said writing of the bargaining unit member. Oral reprimands shall not be subject to the Grievance Procedure.
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. In cases of written reprimands and all non‐disciplinary grievances, the provisions of this Article shall apply.
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. 6 Section 5.1: Definition of a Grievance 6 Section 5.2: Representation 6 Section 5.3: Procedure 6 Section 5.4: Time Limits 7 Section 5.5: Union Stewards 7 ARTICLE VI 8 HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME 8 Section 6.1: Application of Article 8 Section 6.2: Work Period and Shift Schedule 8 Section 6.3: Work Schedule and Changes in Work Schedule 8 Section 6.4: Overtime Pay 8 Section 6.5: Call-Outs 8 Section 6.6: Compensatory Time 9 Section 6.7: On-Call Procedure 9 Section 6.8: Required Overtime 10 Section 6.9: No Pyramiding 10 ARTICLE VII 11 VACATIONS 11 Section 7.1: Allowance and Accumulation 11 Section 7.2: Scheduling 11 Section 7.3: Obligation to Bargain 12 ARTICLE VIII 12 HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL LEAVE 12 Section 8.1: Holidays 12 Section 8.2: Holiday Pay 12 Section 8.3: Personal Leave 12 ARTICLE IX 13 SICK LEAVE 13 Section 9.1: Sick Leave 13 Section 9.2: Sick Leave Buyback 14 Section 9.3: Obligation to Bargain 15 ARTICLE X 16 LEAVE OF ABSENCE 16 Section 10.1: Bereavement Leave 16 Section 10.2: Military Leave 16 Section 10.3: Jury Duty 16 Section 10.4: Unpaid Leave 16 Section 10.5: Disability Leave 17 ARTICLE XI 17 SENIORITY 17 Section 11.1: Seniority Defined 17 Section 11.2: Termination of Seniority 17 Section 11.3: Probationary Employees 17 ARTICLE XII 19 LAYOFF 19 Section 12.1: Layoff Procedure 19 Section 12.2: Recall 19 ARTICLE XIII 20 LABOR-MANAGEMENT MEETINGS 20 Section 13.1: Labor-Management Meetings 20 Section 13.2: Meetings Exclusive of Grievance Process 20 Section 13.3: Attendance at Labor/Management Meetings 20 ARTICLE XIV 21 PROTECTIVE GEAR AND UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 21 Section 14.1: Clothing Allowance 21 Section 14.2: Protective Gear 21 Section 14.3: Replacement of Personal Property 21 Section 14.4: Tool Allowance 21 ARTICLE XV 22 INSURANCE 22 Section 15.1: Health, Dental and Life Insurance 22 Section 15.2: Opt-out Benefit 22 Section 15.3: Retiree Medical Savings Plan 23 ARTICLE XVI 24 WAGES 24 Section 16.1: Wages 24 Section 16.2: Pay Progression 24 ARTICLE XVII 24 TUITION/TRAINING/LICENSE/CERTIFICATION REIMBURSEMENT 24 ARTICLE XVIII 25 FILLING OF VACANCIES 25 Section 18.1: Posting 25 Section 18.2: Filling of Vacancies 25 ARTICLE XIX 25 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES 25 Section 19.1: Employee Discipline 25 Section 19.2: Right To Representation 26 ARTICLE XX 26 SAFETY 26 ARTICLE XXI 26 SUBCONTRACTING 26 Section 21.1: General Policy 26 Section 21.2: Notice and Negotiate 26 ARTICLE XXII 26 NON-DISCRIMINATION 26 Section 22.1: Prohibition Against Discrimination 26 Sectio...
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. The parties agree to observe the following procedures to avoid and resolve employment-related grievances and disputes and to avoid and resolve any grievances and disputes concerning the implementation of this agreement. The parties acknowledge that observance of the procedure would avoid the need to resort to industrial action.
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. 10.01 A grievance shall be defined as any difference arising out of interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of this Collective Agreement.
10.02 A grievance may be one of the following categories:
(a) Individual grievance: A grievance affecting an individual employee. (b)
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. Purpose The parties agree that the purpose of the dispute resolution and grievance procedure is to: a) Achieve timely, fair and equitable resolutions to disputes and differences, ideally informally and closest to the individuals involved. b) Encourage open, face-to-face dialogue between the persons affected by a dispute or difference. c) Contribute to and support a positive, harmonious work environment. d) Recognize and respect the roles, interests and accountabilities of all involved. e) Minimize the time and costs involved in resolving disputes. f) Achieve solutions that are consistent with the terms of this collective agreement. ** 11.02 Definitions A dispute is any problem, disagreement or difference involving employees, representatives of the Edmonton Police Service, or Senior Officers Association representatives. A grievance shall be defined as any difference related to the application, interpretation, administration, operation or alleged contravention of the collective agreement and may be filed by either party to this collective agreement. A grievance shall be categorized as follows: a) An individual grievance is a dispute affecting one (1) employee. b) A group grievance is a dispute affecting two (2) or more employees. c) A policy grievance is a dispute relating to a general policy, practice or application of the collective agreement and due to its nature is not properly the subject of an individual or group grievance. ** 11.03 Communication a) Any notice or advice which the Association is required to give to the Employer in respect of any matter referred to herein shall be sufficient if delivered to the Superintendent/Executive Director, Human Resources Division. b) Any notice or advice which the Employer is required to give the Association in respect of any matter referred to herein shall be sufficient if delivered to the President or Vice-President of the Association or to an alternate person specified in writing in advance by the Association or if sent by registered mail.