Review of Position Descriptions Sample Clauses
Review of Position Descriptions. At the time the performance evaluation is administered, upon request by the employee, the employee’s position description will be reviewed, and if deemed appropriate by the supervisor, will be revised to assure that expectations, goals, and job duties align with the position description. If the employee’s job duties significantly change prior to the employee’s next performance evaluation, a review of the position description may be requested by the employee or the employee’s supervisor through the Human Resources Office.
Review of Position Descriptions. 28 The Union President and Superintendent will meet at least annually to identify any job 29 description needing review and will determine a process for such review. 33 A R T I C L E X I V 34 35 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 36 Section 14.1. 37 Employees required by the District to take professional development courses shall receive salary and 38 reimbursement for expenses upon satisfactory completion of those courses in accordance with District 39 Travel Policy.
Review of Position Descriptions. This position description will be reviewed annually (July each year), during annual appraisals, when the position becomes vacant or as deemed necessary. Code of Conduct Employees are expected to, at all times: • Adhere to the Gateway Health Code of Conduct including the Child Safe Procedures • Maintain a high professional standard and work with integrity • Develop collaborative working relationships • Communicate with respect and tolerance • Maintain a client focus • Adopt a Continuous Improvement approach • Work within legislative and compliance framework.
Review of Position Descriptions. This position description will be reviewed annually, during annual appraisals, when the position becomes vacant, or as deemed necessary. Code of Conduct Employees are expected to, at all times: • Adhere to the Gateway Health Code of Conduct including the Child Safe Procedures • Maintain a high professional standard and work with integrity • Develop collaborative working relationships • Communicate with respect and tolerance • Maintain a client focus • Adopt a Continuous Improvement approach • Work within legislative and compliance framework. • Lead and manage the Health Information Team, ensuring best practice in client health information management principles and standards. • As a member of the Senior Management Team, contribute to overall business planning, implementation and monitoring of performance against the organisation’s strategic plan and service plan. • Provide expert advice to the Chief Executive Officer and Executive team on strategic and operational client information management requirements. • Develop, monitor and review all relevant policies and procedures within timelines. • Ensure effective control of inherent and residual risk in the areas of your responsibility. Information management • Lead the design and development of an integrated Client Information Management Framework including systems and processes for: o Secure client information transfer and multi-agency information sharing schemes; o Management of client health records, related forms and documents in line with statutory and regulatory requirements; including effective procedures for filing, storage, retrieval, and disposal and destruction of client information. o Electronic health record development, including My Health Record; o Introduction of a Patient Master Index/Client Administration System that provides a single unique identifier for each client that remains constant no matter which service or services they receive from Gateway Health and no matter which data collection system is used by that service or services. • Contribute to the design and development of Gateway Health’s outcomes reporting framework; generate and analyse indicator and trend reports on service use and client demographic profiles in keeping with this framework. • Lead implementation of Gateway Health’s Privacy Plan, undertaking the role of the Privacy Officer for the organisation. • Maintain effective processes to manage and monitor client information requests, Freedom of Information requests and subp...
Review of Position Descriptions. This position description will be reviewed annually (July each year), during annual appraisals, when the position becomes vacant or as deemed necessary. Code of Conduct Employees are expected to, at all times: • Adhere to the Gateway Health Code of Conduct including the Child Safe Procedures • Maintain a high professional standard and work with integrity • Develop collaborative working relationships • Communicate with respect and tolerance • Maintain a client focus • Adopt a Continuous Improvement approach • Work within legislative and compliance framework. • Role model high standards of professional practice and conduct in client service delivery, working in partnership with colleagues and agencies. • Funding and Service Agreements Targets are met to ensure clients are exited from the program appropriately and timely. • Coordinate and ensure Nursing Services within the Rural Health Team are evidence-informed and in line with professional and funding requirements and are of the highest quality. • Coordinate and ensure high-quality clinical documentation within agreed time frames and in accordance with GH and relevant professional body policies and procedures for the Nursing services. • Coordinate and ensure all program and service specific administrative tasks are completed within the required time frames. • Coordinate and ensure nursing staff enter data into designated service databases • Coordinate and ensure databases are kept up to date at all times by the nursing staff • Coordinate and ensure timely and accurate commencement and maintenance of client records, financial and statistical data and any other information per organisational policy • Lead and participation in and facilitation of regular performance reviews and appraisals within the team • Competently use all relevant organisational databases – including but not limited to VHIMS, RelainSys, clinical software, financial software • Active participation in Professional Development • Coordinate and facilitate access to appropriate and timely clinical supervision for Rural Health Team Nursing Services • Completion of Mandatory training by all team member • Coordinate processes within the team to ensure data entered and invoices raised (where appropriate) are processed within funding / program deadlines • Provide a deep understanding and level of knowledge regarding funding models and targets that are relevant to nursing services within the Rural Health Team • In liaison with the Rural Health Team P...
Review of Position Descriptions. A. All employees shall be provided with an accurate description of their job upon request.
B. UNION REVIEW PROCESS - The classification of positions within the Xxxxx County JFS, the duties assigned to those positions, and the method used for classification are vested with Management. When a new job classification is established or an existing one is substantially changed, the HR Department will submit the description in writing to the Union at least 15 days prior to implementation of those changes and meet with the union to discuss said changes if requested by the Union. If there is no response from the Union within 15 days, the Employer may implement its proposed classification assignment, and the Union may grieve this decision starting at the County Commissioners level as to the reasonableness of the position description. Whenever a new classification/position is created, it shall be posted with the exception of if the classification change is a result of a job audit. Whenever the position held by a bargaining unit employee is reclassified as a result of a job audit, and there is agreement between the Union and Management as to the appropriate classification and pay range, the effective date of the new pay and classification shall be the pay period in which the Director signs the revised position description. Whenever the position held by a bargaining unit employee is reclassified as a result of a grievance decision, the effective date of the new pay and classification shall be the date the grievance was filed.
Review of Position Descriptions. This position description will be reviewed annually (July each year), during annual appraisals, when the position becomes vacant or as deemed necessary. Code of Conduct Employees are expected to, at all times: • Adhere to the Gateway Health Code of Conduct including the Child Safe Procedures • Maintain a high professional standard and work with integrity • Develop collaborative working relationships • Communicate with respect and tolerance • Maintain a client focus • Adopt a Continuous Improvement approach • Work within legislative and compliance framework. • Direct and control all elements of construction of 00 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx. • Work with external contractors to ensure the construction project is completed within timeframe and on budget. • Report to facilities master planning project control group monthly on project progress. • Participation and facilitation of regular performance reviews and appraisals • Competently use all relevant organisational databases – including but not limited to VHIMS, RelainSys, clinical software, financial software • Active participation in Professional Development • Completion of Mandatory training • Management of project budget in conjunction with CFO. • Invoices processed within project timeframes. • Ensure effective control of inherent and residual risk in the areas of your responsibility • Provide leadership by demonstrating commitment to the importance of effective Risk Management • Modelling behaviours and attitudes which support a positive risk culture in your team / program and the organisation • Develop and maintain professional relationships with internal and external stakeholders. • Contribute to productive and positive team meetings. • Positively contribute to the culture and spirit of the FIT team, work environment and to GH. • Your behaviour is congruent with organisational values, behaviours and goals • Contribute to the development of procedures and systems within this program • Positively embrace and adopt change as it occurs. • Willingness to engage in a flexible work model that may require significant out of hours work and travel. • Understanding of the building code of Australia (BCA) • Understanding of the occupational health and safety act 2004. • Contract management knowledge. • Understanding of local Government obligations and requirements. • As outlined in the Code of Conduct ensure all interactions are undertaken in accordance with the behaviours set • Maintain privacy and confidentiality ...
Review of Position Descriptions. The Agency may review the accuracy of a position description at any time. Upon request by the employee, the employee and the supervisor shall review the employee's position description. Employees who believe that they are performing duties outside the scope of their position description, or that their position description is otherwise inaccurate, may submit to their supervisors a written request that their position descriptions be reviewed. The written request should explain why the employee believes the position description is inaccurate or specify the duties the employee is performing that are not reflected in the position description. After reviewing the employee's job duties and position description, the Agency shall issue a written decision within 30 days of the employee's request, stating whether the Agency believes that the position description is accurate. If the Agency determines that the employee's position description is not accurate, it shall revise the position description in accordance with Sections 4 and 5(b) of this Article. An employee may designate the Union as the employee’s representative in a position description review and appeal. If the Agency elects to permanently reassign the employee’s work as a result of a position description review, the Agency shall notify the Union President and bargain to the extent required.
Review of Position Descriptions. The Agency shall ensure that every employee has a position description that accurately reflects the employee's title, series, grade, and the major duties performed by the employee. Upon request by the employee, the employee and the supervisor shall review the employee's position description. The Agency may review the accuracy of a position description at any time. Employees who believe that they are performing duties outside the scope of their position description, or that their position description is otherwise inaccurate, may submit to their supervisors a written request that their position descriptions be reviewed. The written request should explain why the employee believes the position description is inaccurate, or specify the duties the employee is performing that are not reflected in the position description. After reviewing the employee's job duties and position description, the Agency shall issue a written decision within 30 days of the employee's request, stating whether the Agency believes that the position description is accurate. If the Agency determines that the employee's position description is not accurate, it shall revise the position description in accordance with Section 4.
Review of Position Descriptions. This position description will be reviewed annually (July each year), during annual appraisals, when the position becomes vacant or as deemed necessary. Code of Conduct Employees are expected to, at all times: • Adhere to the Gateway Health Code of Conduct including the Child Safe Procedures • Maintain a high professional standard and work with integrity • Develop collaborative working relationships • Communicate with respect and tolerance • Maintain a client focus • Adopt a Continuous Improvement approach • Work within legislative and compliance framework. • Guided by the CHSP Manual work with Community Aged Care service providers to understand and embed wellness and reablement and restorative care approaches in their policies, procedures, and practices • Role model high standards of professional practice and conduct in client centred service delivery, community aged care programs working in partnership with colleagues and agencies. • Exhibit a flexible and adaptive mindset to enable responses to possible changes identified by the National Aged Care Reforms and as changes are implemented in the CHSP funding environment. • Act as a key liaison for the dissemination and promotion of relevant resources and updates and follow up with DoH on issues raised. • Develop and promote wellness and reablement practice through collaborative partnerships such as relevant meetings, networks, and alliances. • Facilitate communication among providers; identify/share good practices and strengthen client pathways at a local, regional, and broad aged care level. • Support the continued implementation of the Reablement project plan with Assessment services. • Support CHSP service providers, including supporting providers to connect with assessment services and other service providers as part of reablement approaches. • Undertake other related work as negotiated. • Provide a deep understanding and level of knowledge regarding CHSP funding and targets.