GENERAL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. 13.1 As the Board is a fair and equal opportunity employer, marital status, race, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin or number of years teaching experience shall not be made a condition of employment. The Board and the Superintendent shall continue to implement and review their Affirmative Action Program designed to prohibit discriminatory practices, provide encouragement for applications from minority groups and women, and maintain the principle of employing a competent staff member to fill each vacancy. The Association will be advised of any proposed changes in the Affirmative Action Program and through the personnel office may make suggestions for improving the plan.
13.2 The Board may require a physical and/or psychiatric examination by a physician and/or psychiatrist licensed in Florida when, in its judgment, such an examination is relevant to teaching performance or employment status. The selection of the physician and/or psychiatrist shall be made by the teacher involved from a current list of three practicing physicians and/or psychiatrists named by the Board and the Board shall pay all costs incurred in the examination. Physical examination forms shall be available from the personnel office.
13.3 Teachers shall self-report within 48 hours to the Director of Employee Relations/Designee any arrest/charges involving the abuse of a child or the sale and/or possession of a controlled substance. Such notice shall not be considered an admission of guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceeding, civil or criminal, administrative or judicial, investigatory or adjudicatory. In addition, teachers shall self-report any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion program, or entering of a plea of guilty or Nolo Contendere for any criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation within 48 hours after the final judgment. When handling sealed and expunged records disclosed under this rule, school districts shall comply with the confidentiality provisions of Florida Statutes.
13.4 Any teacher employed to fill a temporary vacancy (more than fifty (50) days) must hold at least a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution and be working toward providing documentation to satisfy subject matter competency. Such teachers shall be placed at the appropriate step of the regular teachers' salary schedule, shall receive written notice of the requirements to be met to continue Dis...
GENERAL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. 8.1 It is the policy of the School Board of Bay County to employ and retain as employees those citizens best qualified to fulfill the needs of the public in its operation without regard to race, color, religion, national origin and/or sex.
8.2 Substitutes will be furnished for teachers who are regularly employed and teach a daily scheduled class who must be absent on regular student school days. Teachers who must be absent for emergencies of less than one hour will not have their absence charged to leave provided the absence does not occur while the teacher is directly responsible for students and further provided that the teacher arranges with the principal to make up the time missed. Teachers will be required to use the District’s automated phone- computer system (AESOP) to secure substitutes. Unless there is an emergency teachers should enter their need for a substitute into the system at least one work day in advance of their absence. After entering an absence into the AESOP system, a teacher has no further responsibility for securing a substitute teacher.
8.3 Instructional personnel with no leave available for their use will be assessed/docked their daily rate of pay for each day of absence without leave.
8.4 Assignments for any evening school or other program of the school district beyond the normal school day or year shall be made with first consideration being given to those meeting the certification requirements and having current experience in the subject and/or grade to be taught. All such vacancies will be posted within the school where the opening occurs and on the district website at least five (5) work days prior to filling such vacancy.
8.5 All employees may be required to provide evidence of fitness to perform duties assigned and freedom from communicable disease. Such evidence shall be limited to a statement from a licensed physician of the employee's fitness. The Board may require an examination when, in its judgment, such an examination is relevant to an employee's performance or status. The examining physician will be selected by the teacher from a list of three (3) physicians provided by the Board and the cost of that specific examination will be paid for by the Board. However, if the nature of the concern is considered psychological, the teacher shall select from a list of three (3) psychiatrists.
8.6 Teachers' tentative schedules shall be available ten (10) calendar days before the first semester/session. Notices will be available o...
GENERAL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. 13.1 As the Board is a fair and equal opportunity employer, marital status, race, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin or number of years teaching experience shall not be made a condition of employment. The Board and the Superintendent shall continue to implement and review their Affirmative Action Program designed to prohibit discriminatory practices, provide encouragement for applications from minority groups and women, and maintain the principle of employing a competent staff member to fill each vacancy. The Association will be advised of any proposed changes in the Affirmative Action Program and through the personnel office may make suggestions for improving the plan.
13.2 Teachers shall self-report within 48 hours to the Director of Labor and Employee Relations/Designee any arrest/charges involving the abuse of a child or the sale and/or possession of a controlled substance. Such notice shall not be considered an admission of guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceeding, civil or criminal, administrative or judicial, investigatory or adjudicatory. In addition, teachers shall self-report any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion program, or entering of a plea of guilty or Nolo Contendere for any criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation within 48 hours after the final judgment. When handling sealed and expunged records disclosed under this rule, School Districts shall comply with the confidentiality provisions of Florida Statutes.
13.3 Teachers holding a non-renewable Temporary Certificate issued by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) will be placed on the Performance Salary Schedule pursuant to Article 22.2 of this agreement, if their targeted certification coverage is acceptable for their teaching assignment.
GENERAL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. 6.1 It is the policy of the School Board of Bay County to employ and retain as employees those best qualified to fulfill the needs of the public without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex and/or age. Employees will be entitled to mutual respect. They will treat other employees, students and the general public with respect, courtesy, and professionalism.
6.2 All new employees are required to provide evidence of physical fitness to perform duties assigned and freedom from communicable disease. The Board may require a subsequent examination when, in its judgment, such an examination is relevant to an employee's performance or status. The examining physician will be selected by the Board and cost of that specific examination will be paid for by the Board.
6.3 The personal life of an employee is not an appropriate concern of the Board except as it may directly affect the employee's performance of properly assigned functions.
6.4 Substitutes will not be used to fill vacancies for more than twelve
GENERAL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. A. Marital status, race, creed, religion, sex, disability, or national origin shall not be made a condition of employment.
GENERAL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. 10.01 A substitute, if available, shall be employed in the event the regular Teacher is unable to perform his or her assigned duties for one half day or more. Only in an emergency situation shall a Teacher be requested to substitute in the absence of another Teacher. Teachers will be asked to substitute from a pre-determined list of volunteers. Any other such substitutions from non-volunteer teachers will be limited to one day per grading period. Any teacher may be assigned as a classroom substitute for emergency purposes only, and only after all other remedies have been exhausted. A secondary teacher assigned to substitute will have a 30 minute extended day, and will be compensated at the teacher’s regular hourly rate. Elementary Teachers who experience an increase in their normal workload by accepting a portion of the students assigned to an absent Teacher in order to cover a class when no substitute is available shall have their pay increased by $25.00. The class will be divided as equally as possible among no more than four Teachers.
10.02 Upon written request Teachers who apply will be afforded the opportunity to conduct professional development workshops in order to help meet Xxxxxx Teacher Evaluation System qualifications.
10.03 Lead teacher positions shall be rotated annually between qualified applicants. Qualifications include at least the following: Completed three (3) years in the district at the time of application; Completed Clinical Education training. Be a member of the team/department for the position applied for; and have an evaluation rating of at least effective for the past year. If no qualified applicant applies the principal may open up the position to the other grade level/department employees. The principal at each site shall advertise to all teachers, within the site, during the first two (2) weeks in April. After the application window closes, the principal will interview and select the candidate to recommend to the Superintendent for nomination to the Board for the first Board meeting in May for action. All principals shall notify all applicants in writing as to their decision for recommendation by April 30th of each year. Lead Teacher positions will be rotated if possible, to allow for the development of more teacher-leaders at school sites. All applicants must meet the requirements and timelines of the process and the position as set forth by the school site administrator and the program. Lead Teacher applicants must apply annu...
GENERAL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. 3.4.1. COMPLAINTS: Any complaint(s) regarding an EMPLOYEE by students, parents, coworkers, or members of the general public shall be discussed with the EMPLOYEE by a SUPERVISOR having authority over the EMPLOYEE. Reasonable attempts shall be made to investigate all such complaints, including the questioning of possible witnesses. Unsubstantiated complaints shall not be used for discipline. Only records of substantiated complaints will be filed in the EMPLOYEE's personnel file.
GENERAL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. A. Any required physical examinations must be provided for by the Board or may be obtained by a physician of the teacher's choice at the teacher's expense.
B. Assignments for any summer school, evening school, or other programs of the school district beyond the normal school day shall be rotated among the teachers who both qualify and apply.
C. Any Teacher employed to fill a vacancy that occurs during the school year that shall extend through the end of the school year or when a teacher is on extended leave without pay, shall be fully certified, unless such person is not available. Such teacher shall be placed at the appropriate step of the regular teacher's salary schedule, and should not be paid from the substitute funds.
GENERAL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES. Teachers shall be mailed written notice of their class schedule at least ten (10) working days prior to the first (1st) working day for teachers. Schedules may be changed to meet the needs of students in case of an unforeseen situation that might occur after notifications of their schedule.