Corrective Action and Records Sample Clauses

Corrective Action and Records. No bargaining unit member shall be removed, reduced in pay or position, suspended or reprimanded except for just cause. The City agrees to follow the principle of progressive corrective action. The Chief of Police may skip any step(s) of progressive action if the violations are of a very serious nature. Further, the City agrees to fairly and equitably discipline members.
Corrective Action and Records. The Sheriff or his designee may file charges and administer discipline. A. The Sheriff (or staff officers) will not discipline a non-probationary employee without just cause. The principles of progressive discipline below will be followed. The Sheriff may determine that higher levels of discipline are required at times. However, any discipline issued is subject to review in the Grievance Procedure. 1. Verbal counseling will be defined as “an exchange between the supervisor and an employee where the intent is to give adequate notice to any employee whose actions are improper and/or inadequate so that the employee may improve his or her performance to acceptable standards.” Verbal counseling will not be considered discipline and does not implicate Sections 7(A), (B), and/or (E). The failure of an immediate supervisor to issue appropriate disciplinary action shall not preclude any higher supervisory authority from initiating a timely investigation and issuing appropriate discipline. 2. A minor reprimand is a written order stating that an employee’s behavior or job performance is unacceptable or unsatisfactory. Unacceptable behavior or job performance may result in corrective action being taken. Upon request of the bargaining unit member, minor reprimands will be removed from the employee’s file one (1) year from the date of receipt provided that no further discipline of the same or similar nature is imposed within the retention period. 3. A formal reprimand is a written statement to an employee outlining his unacceptable or unsatisfactory behavior or job performance and noting that as a matter of discipline his activity is being documented for future employer evaluations of him. If a supervisor initiates discipline and reasonably believes no discipline greater than a formal reprimand may result, Section 7(E) shall not apply and discipline may be issued without opening a formal investigation. Upon request of the bargaining unit member, formal reprimands will be removed from the employee’s file after two (2) years providing that no further discipline of the same or similar nature is imposed within the retention period. 4. A suspension is a written statement to an employee outlining his unacceptable or unsatisfactory behavior or job performance and ordering him to suspend his work performance for a specified number of work days without pay. A suspended employee may use comp time, holiday time, vacation or personal days in lieu of suspension time being taken with...
Corrective Action and Records. Section 1. Just cause Except as provided in the probationary period article of this agreement, no Association member shall be removed, reduced in pay or position, suspended, or reprimanded except for just cause.
Corrective Action and Records. 14 Section 11.1. Corrective Action for Cause 14 Section 11.2. Progressive Corrective Action 14 Section 11.3. Actions of Record 15 Section 11.4. Chief’s Hearing 15 Section 11.5. Safety Director's Hearing 16 Section 11.6. Appeals 16 Section 11.7. Due Process Requirements 17 Section 11.8. Duration of Records 18 Section 11.9. Review of Personnel Files 19 Section 11.10. Inaccurate Documents 19 Section 11.11. Performance Evaluations 19 Section 11.12. Placement of Material in Personnel File 19 Section 11.13. Personnel Files 20 Section 11.14. Divisional Board of Review 20 ARTICLE 12 WORK RULES AND DIRECTIVES 21 Section 12.1. Work Rules and Directives 21 ARTICLE 13 LABOR RELATIONS MEETINGS 21 Section 13.1. Philosophy 21 Section 13.2. Commitments 21 Section 13.3. Structure 22 Section 13.4 Meetings 22 Section 13.5 Identification of Representatives 22 ARTICLE 14 PROMOTIONS 22 Section 14.1. State Law Applicable 23 Section 14.2. Promotional Examinations 23 Section 14.3. Conduct of Promotional Exams and Appointments 23 Section 14.4. Content of Promotional Examinations 23 ARTICLE 15 POLITICAL ACTIVITY 23 Section 15.1. Political Activity 24 ARTICLE 16 LAYOFFS/JOB ABOLISHMENT 24 Section 16.1. Layoffs 24 Section 16.2. Job Abolishment 24 Section 16.3. Notice of Action 24 Section 16.4. Appeals 25 Section 16.5. Reinstatement 25 ARTICLE 17 MISCELLANEOUS 25 Section 17.1. Safety 25 Section 17.2. Agreement Copies 25 Section 17.3. Personal Mail 25 Section 17.4. Personal Storage 25 Section 17.5. Outside Employment Prohibitions 26 Section 17.6. Orientation Session 26 Section 17.7. Bi-Annual Meetings 26 ARTICLE 18 WAGES 26 Section 18.1. Wage Schedule 26 Section 18.2. Wage Steps - Police Officers 28 Section 18.3. Xxxx Xxxxx - Sergeant, Lieutenant 29 Section 18.4. New Rank or Position 29 Section 18.5. Promotion 29 Section 18.6. Reduction in Rank 29 Section 18.7. Reemployment 29 Section 18.8. Work Schedule 29 Section 18.9. Job Assignments 30 Section 18.10. Pay Periods 30 Section 18.11. Working Out of Rank 31 ARTICLE 19 UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT 31 Section 19.1. Uniforms and Equipment 31 Section 19.2. Civilian Clothing 31 Section 19.3. Dry Cleaning 32 Section 19.4. Personal Property 32 Section 19.5. Ownership 33 Section 19.6. Standard Issue Uniforms and Equipment 33 Section 19.7. Review Committee 34 ARTICLE 20 INSURANCE 34 Section 20.1. Employee Insurance 34 Section 20.2. Changes to Insurance Plans 34 Section 20.3. Life Insurance 35
Corrective Action and Records. 13 Section 11.1. Corrective Action for Cause 13 Section 11.2. Progressive Corrective Action 13 Section 11.3. Counseling and Training 13 Section 11.4. General Disciplinary Provisions 14 Section 11.5. Departmental Hearings 14 Section 11.6. Duration of Records 14 Section 11.7. Review of Personnel Files 15 Section 11.8. Inaccurate Documents 16 Section 11.9. Performance Evaluations 16 Section 11.10. Placement of Material in Personnel File 16
Corrective Action and Records. Dismissal or Termination However, the forms of discipline listed above do not necessarily represent a systematic order to be followed in all instances and more severe corrective action may be imposed at any point if the infraction or violation merits more severe action. The University, at its discretion, is also free to impose less severe corrective actions in situations which so warrant. Any officer who has received the corrective action of suspension or discharge will be given a written statement describing the reason or reasons for which the officer was suspended or discharged. In the case of corrective action suspension, the officer will be informed of the duration of the suspension. The officer receiving the corrective action of suspension and/or discharge shall be notified of same in writing and upon the officer’s request, a copy shall be provided to the local Union representative and/or the Labor Council staff representative.
Corrective Action and Records officer will reciprocate with disclosure of any witnesses, materials or exhibits that will be used during the pre-disciplinary no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the pre-disciplinary conference. Either party may be granted a three (3) working day continuance or any other mutually agreed to time. For the purposes of this Article, working days are defined as Monday through Friday and excluding holidays.
Corrective Action and Records. Section 10.1. No bargaining unit member shall be removed, reduced in pay or position, suspended, reprimanded, or otherwise disciplined except for just cause. Section 10.2. The City agrees to follow the principle of progressive corrective action, except in instances wherein the employee is found guilty of serious misconduct. Further, the City agrees to fairly and equitably discipline members. Forms of disciplinary action which may be assessed for the same or similar infractions include: 1. Verbal warning/counseling (time and date recorded); 2. Written reprimand; 3. Suspension Without Pay (Forfeiture of Vacation or Compensatory Time in lieu of Suspension without Pay may be mutually agreed upon by the employee and employer for suspensions three (3) days or less without pay);
Corrective Action and Records. Section 14.1 When an inquiry concerning an employee occurs wherein corrective action of record (written reprimand, suspension, reduction, or dismissal) may result, the employee shall be advised that such an investigation is in progress, and at the conclusion of such an investigation, be advised in writing of its result. All employees have the right to legal counsel/representation. Upon written request to the Chief of Police, all employees shall be allowed to review any part of or all of their individual personnel file, including the availability of copies of any such entries, with such request remaining a part of that file. Such review shall be made in the presence of the Chief of Police or his designate. Unsubstantiated complaints or unfounded allegations will be removed and/or not placed in the employees personnel file. Performance evaluations shall take the form and be made in such a manner as prescribed by the Chief of Police. Employees shall receive a copy of each such performance evaluation, in final form, when they become available. The signing of such a performance evaluation by an employee indicates only that he/she has reviewed the evaluation and not that he/she agrees or disagrees with its contents. In assessing prior levels of discipline, the Employer will take into account the length of time since any previous offenses have occurred. Records of Counseling (written record) and/or Verbal Admonishment (written record), Written Reprimand, and Loss of Vacation Time will not be used as a basis for further discipline two (2) years or more after issuance. Suspension Without Pay less than five (5) days, providing there are no intervening disciplinary actions taking during the time period, will not be used as a basis for further discipline two (2) years or more after issuance. Suspensions without Pay of five (5) or more and/or Reduction in Pay or Position will not be used for further discipline three (3) years or more after issuance, providing there are no intervening disciplinary actions taken during the time period. Section 14.2 An employee shall have the right to permanently attach a written position statement to any document in his/her personnel file.