Collective Sample Clauses

CollectiveNotwithstanding the foregoing, when the plant shuts down production completely (for example, because of lack of work, etc.), employees will be laid off and recalled as their jobs finish and restart up to a limit of three working days. At each layoff or recall, certain qualified employees in classification groups and whose services are required, may be retained or recalled to service out of seniority. An employee with seniority may, upon written notification to the Company, volunteer to be temporarily laid off (90 days or less) in place of junior employees. The Company and the Union may agree to apply the concept of inverse seniority on layoffs. Upon such agreement, the Company will honour the requests of senior employees to be laid off provided the Company determines that the granting of such requests will not impair its ability to maintain the skills and abilities to perform the work to be undertaken during the period of the temporary The granting of such requests shall not give rise to claims that the Company contravened any seniority rights of employees under this Agreement. The Company has the exclusive right to place active employees, in line with the skill and ability required to perform the necessary work, on jobs vacated by senior employees who volunteer for temporary In some cases, efficiency needs may not make it possible for the Company to grant volunteer layoff requests. The Company has the exclusive right to recall employees from temporary layoff at anytime during the term of the layoff. In the event new jobs are created or vacancies occur in Work Group the Company will post the new jobs or vacancies for a period of three working days or hours before new employees are hired, in order to allow employees with seniority to apply in writing. The Company will advise applicants in writing as to the disposition of their applications. In the event new jobs are created or vacancies occur in Work Groups and the Company will post the new jobs or vacancies for a period of three working days or hours before the new job or vacancy is filled in order to allow employees with seniority to apply in writing. The Company will advise applicants in writing as to the disposition of their applications. In Work Group the most senior applicant with the necessary adaptability, capability, and qualifications specific to the job shall be awarded the job. The Company must select one of the applicants for the job prior to filling the vacancy with a new hire. Where there is ...
Collective. Issues National - Code CIN This will include duties such as;  Conducting collective bargaining. Pay negotiations. Consultation on policy changes or terms and conditions affecting the employment framework for the whole workforce or sections of it. This work will involve changes to the existing employment framework typically initiated by the employer. Examples;  Negotiating annual pay deals. Discussions regarding SPS Employment Policies such as Parental Leave. Grievance Policy & Procedure etc. Employee structures, commissioning new and refurbishing existing establishments. Workforce planning. It does not cover individual cases which should be recorded under employee casework.
Collective employees shall be eligible to be paid overtime rates in accordance with the overtime provisions of the Collective Agreement. employees shall only be paid for the peri- ods for which they work. employees may not work if seniority employees are on layoff. Except for the period to fill-in for vacations, holidays and short term Union leaves when acting as replacement workers with the agreement of the union. employees will be limited in number to that of the seniority employees absent from work unless mutually agreed to between the Company and the Union. employees shall be the first employees to be sent home if a work shortage occurs. employees shall be subject to the same conditions of employment as probationary em- ployees, save and except the seniority provi- sions, grievance procedures, social security and wage provisions of this Agreement. employees shall receive an hourly rate of seventy (70%)percent of the base rate as of October per hour. employees shall not receive COLA or Shift Premium. except when used as replacement for Union short term leaves. employees may only work to a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours per week with the exception of periods worked as vacation, holi- day, and replacement and Union short term leaves. If a employee is required to replace an employee other than a Press Operator, they may only be used with mutual consent of the Company and the Union. The use of employees shall be limited to six (6) months for any individual employee on or Seniority has preference prior to any being assigned within the department which he is assigned at the start of the shift. The prefer- ence of assignment is at the beginning of the shift only. When a group of employees are moved to other work during the course of the day, due to line shutdown, seniority employees will be allowed to select their work assignment in the new department over employees being moved to the new available work. If are already at work in the new department, senior- ity employees who have been moved into the department (in the circumstances of this will be allowed, once in the shift, to bump a from their assignment but only on the return from first break or on the return from lunch. it becomes necessary to assign bargaining unit employees to a shift other than their regu- lar shift while the Company is utilizing employees, then employees will be assigned to that shift prior to bargaining unit employees being assigned unless employ- ees would outnumber bargaining unit employ- e...
Collective. Upon reaching agreement on the administrative details of printing the Collective Agreement, and having sufficient copies of the Agreement printed, the Corporation shall provide each employee a copy of the current Collective Agreement. The cost of providing the Collective Agreements shall be shared equally between the Employer and Union.
Collective. If that discussion does not resolve the matter, an employee may proceed as follows: Upon the request of the employee for a further meeting regarding the grievance, the employee’s immediate Supervisor will meet with the employee and a Zone Committeeperson during the shift, if practical. The Supervisor will answer the grievance within one working day of the meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. If the grievance is not resolved in Step the Committeeperson may, within one working day from the answer, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, request the Supervisor to arrange a meeting with the Committeeperson, Plant Chairperson, and Factory Manager, or their designees, to discuss the grievance. That meeting will be held within two working days of the request, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. The Company will answer the Step grievance within two working days of the meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays. If the grievance is not resolved in Step the grievance may be submitted to the Human Resources Manager in writing, signed by the employee, if possible, on a form provided by the Company, within three working days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, of the answer at Step If the employee so desires, the employee shall have the assistance of the committeeperson to reduce the grievance to writing. A meeting between the Human Resources Manager or their designee and the Negotiating Committee will be held within five working days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, from the receipt of the written grievance to discuss the grievance. If the Negotiating Committee so desires, they may have a representative of the National Union assist them at this meeting. Upon reasonable advance request from the Union, the may be present during the third step grievance meeting for the purpose of clarifying the grievance in question.
CollectiveIn the event of either party wishing to call a meeting of the Committee, the meeting shall held at a and place fixed by mutual agreement, however, such a meeting is to be held not later than ten (10) days after request has been unless varied by mutual consent. Any Union representative on this Committee, or the employee's alternate who is the employ of the Employer, shall have the privilege of attending of the Committee held working hours without loss of remuneration, provided that the Department Head has prior notice. There shall be a District Safety Committee comprised of representatives appointed by the Union, the Employer, and other employee groups. The number of Employer representatives shall not exceed the total number of appointees by the Union and other employee groups. Both parties in making their appointments shall be motivated by the need for selected people who will be best capable of promoting safety on the job. A Labour-Management Committee shall be appointed and consist of not more than four (4) representatives of the Employer and not more than four (4) representatives of the Union. The committee shall convene at the request of either party. The date, time and place of such meetings shall be by agreement of the parties and be held within two (2) weeks of said request. Seniority is the length of service with the Employer and shall operate on a bargaining-unit-wide basis. When an employee is on a leave of absence (except leave) in excess of one month, the employee shall not accumulate further seniority. The Employer shall maintain a seniority list of all members of the bargaining unit showing the date upon which each employee's service commenced. An to date seniority list as at December each year shall be sent to the Union before January of the following year. Copies of this seniority list will be posted on bulletin boards located in the Board Administration Office, the Maintenance Shop and all schools in the District. The parties agree that notwithstanding any provisions of the Collective Agreement between them to the the following arrangements and procedures shall apply to the maintenance of seniority lists for all members of the bargaining unit.
CollectiveThe Employer shall provide each employee with a copy of the Agreement. The Employer and the Union shall equally share in the cost of the translation of this Agreement into The cost involved in this translation shall be limited to the cost of adapting as appropriate a previously translated agreement. Both parties mutually agree on translation costs before work proceeds. The Employer agrees to cooperate with the Union in available qualified tors. In the case of any dispute between the versions of this Agreement the English version shall govern. The Employer and the Union share equally all costs associated with the publication and distribution of this Agreement. The Union will facilitate the publication and distribution of this Agreement.
CollectiveImmediate family" means current spouse, parent, brother, sister, son, daughter, current son-in-law, current daughter-in-law, current brother-in-law,current sister-in-law, current mother-in-law, current father-in-law, grand parent, grandchild, guardian or step parent.
CollectivePersonal days off shall not be taken in the months of July or August unless otherwise authorized by the Company. Employees shall request in writing on avail- able forms, one (1) calendar week in advance, when possible, for their personal days off. may be made to this rule as long as, in the Company’s opinion, production scheduling requirements are not compromised. If the employees requesting a paid personal holiday jeopardize production or maintenance staffing requirements, those applying will be given preference based on seniority and classi- fication scheduling requirements. Not more than fifteen (15) employees can be off on paid personal holidays on any given day. The provisions outlined in Article shall only apply to employees who have worked the last regular scheduled work day immediately proceeding and the first regular scheduled work day immediately following the holiday unless he is absent
CollectiveThe Company and the Union agree to sponsor a one (Id)ay session, within two (2) months of ratification,with all Supervisors and Union Stewards in attendance, to review the Collective Agreement. FOR THE COMPANY FOR THE UNION XXX XXXXX BRANCH This letter will confirm the understanding reached with the Union during recent negotiations of an agreement covering our Xxxxx Branch, relative to the following The Company undertakes to advise the Union of any expansion of this volume of business, and the reasons for such expansion, and the Union Will with the Company to discuss the situation with a view to protecting the business and finding alternative for employees affected. Pay cheques will be available by Thursday, or at the end the employee's regular shift ending on Thursday whichever is earlier.