HOURS OF WORK, WORK SCHEDULES AND OVERTIME. Standard Workweek. The standard workweek for all full-time employees shall be forty (40) hours worked in five (5) eight (8) hour days. The standard workweek period shall be defined as commencing on a Friday and concluding on the following Thursday. The standard workday shall be defined as an eight (8) hour work period between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M..
HOURS OF WORK, WORK SCHEDULES AND OVERTIME. 8.01 The following is intended to define the normal hours of work for bargaining unit employees but shall not be interpreted as a guarantee of normal hours of work per day, or normal hours of work per week, or normal days of work per week nor shall this paragraph be interpreted as a guarantee that the normal hours of work will not be increased or decreased if found necessary by the Employer. The hours of work are set out only for the purpose of computing overtime.
a. The regular work shift for full time employees shall be seven and one-half (7½) working hours per day exclusive of meal periods. The seven and one- half (7½) working hours per day will be worked within an eight (8) hour period. It is expected that all charge staff arrive in sufficient time prior to the start of their shift to receive report from the nurse coming off duty. Report time is not paid time.
b. Shorter shifts may be regularly scheduled by the Employer of no less than two and one half (2½) hours in duration. Student dietary shifts may be of shorter duration with prior mutual agreement between Union and Employer. Private duty shifts will usually be of at least one (1) hour in duration. The Employer will schedule consecutive Private duty assignments to maximize continuous shifts where possible.
8.03 Employees who are hired to work normally less than seven and one-half (7½) hours per day or normally less than thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours per week but more than twenty-four (24) hours per week shall be offered work in accordance with their stated availability and in accordance with the operating requirements of the Retirement Home.
8.04 Employer authorized work performed in excess of eight (8) hours a day or eighty (80) hours in a bi-weekly pay period will be counted as overtime work and will be paid for at the rate of time and one-half (1½) the employee's regular rate of pay. No overtime shall be paid to an employee who works in excess of her regularly scheduled work hours as a result of a voluntary exchange of shifts with another employee for personal convenience. It is understood where an agent of the Employer is not present to authorize overtime hours, that the designated in-charge staff person may authorize overtime work for attendants. Where the in-charge person is required to work overtime, the authorization may be approved through written request provided to the Administrator, and such request shall not be unreasonably denied.
8.05 Each employee who works five (5) or less ...
HOURS OF WORK, WORK SCHEDULES AND OVERTIME. 10.01 The Hospital does not guarantee any hours of work per day or days of work per week with respect to any employee covered by this Agreement.
10.02 The normal or standard daily hours of work for full-time employees shall be seven and one-half (7½) hours exclusive of a one-half (½) hour unpaid meal period. The normal or standard daily hours of work for part-time employees shall be up to seven and one-half (7½) hours exclusive of a one-half (½) hour unpaid meal period.
a. All authorized work performed in excess of seven and one-half (7½) hours per day or thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours per week averaged over the period scheduled by the Hospital will be paid at the rate of time and one- half (1½) the employee's regular straight time rate of pay.
b. Where a full-time or part-time employee is required to work on a paid holiday and the employee is authorized to work additional hours following the normal daily tours for that unit but not including hours on their subsequent regularly scheduled tour, such employee shall receive two times (2x) his/her straight hourly rate of pay for such additional hours worked.
c. Full-time employees who are required to work on their scheduled day off will be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½) the employee's regular straight time rate of pay.
d. Where a full-time employee has worked and accumulated approved overtime hours (other than overtime hours related to paid holidays), such employee shall have the option of electing payment at the applicable overtime rate or time off equivalent to the applicable overtime rate (i.e. where the applicable rate is time and one-half (1½), then time off shall be at time and one-half (1½) times). Where a full-time employee chooses the equivalent time off option, the scheduling of such time off, request must be submitted in advance and approved by the Hospital. Such requested time off must be the equivalent of the normal daily tour of the unit and be taken within the succeeding sixty
HOURS OF WORK, WORK SCHEDULES AND OVERTIME. 8.01 Full-time employees shall receive overtime rates for all time worked in excess of seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours per day, and for all time worked in excess of ten (10) days in a two (2) week period.
8.02 Employees shall receive overtime rates for all time worked in one (1) department in excess of:
a. Seven and one half (7.5) hours per day (with the exception of split shifts - two four hour shifts within one [1] day, when overtime rates would apply after eight [8] hours worked).
b. Seventy-five (75) hours per pay period.
c. Ten (10) scheduled shifts per pay period.
d. Six (6) consecutive days worked for part-time employees.
8.03 The Employer shall schedule employees to reflect the following:
a. No shift shall be less than four (4) hours duration;
b. The nursing staff shall basically be scheduled in three (3) shifts. The first shift of the day, the night shift, shall commence at 11:00
p. m. and end at 7:00 a.m.; the day shift shall commence at 7:00
a. m. and end at 3:00 p.m.; the evening shift shall commence at 3:00 p.m. and end at 11:00 p.m. The Employer may continue to introduce and implement reasonable variations of the above.
c. Employees scheduled to work between the hours of 2300 and 0700 shall receive an extra night premium of twenty cents ($0.12) for all hours worked.
d. All other departments shall be scheduled in accordance with established practice which may be amended by mutual agreement between the parties.
e. Where there is a change to daylight savings from standard time or vice versa, an employee who is scheduled and works a full shift shall be paid for the actual number of hours worked. No overtime shall apply to this provision.
a. All employees shall be entitled to a fifteen (15) minute break with pay during each half (½) shift at approximately the midpoint of the half (½) shift. Employees on a half (1/2) shift shall have one (1) fifteen (15) minute break with pay at approximately the midpoint of the half (1/2) shift. Except in cases of emergency, these breaks shall not be interrupted.
b. Employees shall be granted a one-half (1/2) hour unpaid lunch for each full shift worked at approximately the midpoint of the shift.
c. The above times may vary due to work requirements.
8.05 Employees shall be able to take their breaks in a room set aside for that purpose.
a. Full-time employees will be scheduled every second (2nd) weekend off, unless agreed to otherwise.
b. Those employees working less than full-time shall be scheduled not less than...
HOURS OF WORK, WORK SCHEDULES AND OVERTIME. 8.01 The regular scheduled hours of work for all classifications shall be thirty-seven and one half (37½) hours per week. Employees will be paid overtime after 37½ hours per week.
8.02 Employees shall be paid overtime at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times their straight time hourly rate for all hours worked:
a) in excess of 37½ hours per week;
b) in excess of 7-1/2 hours in a 24 hour pay period beginning at 11:00 p.m. on one day, and ending at 10:59.59 of the next day.
c) on an assigned day off when the work is in excess of ten (10) shifts in the two (2) week pay period, except if such work is performed as a result of a voluntary switch in hours with another employee.
8.03 All overtime must be authorized in advance by the supervisor, and a call-in is deemed to constitute such authorization. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime under any provision of this agreement. The Employer may compel mandatory overtime if, in the Employer’s opinion, there were insufficient staff available to ensure the safety and well being of the residents, and/or other workers. Mandatory overtime is considered authorized overtime for the purpose of calculating overtime pay. If mandatory overtime continues for more than two (2) hours, the Employer will provide a meal, or reimburse reasonable expenses.
8.04 The Employer shall schedule employees in accordance with the following:
a) no regular shift, including call-in shifts, shall be less than four (4) hours duration, and no private duty shift, including call-in shifts, shall be less than two (2) hours duration.
b) the nursing staff shall basically be scheduled in three (3) shifts. The first shift of the day, the night shift, shall commence at 11:00 p.m. the previous night; the day shift shall commence at 7:00 a.m. and the evening shift shall commence at 3:00 p.m.
c) Subject to sub-article 8.
02 a) above, the Employer shall be entitled temporarily and from time to time to schedule twelve (12) hours shifts commencing at 7:00 a.m. and/or 7:00 p.m. to ensure adequate staffing for the Birmingham Retirement Community LP in the event of temporary staff shortages.
d) All other departments shall be scheduled in accordance with the employer requirements.
e) Changes in current shift arrangements may be introduced by the Employer acting reasonably as it deems necessary upon ten (10) days prior written notice to the Union Representative.
8.05 a) There shall be two (2) fifteen (15) minute break periods for each employee during each shift o...
(a) Basic Workweek. The regular workweek of all employees shall be in conformance with C.G.S. Section 5- 246, except, portal to portal time shall be standardized at thirty
HOURS OF WORK, WORK SCHEDULES AND OVERTIME. 8.01 a) The Union recognizes the unique nature of the home care services sector and the need to maximize client satisfaction as an integral aspect of the success of the enterprise. The Employer recognizes the need to maximize predictability and certainty in the scheduling of hours.