Temporary Workers. 6.1 The Employment Business shall notify the Client immediately if it believes that any Temporary Worker is unsuitable for the Assignment or becomes aware of any matter that indicates that a Temporary Worker may be unsuitable for the Assignment or is inconsistent with any information previously provided including where a Temporary Worker ceases to have the appropriate skills, approvals or a right to work in the United Kingdom or where these terms may be or has been breached.
6.2 If the Client decides that a Temporary Worker is unsuitable to perform the Assignment (an Unsatisfactory Temporary Worker), then the Client shall notify the Employment Business in writing of that fact giving the grounds for its dissatisfaction with the Unsatisfactory Temporary Worker. The Assignment shall terminate at the end of the day on which the Employment Business is notified, and Temporary Worker Fees shall be payable up to the date of such termination.
6.3 The Employment Business or the Client may cancel or amend an Assignment on reasonable notice of no less than 24 hours prior to the commencement of the Assignment. Any such cancellation or amendment shall be effective immediately upon the giving of notice by one party to the other (which may be given by telephone, e-mail or in writing). If notice of cancellation is given by the Client to the Employment Business less than 24 hours prior to commencement of the Assignment, the Employment Business shall be entitled to charge the full Temporary Worker Fees for the anticipated duration of the Assignment.
6.4 The Client will pay the Employment Business Temporary Worker Fees in respect of Temporary Workers as advised by the Employment Business to the Client prior to the commencement of the Assignment (Temporary Worker Fees) which may include travelling, hotel and other expenses to be agreed between the parties from time to time. The Temporary Worker Fees comprise the Temporary Worker's pay and holiday pay, and include the Employment Business's commission and employer's National Insurance contributions. When booking a Temporary Worker for an Assignment, the Employment Business shall advise the Client of the agreed Temporary Worker Fees for that Temporary Worker. The following conditions apply to the Temporary Worker Fees:
(a) they are calculated according to the number of hours worked by the Temporary Worker (to the nearest quarter hour);
(b) the minimum period of any Assignment shall be 8 hours for all weekday shifts (Monday to Fri...
Temporary Workers. Where business circumstances so require such as the need to provide temporary staffing for special projects, unscheduled charters, unfilled positions while actively recruiting to staff them with bargaining unit employees, the Company may hire temporary workers to perform work that is traditionally performed in the unit by bargaining unit employees provided that in such instances the Company agrees that such work will be limited to no more than thirty (30) days after which the Company shall no longer fill said positions with temporary workers. At all times prior to and subsequent to hiring a temporary worker, the Company will continue to meet its obligations pursuant to Article 8, Seniority Rights and this Article. The Company shall not cease its hiring program for full or part-time employees to create the need for temporary workers.
Temporary Workers. When regular employees are absent due to an approved leave of absence, including but not limited to pregnancy leave, parental leave, or sick leave, or have been seconded to another position within the Corporation, they may be replaced by a replacement worker for the length of the incumbent’s absence. Where requests for extensions are made, they shall not be unreasonably withheld. The layoff, suspension or discharge of a Temporary Worker shall be within the sole discretion of the Corporation and cannot be made the subject matter of a grievance. Such employee shall not be covered by the provisions of the Collective Agreement regarding Articles 18.01, 19.00, 20.06, 21.01, 21.03, and 21.04. The layoff or recall of a Temporary Labourer shall be on a division basis provided the period of layoff or recall does not exceed six (6) weeks from the time the first person was laid off or recalled. After this period the layoff and recall procedure outlined in Article 14.00 shall apply. (2004)
Temporary Workers. (a) A temporary worker is one who is hired for a period of up to six months and is so informed at the time of hire, and who is hired for a special project, or to replace a worker on leave or vacation or due to temporary Home activity. The said six month period may be extended up to an additional three months and for the length of maternity leave of the worker being replaced, with the consent of the Union, which shall not be unreasonably withheld; however, such worker shall become a member of the Union in accordance with Section 2.1 and shall continue to be classified as a temporary worker.
(b) Temporary workers shall be entitled to fringe benefits as follows:
(1) Temporary workers will receive holiday pay in the same manner as regular, permanent workers (i.e., after the first 90 days of employment), except that Independence Day and Labor Day shall be granted retroactively after six months in continuous service.
(2) After three months, temporary workers will begin to accrue vacation and sick leave beginning with the first day of the fourth month of employment. If, however temporary workers are retained beyond six months in continuous employment, the accrual of vacation and sick leave will be from the first day of employment.
(3) A temporary worker who has been employed six months or longer shall be treated as a regular worker for the purpose of filling vacant or available permanent positions for which the worker is immediately qualified.
Temporary Workers. In the event the District hires temporary workers, the District and the Union will meet to negotiate the terms and conditions of employment for the temporary workers.
Temporary Workers. 5.1 The Service Provider shall supply Temporary Workers to the Client in accordance with the Recognised Ordering Procedure.
5.2 Prior to introducing a Temporary Worker to the Client, the Service Provider shall at its own cost:
5.2.1 carry out the following verification checks: an identity check to confirm the identity and status of the proposed Temporary Worker; a work status check to confirm that the proposed Temporary Worker has all of the necessary administrative authorisations, including entry visas, residence permits and work permits for the United Kingdom; such further checks and clearances as the Client may require, including criminal records and security clearance checks; and review of the proposed Temporary Worker’s previous work history for the Client and the Group. The Service Provider shall not supply any Temporary Workers that are prohibited under the Specification;
5.2.2 ensure and obtain written evidence that the proposed Temporary Worker has the experience, training, qualifications and any authorisation which the Client considers necessary or which are required by any applicable law or professional body;
5.2.3 obtain two (2) written work related references obtained within the three (3) months prior to the Temporary Worker being put forward for the Assignment which have been confirmed and cleared and, insofar as possible, date back two (2) years or such other period as required by the Authority;
5.2.4 ensure that all Temporary Workers whose duties make it necessary pursuant to the Client’s drugs and alcohol policies have a certificate of compliance and agree to comply with all applicable screening arrangements;
5.2.5 ensure that the proposed Temporary Worker has: completed and passed a Pre-Employment Questionnaire; and taken and passed a medical assessment, where deemed necessary by the Authority; and
5.2.6 ensure that all other requirements of the Specification with regard to checks on the Temporary Worker are met.
5.3 The Service Provider shall ensure that the Temporary Workers:
5.3.1 comply at all times with all relevant statutes, laws, regulations and codes of practice from time to time in force and applicable to the Client’s business and operation;
5.3.2 are informed of and comply with the Client’s working practices and requirements, including policies usually supplied to the Client’s employees relating to health and safety, security, business and operational ethics, drugs and alcohol and ...
Temporary Workers. 2.1 For the purposes of this Agreement, a temporary worker is an individual engaged through an outside employer or directly by XXX to fill a temporary operational need and who is engaged in bargaining unit work.
2.2 Temporary positions need not be posted.
2.3 If XXX converts a temporary position to a regular, bargaining unit position, the position will be posted and filled in accordance with Article 24 (Vacancies and Position Changes).
2.4 XXX will not employ any temporary worker in a particular position to perform bargaining unit work for more than thirty (30) days if there is any bargaining unit employee on layoff who is qualified with a reasonable period of training to perform the work in question.
2.5 Any bargaining unit employee who has received notice of a layoff will have the right to displace any temporary worker who is performing bargaining unit work that the bargaining unit employee is qualified to perform. Laid off employees with recall rights will be offered temporary assignments for which they meet the qualifications before such assignments are performed by a temporary worker. If laid off employees with recall rights turn down the offer of a temporary assignment(s), XXX can engage temporary worker(s) to perform the assignment(s). Should the laid off employee with recall rights accept the temporary assignment, then the laid off employee with recall rights will be paid at the rate of pay designated by XXX for the temporary assignment. Laid off employees with recall rights are not eligible for benefits when performing temporary work.
2.6 If a temporary worker bids into any regular, bargaining unit position, he or she shall serve the probationary period for a new regular employee under Article 20 (Probationary Period). That probationary period shall begin upon the employee’s assuming the regular position.
2.7 XXX may hire temporary workers to perform bargaining unit work for no longer than twelve
Temporary Workers. (a) All temporary workers at the time of hire shall be verbally notified and required to sign a statement attesting to their temporary status. All temporary workers shall be ineligible for fringe benefits provided under this Agreement, except for overtime and holiday provisions. For temporary workers who become regular workers, the probationary period begins on the date of regular employment. Temporary workers who have been in the same position for more than ninety (90) consecutive days shall receive holiday pay based on the number of hours they would have worked but for the holiday. Upon completion of the probationary period, the worker’s seniority date shall be the date of hire as a temporary worker. It shall be the intent of the Employer to hire temporary-status workers under the following conditions only:
(1) Emergency situations – not more than fourteen (14) calendar days.
(2) Vacation relief – not more than ninety (90) calendar days.
(3) Specific Projects – when notice is given to the Union for the need of additional workers for specific needs or projects.
(4) Relief on Promotion for a period of ninety (90) calendar days.
(5) When necessary to accommodate leaves of absences. Such temporary assignments may begin two months (2) prior to the start or extend two (s) months beyond the end of the leave of absence.
(6) When necessary to accommodate terms of temporary disability requiring limited duty restrictions.
(b) The Union will be notified in writing of the hiring of all temporary workers who will perform bargaining unit work. Such notifications will include the name of the worker, the worker’s classification, the expected duration of the position, the reason for the position, and if the worker is filling a temporary vacancy, the name of the worker whose position is being filled.
Temporary Workers. Temporary workers shall be paid at an hourly rate of pay equivalent to the classification of the job performed as indicated in the tabulation of pay in Article 15. Extra workers shall not be hired for more than one hundred twenty (120) calendar days. If a temporary worker is hired to replace a full-time employee on leave of absence, they may be employed for the duration of the leave of absence and will not become full-time employees unless retained for ten (10) days following the return to service of the full-time employee.
Temporary Workers. 6.1 The Employment Business shall notify the Client immediately if it believes that any Temporary Worker is unsuitable for the Assignment or becomes aware of any matter that indicates that an Temporary Worker may be unsuitable for the Assignment or is inconsistent with any information previously provided including where a Temporary Worker ceases to have the appropriate skills, approvals or a right to work in the United Kingdom or where this agreement may be or has been breached.
6.2 If the Client decides that a Temporary Worker is unsuitable to perform the Assignment (an Unsatisfactory Temporary Worker), then the Client shall notify the Employment Business in writing of that fact giving the grounds for its dissatisfaction with the Unsatisfactory Temporary Worker.
6.3 If the Client notified the Employment Business of an Unsatisfactory Temporary Worker in accordance with clause 6.2:
(a) Within 48 hours of the commencement of the Assignment, then the Assignment will immediately terminate and no Temporary Worker Fees shall be payable, and
(b) In all other cases the Assignment shall terminate at the end of the day on which the Agency was notified, and Temporary Worker Fees shall be payable up to the date of such termination.
6.4 The Employment Business may terminate an Assignment at any time without prior notice and without liability. Except where clause 6.3 above applies, the Client may terminate an Assignment on 5 working days written notice.
6.5 When booking a Temporary Worker for an Assignment, the Employment Business shall advise the Client of the agreed Temporary Worker Fees payable by the Client under the following conditions:
(a) The charges are calculated according to the number of hours worked by the Temporary Worker (to the nearest quarter hour);
(b) All invoices shall be submitted with all applicable signed time sheets verifying the number of hours worked by the Temporary Worker during that week;
(c) The charges are invoiced to the Client weekly and are payable within 14 days of receipt of invoice. No fee is incurred by the Client until the Temporary Worker commences the Assignment, when the Employment Business will render an invoice to the Client for its fees;
(d) For the avoidance of doubt, the Client shall not be required to pay Temporary Worker Fees for any absences (for whatever reason) of a Temporary Worker;
(e) The Client shall during the Assignment sign a time sheet verifying the number of hours worked by the Temporary Worker. If the Client ...