RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ASSOCIATION. 10.5.1 The Employer agrees to provide the Association with reasonable office space, adequate telephone service, and reasonable use of the internal postal service of the University. A charge will be levied by the University for telephone and external postal services that are not otherwise paid for by the Association. 10.5.2 The Employer shall provide the Association, free of charge, with suitable meeting rooms on the Employer's premises for the conduct of Association business subject only to normal scheduling requirements and the payment of any extra costs that may be incurred in making special arrangements. 10.5.3 The Employer agrees that agents and representatives of the Association shall be permitted to conduct Association business on the premises of the University except when the University is closed during a strike or lock-out of the Association. 10.5.4 The Employer recognizes the right of employees to participate in the business of the Association and, accordingly, all employees shall be entitled to rearrangements in their normal duties, without loss of pay or benefits, for purposes of conducting the business of the Association, provided that satisfactory arrangements can be made with, and are approved by, the Department Head or Xxxx to fulfill the responsibilities of employees so engaged. Employees' service to the Association shall be a matter for consideration in the annual assessment of their work performance. 10.5.5 The Employer agrees that photocopying, printing and other reproduction services, computing facilities and audiovisual equipment of the University shall be available to the Association at current rates and subject to the normal scheduling arrangements. 10.5.6 The Employer agrees that the Association shall be entitled to have two observers on the Budget Committee of University Council, as well as such observers or representatives on other committees as is specified in this Agreement. Observers and representatives named by the Association shall be bound by the rules of confidentiality that apply to other committee members, except that such observers and representatives shall have the right to provide full information on the committee's procedures and deliberations to the Executive of the Association. The Executive of the Association shall respect the confidential nature of the information provided. 10.5.7 Observers and representatives of the Association shall receive agendas, minutes, documentation and all information that is made availab...
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ASSOCIATION. 10.01 The Employer agrees to provide the Association with an office, telephone extension to the switchboard, and the normal and reasonable use of the internal mail service. Other services including, but not limited to, long distance calls, external mail, photocopying, printing and typing shall be provided at internal rates. Priority for these services will be on the same basis as is afforded other internal users. 10.02 Members of the Association shall have the right during the regular working day to participate in Association meetings on the same basis as attending other University meetings, and to transact Association business provided that such participation and business transactions do not interfere with nor interrupt the Member's performance of his/her obligations, duties and responsibilities to the University pursuant to this Agreement. 10.03 The Employer agrees that the President of the Association shall have a teaching load reduction of two (2) full course equivalents (FCE), or in the case of a non-teaching member in the role of President an equivalent reduction in workload. Either of these reductions shall be at the Employer’s expense. The identity of the two (2) FCE shall be determined by the appropriate Xxxx/Administrator, in consultation with the President of the Association and the Chair/Director/ of the Department/Unit. In consultation with the Department/Unit, the Employer shall arrange for the continuation of essential duties. 10.04.01 The Employer agrees to up to four (4) FCE reductions in normal teaching load, or in the case of Members in non-teaching positions an equivalent reduction in workload, for Members named by the Association to serve the Association. 10.04.02 In Academic Years in which the Parties are engaged in collective bargaining, the Association shall be entitled to an additional one and one-half (1.5) FCE release. 10.04.03 The releases specified in Clauses 10.04.01 and 10.04.02 are subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) The Association shall inform the Employer of the names of all officers for whom release time is required, the amount of release time (.5 or 1 FCE) for each officer and the Academic Term for the release time (if applicable) within ten (10) Working Days of their election; (2) The Association shall inform the Employer of the names of any other Members for whom release time is required, the reason for the release, the amount of release time (.5 or 1 FCE) and the Academic Term for the release time (if ...
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ASSOCIATION. A. The Association shall have access to sites for conducting business when it does not interfere with the instructional program and may enjoy the privileges afforded under the Board of Education policy on use of facilities. The Association may hold such meetings without non- unit members being present as determined by the Association. B. The Association shall have the right to post notices of reasonable activities and matters of Association concern on a bulletin board in each school in the District. The Association shall have reasonable use of the Intra-District mail service, District email and other electronic communication methods used by the District and unit member’s mailboxes for communication to unit members. All communications shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Association. C. Authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at reasonable times, provided that there shall be no interruption or interference with regular education activities. Upon arriving at a school site, Association representatives shall first report to the office of the site administrator. D. The latest revised Placentia-Xxxxx Xxxxx Unified School District Policies, Rules, and Bylaws manuals shall be available at each site. The California Education Code shall be available, and the District Office shall provide copies of specific Education Code provisions upon request of the Association and/or unit member. Both documents shall be made accessible to individual unit members. E. The Association Faculty Representative, upon request, shall be granted a minimum of five minutes during regular faculty meetings to announce the agenda for upcoming Association business. F. The Association president shall be granted a leave of at least one-half (1/2) of each service day during the term of office. A schedule will be mutually agreed upon by the President and Superintendent or designee prior to the beginning of the school year. G. Each bargaining unit member shall have electronic access to the bargaining agreement within forty-five (45) days after ratification by both parties. The District shall deliver five
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ASSOCIATION. 3.1 Recognition: 3.1.1 The University recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for Members of the Bargaining Unit as defined by the certificate of the Ontario Labour Relations Board, number 02704-00-R, dated January 10, 2001 and attached as Appendix A. That is all part-time contract academic staff who provide instruction in at least one university degree credit course and all part-time professional librarians employed by the University, including part-time contract academic staff and part-time professional librarians appointed to the Brantford Campus. 3.1.2 For greater certainty, the following persons are excluded from the Bargaining Unit as defined by the certificate of the Ontario Labour Relations Board dated January 10, 2001: (a) full-time faculty and professional librarians who are members of the Bargaining Unit as defined by the certificate of the Ontario Labour Relations Board, number 0477-88-R, dated October 3, 1988; (b) the President, Vice-Presidents, Deans, Director of Information Technology Services and the University Librarian and Archivist, including an individual appointed in an acting capacity to serve temporarily in one of these offices, or one of these officers on an administrative leave that falls within a term of office, or between two consecutive terms of office; (c) persons holding visiting or In-Residence appointments for one year or less. 3.1.3 Nothing herein shall prevent the teaching of courses or the performance of librarian responsibilities or the pursuit of research, scholarly or creative activities by those persons excluded from the Bargaining Unit in 3.1.2 (a), (b) and (c).
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ASSOCIATION. 8.1 Members have the right to participate in Association business and to transact Association business on University property provided that such business does not interrupt or interfere with the Member’s performance, duties and responsibilities to the Employer. 8.2 The dues as established by the Association from time to time shall be deducted by the Employer from the salary of each Member. 8.3 No later than ten (10) working days after the last pay period of the month, a list of the names of the Members from whose salaries deductions have been made and the amount deducted from each, together with a cheque for the total amount deducted, shall be remitted to the Treasurer of the Association. An annual statement of the Association dues, which have been deducted from his/her salary during the calendar year, shall be provided to each Member on his/her T4 Income Tax slip by February 28 each year. 8.4 The Association shall advise Human Resources, in writing, of any change in the dues of the Association thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the month in which the change is to become effective. 8.5 In the event the Association receives dues on account of an employee who is not a Member, or, if on account of a Member, in excess of the amount required, the Employer agrees to reimburse or credit the employee, as the case may be, for the amount so received in error by the Association, and shall deduct such amount from the following month’s cheque to the Treasurer of the Association. The Employer shall not be held liable for the wrongful deduction of money for Association dues resulting from an error in the Association’s instructions. 8.6 The President of the Association shall inform the President and the Vice-President, Human Resources of the names of Members holding official positions in the Association within five
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ASSOCIATION. (a) The Employer will provide the Association with furniture, a telephone and use of the University postal service. The Employer will provide, when available, secretarial support for the Association. All such services will be provided on a cost recovery basis. (b) Subject to availability, the Employer will allow the Association reasonable use of Nipissing University reproduction services, computing facilities, and audiovisual equipment on a cost recovery basis. 5.2 The Employer will provide the Association with suitable office space on the University campus at a cost of $0.50 (fifty cents) per square foot per month adjusted annually by the December 31 Consumer Price Index. 5.3 Subject to availability, the Employer will provide the Association with suitable meeting rooms as required, free of charge, provided this can be done without interrupting the instructional programs of Nipissing University. 5.4 A Member's service to the Association, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (C.A.U.T.) and the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (O.C.U.F.A.) will be considered as a portion of administrative or other community service component in assessment of workload and the evaluation of performance. In these contexts, it will be treated in the same manner as similar duties performed in departmental, divisional, faculty, Senate and University committees, and duties undertaken for learned or professional societies. 5.5 The Association will have the right to have an observer present at meetings of the membership called by the Employer or the agent of the Employer at which matters pertinent to this collective agreement are to be discussed and to make representations at such meetings. 5.6 The Association will have the right at any time to call upon the assistance of representatives of C.A.U.T. and O.C.U.F.A. Such representatives will have reasonable access to Nipissing University premises to consult with Members, Association officials or the Employer. 5.7 The President of the Association and the Chair of the Collective Bargaining Committee will receive a one half (0.5) course release, or the equivalent, during any academic year of the term of office, without prejudice to his/her salary, benefits or any rights and privileges within the University. Course releases not used may be carried forward for use the following year. 5.8 The Employer will grant the Association two one-half (0.5) course releases, or equivalent, during a collective bargainin...
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ASSOCIATION. 26.01 The Association shall have the use of the internal Uni- versity postal service for Association business. External mailing costs of the Association shall be borne by the Association. The Employer shall allow the Association to use the University duplicating services, computing facili- ties, word processing equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment on the same basis and at the same rates established by the Employer for University users. The Employer shall provide the Association with suitable meeting rooms as required, free of charge, on the same basis as other voluntary associations within the University. 26.02 The Employer agrees to arrange a courtesy account for the use of the Association. Charges incurred by the Associ- ation shall be debited to this account, and the Association agrees to abide by the accounting procedures laid down by the Employer and, at the request of the Employer, to pay interest on any outstanding overdrafts on the courtesy account, at the rate of interest being paid by the University at that time on its own borrowing.
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ASSOCIATION. 5.01 The Association shall have access and/or permission:  to bulletin boards of reasonable dimensions.  to the internal postal service of the University.  to a publicly accessible Internet space to post messages.  to transact official business of the Association with employees or with official representatives of the University on the Employer's property at any time.  to book and use University premises as meeting rooms on the same basis as University users.  to use University computer and audiovisual facilities on the same basis as University users, subject to availability. The Employer will allow the Association to use University telephones with charges for long distance calls paid by the Association.  to hold meetings and to sponsor educational functions such as lectures, seminars, and workshops for members of the UOIT community on the University premises subject to the administrative regulations in force from time to time with respect to the scheduling of meeting and lecture facilities. 5.02 The President of the Association and a second member of the Association, designated by the Association, shall have observer status at the open portions of meetings of the Board of Governors and the Academic Council of the University. These representatives will receive the notice and documentation pertaining to the open portion of such meetings that are circulated to members of these bodies. a) The Employer shall provide the Faculty Association adequate secured office space in an appropriate location on the north Oshawa location, working phones and Internet at no charge to the Faculty Association. b) The Employer shall provide one (1) course release per year for the Faculty Association to allocate to a Teaching Faculty Member who serves as an executive member of the Faculty Association. c) During bargaining years, the Employer shall provide one (1) course release for the Chief Negotiator for each Academic Term of bargaining. If the Chief Negotiator is not a Teaching Faculty Member, then the release shall be provided to another Teaching Faculty Member on the bargaining team. d) The Faculty Association may purchase up to two (2) additional course releases per year at the minimum overload rate. e) A course release is a three credit course or equivalent. The Teaching Faculty Member will meet with his/her Xxxx to determine which element(s) of his/her workload comprise this reduction. With the mutual agreement of the Teaching Faculty Member and the Xxxx, the equiva...
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ASSOCIATION. 1. The Association shall have access to the internal postal services of the University. Normal practice of charging for external mail will apply. External Association mail will bear LUFA identification on the envelopes. 2. The Employer shall permit the Association to use University premises as meeting rooms on the same basis as University organizations, and requests shall be made in advance through the University office. 3. Service to LUFA in joint endeavours with the Employer shall be considered in the evaluation of performance and it shall be deemed to be equivalent to University Governance in the context of Article 2.00 - Rights, Responsibilities and Duties of Academics. 4. Absence of Members on Association business shall be governed by Article 3.60 - Absence- General. 5. The Association shall have the right to designate a Member to act as an observer at University Board meetings not held in-camera, and, subject to the usual consent of the University body meeting, to make presentations to such meetings. This designated Member shall receive the usual notices and documents of all Board meetings excepting confidential documents.