ARTICLE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. The Company agrees to recognize a negotiating committee of up to regular full-time sales employees and part-time sales employees who are members of the bargaining unit. Such committee members will be paid by the Company for all regular hours spent in actual negotiations with the Company up to hours per day for a maximum of days, unless mutually agreed.
ARTICLE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. The Union may appoint and the Employer shall recognize a Negotiating Committee of up to four
ARTICLE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. For the purpose of negotiations between the parties the Board a Negotiating Committee of the Union to be composed of not more thanfour employees who are members of the Union. The Negotiating Committee shall be entitled to have present and be represented by a representative of the Canadian Union at all negotiation meetings between the Union and the Board. The representative shall be recognized as the right to advise and assist the Union Negotiating on their behalf. The employees the Union Negotiating Committee shall be given time during working hours without loss of regular pay or other benefits under this Agreement while attending such negotiation meetings with the Board. No employee shall to represent the Union at with the Board proper authorization of the Union. Except as provided in and seniority be established the basis of an service with the Board following date of last the action of the Board’s resolution ofMay Appendix Page were precluded permanent appointment and who were appointed by resolution of the Board of November to the permanent will have seniority the date of continuous employment. Placement on the seniority list for part-time employees certified by the decision of the Labour Relations Board dated June be as follows: ten or more four (4)years employed seven years to nine years three years will be credited. four (4) six will be employed one (1)to three (3)years one year will be credited. Employees' names and shall appear on the seniority list in order of their respective dates of last hiring. Such list shall be updated in February of each year, and a copy shall be furnished the secretary of the An employee newly hired by the Board a permanent vacancy or to a new occupational covered by this Agreement, shall be considered a probationary employee for a maximum of five months the date of at the end of time the employee shall be appointed to the permanent or employment shall-be completion of the probationary period, the employee shall be placed on the seniority list to the last date of and shall also be entitled to all rights and privileges of this Employees with greater thanfive service with the Board shall be for just cause. An employee shall lose seniority for any of the following reasons: If If is discharged and not through the grievance procedure. return shall to work If is laid off and fails to return to work after layoff within ten calendar the date the letter is postmarked, provided that if such failure to is caused by sickness by a dul...
ARTICLE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. The may designate a Negotiating Committee for the purpose of negotiating amendments to this Agreement or a New Agreement, and such Committee shall be comprised of the Chief Xxxxxxx and one other full time employee. Members of the Negotiating Committee shall be paid their regular rate for all regular scheduled working hours lost due to attending negotiating meetings with the management up to and including conciliation. The Employer shall share with the Union on an equal basis, the rental cost of the negotiation meeting rooms, which shall be arranged at a mutually agreed facility. The Employer shall invoice the Union for reimbursement of wages paid according to article The Employer will recognize two (2) stewards from amongst the bargaining unit employees, one of whom shall be designated Chief Xxxxxxx. The Employer will also recognize a grievance composed of a xxxxxxx, any aggrieved employee, and the business representative of the Union if desired at any meeting with the Employer. Employee members of such committees shall not lose pay for the time spent during regularly scheduled working hours, attending grievance meetings management representatives. The Union acknowledges that the Xxxxxxx has his regular duties to on behalf of the Ernployer and that such persons shall not leave their regular duties without having first secured permission from his supervisor, such permission s h a l l not be unreasonably withheld. The shall state his destination to his supervisor and shall report again to him at the time of his return to work. In order to provide proper representation for employees, the Union will appoint a temporary xxxxxxx to act in the place of any xxxxxxx who is absent from work for a period of more than seven (7) days. The will inform the Employer of the name of the appointees.
ARTICLE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. The Bargaining Unit shall notify the Superintendent of Employee Services of the names of its representativesto the negotiating committee. Up to four (4) occasional teachers serving on the Collective Bargaining Committee shall receive salary for a maximum of five (5) days spent negotiating with the Board's negotiating committee prior to conciliation, provided the time involved interrupts a planned teaching assignment or a call to teach on the day of negotiations.
ARTICLE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. The Company acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint, or otherwise select, a Negotiating Committee of not more than six (6) employees and will recognize and deal with said Committee with respect to any matter which properly arises from time to time during the course of this Agreement. It is clearly understoodthat the NegotiatingCommittee is a separate entity from all other Committees, and that it will deal only with such matters as are properly the subject of negotiations, including proposals for the renewal or modification of this Agreement at the proper time.
ARTICLE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. The Board shall pay up to four (4) Occasional Teachers involved in negotiations for scheduled meetings with the Board which occur between the hours of a.m. and as follows:
ARTICLE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. The Company recognizes the right of the Union to appoint or otherwise select a Negotiating Committee of not more than seven (7) employees, and will deal with the said Committee on such matters as are properly the subject of negotiation during the term of this Agreement, including proposals for the renewal or modification of this Agreement at the proper time. International Representatives of the Union may be present at any meeting held under this provision if their presence is requested by either party hereto. The Company acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint or otherwise select stewards to assist employees in presenting their grievances to the appropriate supervisor. A list of such stewards and areas within which each one is to normally function will be a matter of record between the Company and the Union. The Company will not be obliged to recognize any xxxxxxx until notified, in writing, of their name and classification in which the xxxxxxx is to normally function. Stewards may act as alternates in the event of absence for the elected xxxxxxx in that classification.
ARTICLE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. The Employer agrees to recognize a Negotiating of three (3) employees who have completed their probationary period and who are covered by this Agreement plus one (1) representative of the Union whose function it shall be to negotiate renewals of this Agreement.
ARTICLE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. The Corporation will recognize a negotiating committee of not more than three (3) employees plus the President of the Local Union, not more than three (3) of whom shall be operators, and the Corporation will deal with the said committee in all matters which are properly the subject of negotiations during the term of this Agreement. The said committee will co-operate with the Corporation the administration of this Agreement. The negotiating may have the assistance of a accredited representative of the Union in negotiations with the Corporation. The Corporation will, with advance notice, allow the committee to have the assistance of a qualified resource person at negotiation meetings. Such resource person's remuneration and/or expenses, if any, shall be fully paid for by the Union. Should the resource person be a member of the bargaining unit, the Corporation will be fully by the Union for all costs if such person must be replaced on the job.