Hours and Adjunct Duties. 10.1 The work year for subsequent years shall be and one hundred eighty-six (186) days, consisting of 180 instructional days and 6 inservice/work days.
10.1.1 Unit members shall have the choice of attending District or other Professional Growth options, with prior approval of the Superintendent.
10.1.2 Compensation for uncompleted inservice/work days and all associated STRS service credit shall be deducted from the unit member’s end of the year payroll at the unit member’s daily rate of pay if requirements are not met by June 20th of each school year.
10.1.3 One inservice/work day shall be utilized by the unit members for classroom preparation prior to the beginning of the school year.
10.1.4 MCOE shall organize five (5) inservice/work days for each school year.
10.1.5 MCOE will attempt to schedule three of the inservice/work days to coincide with the Districts’.
10.1.6 Two MCOE organized inservice/work days shall be completed by unit members. The Superintendent will consider individual alternative options.
10.2 Dates will be negotiated as part of the calendar meet-and-confer process, to be commenced no later than May 1st prior to the beginning of each school year.
10.3 The school calendar of the school district in which classes are maintained shall be controlling.
10.4 Itinerant unit members shall follow the school district calendar where their main assignment is located in determining student contact/teaching days.
10.5 If the Superintendent should request changes in the yearly calendar after the end of the prior school year, and if such change should cause the unit member great inconvenience, the unit member shall have the option of remaining with the original calendar schedule or adjusting duty days by mutual consent of the Superintendent and the unit member.
10.5.1 Unit members work days will be scheduled as close as possible to the first duty day of the district calendar of the unit member’s primary assignment. There shall be no more than three (3) non-duty days (excluding weekends) between MCOE work days and beginning of district calendars.
10.5.2 The summer school calendar of the school district in which classes are maintained shall be controlling.
10.6 Workday
10.6.1 Unit members shall work an average of seven (7) hours per work day, excluding a minimum of one-half (½) hour duty free lunch period.
10.6.2 School site routine schedules such as lunch breaks will be followed, in as much as they coordinate with the unit member’s seven hour day. Minimum...
Hours and Adjunct Duties. A. Length of Workday
Hours and Adjunct Duties. 10.1 The work year shall be one hundred eighty-eight (188) days, consisting of 180 instructional days and 8 calendar inservice/work days.
10.1.1 Unit members shall have the choice of attending District or other Professional Growth options, with prior approval of the Superintendent.
10.1.2 No contractual leave days may be utilized to fulfill the eight (8) inservice/work days.
Hours and Adjunct Duties. The District intends to negotiate the following: • Extending the learning opportunities for all students by allowing teachers to provide instructional services to students during their preparation period. • Eliminating and/or clarifying ambiguous, outdated, and/or superfluous language in this article regarding adjunct duties. • Eliminating and/or clarifying ambiguous, outdated, and/or superfluous language in this article regarding Student Assistance Team, without eliminating the program itself. • Eliminating paid minimum days for unit members as there is no educational or operational reason why unit members should be provided paid leave during the regular work week just because students have a minimum day. • Eliminating and/or clarifying language regarding requirements and prohibitions on meetings thereby providing more effective opportunities for teachers and administrators to meet to discuss student learning opportunities. • Include the work year schedule to reflect the current Memorandum of Understanding, dated May 8, 2014. • Clarifying and/or eliminating other ambiguous, outdated, and/or superfluous language in this article.
Hours and Adjunct Duties. A. The regular workday shall be established by the District. Unit members shall be on duty and shall perform assigned tasks as directed by the Vineland School District. The length of the workday for full-time unit members, including preparation time, lunch, relief periods and time required before and after school, shall not exceed seven and one-half consecutive hours per day, except as set forth in this article. The work day shall fall between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The length of the workday for part-time unit members, including preparation time, lunch and relief periods, and time required before and after school and for related responsibilities, shall be established by the District and communicated to the affected unit members and the Vineland Teachers’ Association President by the site administrator. With the exception of Reading Specialists, Class Size Reduction Specialists and Speech Therapists, teachers will not be assigned as Tutors or Comprehensive Aides.
1. A minimum instructional day or early release day for students shall be a regular work day for unit members, unless otherwise stated.
2. Lunch duty shall not normally be performed by unit members. Instructional Aides/Monitors in the District. Any changes in this working condition must be based on financial necessity and will require notification and consultation with the Exclusive Representative.
Hours and Adjunct Duties. 8.3--Prep time for TK-3 grades: 2023/2024 school year:
Hours and Adjunct Duties. ● The teams previously agreed to establish an ad hoc committee led by the Director of Student Services to meet in the 2020-2021 school year to review the needs and structure of the placement of students and transition protocol process so we can take the time to have a thoughtful discussion regarding strengths and needs for our students. This adhoc team will also look at options being utilized in the District for best practices for balancing of classrooms for inclusion.
Hours and Adjunct Duties. As a Program Improvement District, with a need to implement significant educational reform efforts, the District intends to negotiate extending the learning opportunities for all students, providing for increased student supervision, and increasing opportunities for parents to meet and conference with teachers and other student support personnel by defining a professional day, rather than a defined workday; eliminating the strict limit on the number of minutes that the District can schedule teachers to instruct students; and reducing the number of early release days and/or minimum days.
Hours and Adjunct Duties. 1) All changes to Article 16 are complete and have been included into the attached Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Hours and Adjunct Duties. A. Unit members shall be on duty and shall perform assigned tasks as directed by the Vineland School District. The length of the workday for full-time unit members, including preparation time, lunch, relief periods and time required before and after school, shall not exceed seven and one-half consecutive hours per day. The length of the workday for part-time unit members, including preparation time, lunch and relief periods, and time required before and after school and for related responsibilities, shall be established by the District and communicated to the affected unit members and the Vineland Teachers’ Association President by the site administrator. With the exception of Reading Specialists, Class Size Reduction Specialists and Speech Therapists, teachers will not be assigned as Tutors or Comprehensive Aides.
1. Regular work hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., except as adjusted at individual school sites to accommodate local schedules. Teachers shall be at their respective assigned duty station at or before 8:00 a.m. in order to assure that student instructional time is maximized.
2. Lunch duty shall normally be performed by Instructional Aides/Monitors in the District. Any changes in this working condition must be based on financial necessity and will require notification and consultation with the Exclusive Representative.
3. Teachers shall have meetings with the principal three times per month. If the principal decides to call a meeting, he/she shall inform the teachers 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Teachers/Grade Level Teams not meeting with the Principal are required to provide the attached meeting/agenda form which has been agreed upon by the parties. These meetings may be designated as a grade level meeting, student intervention meeting or principal’s meeting. Meetings will be held during the regular workday. Leadership chairs shall have a leadership team meeting once a month.
a. The first scheduled meeting of each month and any meeting not so designated as provided in Paragraph A, Section 3 of this Article shall be an early release for a teacher directed staff meeting. The topics of discussion at this meeting shall be determined by the members of the bargaining unit at each grade level in consultation with the Grade Level Leadership Team Member. The topics may include lesson planning, collaboration, and other topics that will be aimed at improving student achievement. The Grade Level Leadership Team Member shall inform the site princ...