Sick Leave and LTD. Nurses on Long Term Disability benefits who have sick leave credits at the time the Nurse ceases to be in receipt of Long Term Disability benefits shall retain such sick leave credits for their use in the event the Nurse returns to work with the Employer.
Sick Leave and LTD. 20.01 Income protection is payable in accordance with the Short-term Sick Leave Plan and Long-term Disability Plan when a full-time employee is absent from work due to legitimate personal illness or injury which is not compensable under the Workplace Health and Safety Insurance Act.
20.02 Illness due to pregnancy will be covered by the short term sick leave plan except when the employee is in receipt of maternity leave benefits from Employment Insurance (E.I.)
Sick Leave and LTD. 20.01 Sick leave is payable when a full-time employee is unable to perform his/her job duties due to legitimate personal illness or injury which is not compensable under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. It is understood that payment of sick leave benefits is for the sole and only purpose of protecting employees against the loss of income during such time of disability.
20.02 Sick leave for regular full-time employees shall be paid from the first (1st) day of disability for up to fifteen (15) weeks for every unrelated incident of disability. The amount of sick leave benefit payable is based on service according to the following: During probationary period n/a n/a Completion of probation to 1 year 0 weeks 15 weeks 1 year but less than 2 years 1 weeks 14 weeks 2 years but less than 3 years 2 weeks 13 weeks 3 years but less than 4 years 3 weeks 12 weeks 4 years but less than 5 years 4 weeks 11 weeks 5 years but less than 6 years 5 weeks 10 weeks 6 years but less than 7 years 6 weeks 9 weeks 8 years but less than 9 years 8 weeks 7 weeks 9 years but less than 10 years 9 weeks 6 weeks 10 years but less than 11 years 10 weeks 5 weeks 11 years but less than 12 years 11 weeks 4 weeks 12 years but less than 13 years 12 weeks 3 weeks 13 years but less than 14 years 13 weeks 2 weeks 14 years but less than 15 years 14 weeks 1 weeks Over 15 years 15 weeks 0 weeks
a) It occurs within six (6) weeks of the previous incident and is due to the same cause; or
b) It occurs within one (1) month of the previous incident and is due to an unrelated cause.
20.03 The Employer reserves the right to require medical evidence satisfactory to the Employer for purpose of verification of absence due to sickness or disability or for the purpose of determining fitness or unfitness to return to full or modified work.
a) The Employer shall have the right at any time to require that an employee who is absent on account of illness be examined and reported upon by the employee’s legally qualified attending physician. Such note shall contain sufficient information to verify the legitimacy of the absence.
b) In the event that the Employer is not satisfied with medical evidence or information submitted by or on behalf of an employee, the Employer and the Union shall have a meeting to discuss the need for an independent medical assessment. At this meeting the Employer and the Union shall attempt to agree on a physician to perform the medical assessment. Where the parties are unable to agree the...
Sick Leave and LTD. 20.01 Sick leave means a period of time an employee is absent from work by virtue of being sick or disabled.
20.02 Sick leave for regular full-time employees shall be paid from the first [1st] day [day one (1)] of disability for up to seventeen (17) weeks for every unrelated sickness provided there is a return to active work for one (1) complete calendar month as set out below:
Sick Leave and LTD. 20.01 Pay for sick leave is for the sole and only purpose of protecting employees against loss of income for absences from regularly scheduled hours due to legitimate illness. There shall be a Sick Credit Accumulation Bank for each full time and legacy regular part-time employees. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement such employees shall accumulate sick credits at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) days per month to a maximum of one hundred and thirty (130) days.
20.02 The Employer shall notify each employee of the status of their sick credits on a monthly basis.
20.03 An employee may be required to submit a physician certificate with respect to any period of time they may be absent from their duties on sick leave if the absence is greater than five (5) days or there are reasonable grounds to suspect abuse. The Employer will reimburse to the employee any cost to the employee for the certificate required by the Employer upon submission of a receipt in this regard. If a physician’s medical report is required by the Employer, the Employer shall pay any fee for such report, which is not payable by the employee’s insurance plan.
20.04 Notification of illness will be made as per the Attendance Line policy.
(a) Where an employee’s scheduled vacation is interrupted due to serious illness or disablement which commenced prior to and continues into the scheduled vacation period, the period of such illness and disablement shall be considered sick leave.
(b) Where an employee’s scheduled vacation is interrupted due to illness requiring the employee to be in the hospital, the period of such hospitalization and post hospitalization shall be considered sick leave.
(c) Eligibility under (a) and (b) of this Article is conditional upon prompt notification of illness by the employee to their immediate manager or designate and submission of a physician certificate.
20.06 Regular part-time employees who are legacy under Article 2.02 (f) shall accumulate sick credits, on a pro-rata basis, reflecting their hours of work in relation to full time hours to a maximum accumulation of one hundred and thirty (130) days.
20.07 For the duration of this collective agreement, current employees of the Haldimand Norfolk Branch will be allowed to retain their current sick leave bank to a maximum of two hundred [200] days. Sick days taken shall be deducted from the bank. Sick days shall not accumulate. Should a current employee of the Haldimand Norfolk Branch covered by this Article us...
Sick Leave and LTD. 20.01 Sick leave means the period of time when a full-time employee is permitted to be absent from work with full pay due to sickness or accident rendering her unable to perform her duties and not compensable under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.
20.02 Sick leave will be granted to full-time employees on the following basis:
(a) one and one-half (1 1/2) days per month;
(b) the unused portion of sick leave in any year will be cumulative up to a maximum of one hundred and eighty (180) working days;
(c) an employee may be required to submit a physician's certificate with respect to any period of time she may be absent from her duties on sick leave. If a physician's certificate is required by the Employer, the Employer shall pay any fee for such certificate which is not payable by the employee's Health Insurance Plan;
(d) sick leave benefits will cease on termination of employment.
20.03 An employee will not be entitled to sick pay:
(a) when absent on pregnancy/parental leave;
(b) during a period of lay-off or of leave of absence without pay;
(c) during a vacation period, subject to 20.08;
(d) for any day on which she is not scheduled to work.
20.04 An employee must make every effort to notify her Supervisor promptly and in advance of her scheduled workday of her inability to report for work due to sickness so that service can be maintained. Supervisors will advise their staff of the appropriate reporting procedures to be followed.
20.05 A full-time employee who transfers to a part-time position will be entitled to retain but not accumulate or utilize any unused accumulated sick days earned prior to such transfer and will only be entitled to utilize such sick days upon obtaining a full-time position.
20.06 There shall be no deduction from sick leave credits when an employee has first completed at least half (1/2) the hours of her shift.
Sick Leave and LTD. Disability Income Protection
20.01 Income protection is payable when a full-time employee is absent from work due to legitimate personal illness or injury which is not compensable under the Workplace Health and Safety Insurance Act. It is understood that payment of income protection is for the sole and only purpose of protecting employees against the loss of income during time of such illness.
(a) The employer will pay 100% for the first two days and 70% to the end of the second week of straight time scheduled wages lost for fulltime employees as a weekly indemnity benefit covering legitimate personal illness or injury. Interrupted periods of illness shall be considered to be one incident for purposes of the Disability Income Protection Plan if the latter periods of illness are within four (4) calendar weeks of the initial incident.
(b) The employee shall apply for E.I. sick leave for weeks 3 through 17 of any legitimate illness or injury. The Employer will top-up these benefits to seventy percent (70%) of straight time wages. In the event the employee does not qualify for E.I. Sick Leave benefits by reason of lack of adequate contributions, she shall receive seventy percent (70%) of her straight time wages for weeks 3 through 17 of any legitimate illness or injury but shall not be eligible for benefits under iii) (change to (c) below.
(c) The Employer will pay one hundred percent (100%) of the billed premium for full-time employees for a weekly indemnity plan covering legitimate personal illness or injury for weeks 18 through 30 of such illness or injury. Payment under weekly indemnity will be seventy percent (70%) of scheduled straight-time wages lost. It is understood, (subsequent to initial implementation), that this benefit commences after the third month of employment, as a full time employee or immediately should a non-probationary part time person with more than three months’ equivalent service transfer to full time.
Sick Leave and LTD. A Nurse on Long Term Disability benefits who has sick leave credits at the time the Nurse ceases to be in receipt of Long Term Disability benefits shall retain such sick leave credits for use in the event the Nurse returns to work with the Employer.
(a) The Nurse shall pay 50% of the premium for the Long Term Disability Plan and the terms and conditions for participation in the LTD Plan as well as the payment of benefits shall be as determined by the LTD Plan.
(b) Should a Nurse in receipt of Long Term Disability benefits cease to be disabled the Nurse shall have a right to return to the Nurse's former or equivalent position with the Employer at not less than the same increment level. The Employer reserves the right to require a medical evaluation by a qualified medical practitioner in order to assist in determining the Nurse's suitability for reinstatement.
(c) Nurses in receipt of Long Term Disability benefits shall not be entitled to continue accumulation of paid sick leave benefits, paid vacation benefits or paid holiday benefits under this Collective Agreement but shall retain any previously accumulated sick leave credits for their use in the event they return to work. Such Nurses may claim accumulated paid vacation and holiday benefits at any time.
(d) During the elimination period and while in receipt of Long Term Disability benefits, the Nurse may continue to participate in the Benefit Plans provided the Nurse agrees to pay the employee share of the benefit premium contribution. The Nurse shall provide the Employer with a series of post- dated cheques or such other method of pre-payment as approved by the Employer.
(e) The Employer shall only provide the Employer share of the premium contribution for a period of not longer than two (2) years following the commencement of the absence.
(f) If the Nurse remains in receipt of Long Term Disability benefits after the two (2) years, the Nurse may continue to participate in the Benefit Plans, provided the Nurse pays 100% of the cost of the participation (both the Employer and Nurse portion). Continued participation shall be subject to the eligibility provisions of the respective Benefit Plans. The Nurse shall provide the Employer with a series of post-dated cheques or such other method of pre-payment as approved by the Employer.
Sick Leave and LTD. The Employer agrees to cost share on the basis of 65% of the premiums for Blue Cross or similar Health Care Coverage for those Nurses who are eligible and who pay their respective share on the basis of 35% of the premiums to participate in the Plan. Nurses on Long Term Disability benefits who have sick leave credits at the time the Nurse ceases to be in receipt of Long Term Disability benefits shall retain such sick leave credits for their use in the event the Nurse returns to work with the Employer.
Sick Leave and LTD