Sustainability Strategy Sample Clauses

Sustainability Strategy. The Sustainability Indicator included in the DIP was: Percentage of operating costs recovered from user fees/micro enterprise or other resource-generating scheme increased from unknown to 30%. IEF defines sustainability as the ability of a program to meet its operational costs through funding from consumers/beneficiaries while maintaining its orientation to the poor, with the long-term goal of a fully self-sustained child survival program. The main strategies for addressing sustainability presented in the DIP are: • Improve and maintain high quality services • Assess and meet customer demand • Conduct a cost analysis • Provide direct sustainability technical assistance • Balance volume, cost and prices in a manner that keeps prices affordable for the majority, while allowing access to services for the poor. In addition, IEF recognizes that capacity building of its own organization, of local NGOs, MOH structures and community-based institutions is essential to creating the systems necessary for sustainable development to flourish. The cost analysis was carried out, as well as two workshops on quality. Some improvement has been seen on the quality of services, according to community perception. The study on customer satisfaction has not been conducted, nor was TA on sustainability received. A very limited amount of progress has been made toward the indicator. The main focus of the CSP is on sustaining CEPAC through cost recovery, this is a narrow view of sustainability, and is somewhat contradictory with CS philosophy of preventing disease, not taking solely a curative focus. The CSP needs to look at what activities prevent disease and achieve long term sustainability of positive health behaviors at the community level, i.e. instead of providing Vitamin A capsules, teach use of local food sources; instead of deworming children, focus on improving hygiene and complementary projects in water and sanitation. The sustainability of health activities at the community level will be attained through having competent well trained community volunteers, a strong supportive community structure, and a strong linkage between the community and MOH services. During the MTE communities were asked about sustaining activities, but few concrete suggestions were elicited. These types of discussions have not been held previously with communities, for example, ideas on how the RPS could be supported in the future, brought responses of “Yes, we could help them” but without definite...
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Sustainability Strategy. The stated sustainability objectives for the project are as follows:
Sustainability Strategy. In the context of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, UNIDO aims to harness the full potential of the industry’s contribution to the achievement of sustainable development, and lasting prosperity for all. UNIDO interventions in this project are aligned with SDG-9 which acknowledges that innovation and industrialization are the main drivers of sustained economic growth, environmental sustainability and shared prosperity. The strategic alliance between Cuba and Slovenia in the designated priority sectors will be in line with UNIDO’s Medium Term Programme Framework (MTPF) for 2018 -2021, the Slovenian Cooperation agreement with UNIDO and the current UNIDO’s Country Programme for Cuba. Within this project, a feasibility study on the development of the innovation cluster of Slovenia and Cuba for the selected sectors will be performed, including the assessment of specific business options (for example generic product manufacturing, biopharmaceutical (biosimilar) manufacturing, distribution-focused entities, R&D), which also considers the pros and cons of each of these sub-sectors; and produce and action plan for the establishment of the cluster. These new products, technologies and processes developments identified within the cluster will have an impact on the human health and the quality of life, therefore the project also targets indirectly the SDG3 (good health and well-being). Moreover, the targeted sectors for this intervention have been prioritized within both countries´ updated industrial development strategies, and they have acquired even more relevance under the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis in: a) contributing to strengthen own countries capacities and international partnerships efforts in fighting the pandemic through the joint development of new treatments/ therapeutic vaccines, etc.; and b) accelerating the development of such new products / treatments, by bracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution (for example by assessing the use of AI and Big Data for reducing the clinical trials periods, or predicting product performance). The continuously growing market demand on new products/ services generated by the selected sectors combined with well stablished local capacities, enabling regulatory frameworks and policy incentives, and public health system’s needs and demands; make these sectors attractive enough for accessing to government support and gaining international/ local private investors interest as well. The development of the innovati...
Sustainability Strategy. The sustainability objectives for this project follow with results: • 50% of the nutrition status impact on % of all 6-35 month olds <-2Z WFA is sustained one year after the end of Hearth sessions. This objective was met, although the high drop-out rate in the Red Azanake and the small numbers of children in some of the communities make it difficult to draw any solid conclusions. In the Red Norte, improvements were sustained and even surpassed over a year following the end of Hearth sessions. In the Red Azanake, improvements were not sustained one year following Hearth sessions; they reverted back to baseline rates. In Huanuni, they did not have the data to analyze whether improvements were sustained one year after implementation of Hearth sessions. They did, however, show that nutritional status improved in eight out of fourteen communities in which H/PD was implemented (see Results of cross-cutting approaches section for more details). APROSAR is committed to continuing to work on developing the H/PD methodology as they have seen improvements and believe that if they implement it in a manner more suitable to Bolivia, they could increase its impact. Still, H/PD remains, at least for now, the most intensive and expensive of the three approaches and for it to be a viable strategy to recommend for expansion, more fieldwork is needed to refine it and ensure that it can be effective in the challenging conditions in rural Bolivia. Positive deviance inquiry can be applied in many ways and in programs outside of the health sector, such as SC/B’s work in Education looking at positive deviant schools. APROSAR has also recognized this potential and plans to continue to use the approach in some of its other programs. • MOH or other PVO/NGO has written plans for implementation of SECI and/or H/PD in two other health districts. Wawa Sana surpassed this objective with at least 15 organizations having already adopted and/or adapted SECI or H/PD throughout Bolivia (see maps on previous pages that indicate which organizations are now implementing all or part of the SECI and/or Hearth methodologies. CB-IMCI is a national strategy that will continue beyond the Wawa Sana project as long as Promoters continue to work. Similarly, those Promoters who continue to work and who have been trained in and using SECI are likely to continue it (if health providers continue) because of high community demand. The evaluation team estimates that approximately 60% of Promoters will continue ...
Sustainability Strategy. Plan Cameroon’s Child Survival Project defined sustainability as the ability of communities to sustain health improvements and enhance the health system in the absence of a project team or external funding. The project is to be judged sustainable if:
Sustainability Strategy. Sustainability Objective End Results • 2 DHOs will prepare an annual health workplan indicating efficient use of resources. • 75% of CHTs at regulado level will attend meetings regularly. • 2 DHOs will have supervisory and monitoring systems for QOC and peer review. • DHOs will regularly share lessons learned at provincial and national MOH levels. • DHOs commit to sustaining CHT training and formation by inclusion into yearly DHO plans. The weaknesses of the capacity building assessment reflect on the potential sustainability of activities beyond the life of the project. Neither DDS had annual work plans or even quarterly work plans in addition to the SC training plans. Monitoring systems for health workers, quality control of services and for CLCS do not exist. It is necessary that districts and province commit time and resources to continue monitoring CLCS beyond the life of the project to keep them motivated. With the interest fostered by the MTE, we expect that the relationship of the DDS and CLCS to improve. District financial and budget management issues need to be addressed. The periodic unavailability of the MOH vehicles assigned to each district will further strain the ability to carry out supervisory activities. Finally a huge challenge is the destiny of the cars currently working in the districts. These two vehicles might not be kept in the districts after the end of the project and this is a major obstacle to continuation of activities. Next steps In order to ensure continuation of activities SC and DDS staff have to:
Sustainability Strategy. CSRA defines sustainability as follows: A sustainable local health system is the continuous, indefinite provision of benefits (quality health services) to defined communities. CSRA has learned that sustainability ensues only if the following elements are in place: sufficient and secure provision of resources; offering products that are in demand; good technical capacity; an organizational structure that guarantees accountability, clear goals and objectives, values, and a stable work environment; and leadership that foresees and prepares for the future, motivates people and fosters a sense of ownership. Sustainability strategies in the CSXIII Project were implemented in three main areas: financial sustainability, institutional sustainability, and coordination with other institutions and municipal governments. Results from the sustainability strategy implemented during the CSXIII Project are impressive. Following is a brief summary of achievements. Financial Sustainability ❑ Increase local support for recurrent costs of health facility management from 18% to 50%. LOCAL SUPPORT FOR RECURRENT COSTS Geographic Baseline 1996-1997 Percent Local Final 2000-2001 Percent of local Area Total Operational Budget Local Support Support Total Operational Budget Local Support support Carabuco $120,867 $22,787 19% $152,201 $82,807 54% Ancoraimes $135,874 $27,801 20% $147,252 $50,519 34% Puerto Xxxxxx $69,094 $16,305 23% $152,568 $58,504 38% TOTAL $325,835 $66,893 20% $452,021 $191,830 42% ❑ Increase the proportion of resources generated by CSRA (not counting support from Curamericas) from 34% to 67% of the budget. Information from 2001 for Carabuco, Ancoraimes and Puerto Xxxxxx, and estimates from CSRA Offices in Montero and La Paz, shows that CSRA is currently generating 59% of its budget, an increase from $519,113 to $876,706 over a four year period. ❑ Include salaries for staff positions created by the CSXIII Project in the annual MOH budget. All positions created during CSXIII have received official MOH endorsement and are now budgeted annually by the MOH for the project target area. MOH salaried staff slots increased from 23 to 35, and positions sponsored by municipal governments increased from 3 to 8. ❑ Increase sales by 25% in CSRA/MOH operated health facilities (Ancoraimes, Carabuco, Puerto Xxxxxx). INCREASE IN SALES FOR CS XIII TARGET AREAS Geographic Area. 1996-1997 2001 % Increase. Carabuco $3,862 $7,682 99% Ancoraimes $7,939 $13,550 71% Puerto Xxxxxx $1,527 $11,...
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Sustainability Strategy. The Contractor shall ensure that the Sustainability Strategy: complies with all current and future Government Sustainable Development and Waste Management Policies and legislation; and sets out a strategy for meeting or improving on the targets set out in Greening Government Commitments. The Contractor’s Sustainability Strategy shall be appended at Schedule 24 (Sustainability Strategy).
Sustainability Strategy. The stated sustainability objectives for the project are as follows: 4 USTF: Unidades de Salud Totalmente Funcionando (Health Units Totally Functioning) ❑ 100% of MOH staff trained in skills and concepts for effective Child Survival. ❑ 100% of MOH staff using IMCI for assessing and diagnosing all children under five. ❑ An effective supervision and self-supervision system in place for MOH staff and CHWs. ❑ MOH staff using antibiotics to treat less than 30% of ARI cases.5 ❑ The MOH central outreach team will be visiting each community every two months to provide immunizations, patient follow-up, growth monitoring, home visits, health education, CHW supervision and in-service training, and support to the community development committees. ❑ The MOH will have a long-term plan for supervising and training CHWs and BF counselors. ❑ The MOH will have adopted quality assurance as an integral part of operation. ❑ The MOH will have a long-term plan for assessing their own training needs and for in-service training. ❑ A referral-counter referral system will be functioning effectively between all CHWs and the health units. ❑ Seventy communities will have action plans and functioning CDCs.6 ❑ Seventy communities will have a functioning base house used by residents. ❑ Fifty percent of households will be participating in at least one of the food security activities: gardens, credit, or family budgeting. ❑ Seventy breastfeeding counselors will be functioning and breastfeeding support groups will be established in each community or barrio. ❑ A minimum of 70 CHWs will be conducting home visits and tracking health status of 30 families each, conducting growth monitoring, providing education and counseling, making referrals and following up on patients counter-referred. ❑ 25% of the CDCs will be planning and executing self-help projects related to health. CARE’s CS Project has made exemplary progress towards its sustainability indicators, the majority of which have been surpassed. All MOH staff has been trained in Child Survival and IMCI, a supervision system is in place, TQM has been institutionalized assuring continuity of planning, evaluation, training, information system management, and community outreach. The referral and counter referral system is up and running, and sufficient supplies of forms exist for the next 2 years. Over 80 communities have a functioning Base House, and the number of breastfeeding counselors (155), AIN monitors (148) and Base House operators (86) ...
Sustainability Strategy. The Consortium’s goal is to achieve a quality-based sustainability plan that will allow FIPDes to be a world- class programme able to attract the best students, partners and employers. The strategy is based upon the following pillars: • innovative education content tailored on market’s needs • targeted dissemination and exploitation of resultsstrategic partnerships with socio-economic actors This will lead to secure excellent employability prospects. The FIPDes Programme will therefore be recognized as a brand of excellence at international level, facilitating fundraising. The sustainability plan implies financial and institutional objectives: • to deliver the FIPDes Joint degree within the expected timeframe by the Consortium (year 2021) • to ensure the highest HEIs commitment towards an optimised human resource management of the key staff in order to ensure a smooth and consistent management. The cost-effective organisation of the FIPDes Consortium will also support the FIPDes sustainability plan • to ensure that the students’ selection and recruitment process remain focussed on excellence • to increase progressively the number of self-paying students • to be able to raise funds and being 100% financially autonomous at the horizon 2021 • to xxxxxx excellent employability results. The Consortium undertakes to assure the dissemination and promotion of the Programme through the dedicated website (xxx.xxxxxx.xx), social networks, emailing, intern communication, etc. They commit to use the Erasmus + and the FIPDes logo systematically for the dissemination. All logos and guidelines regarding Erasmus+ are available here: xxxxx://xxxxx.xx.xxxxxx.xx/about-eacea/visual-identity_en
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