26.01 Employees shall provide themselves with suitable clothing for the job to which they are assigned.
26.02 The Company shall supply or make available such special clothing as it deems necessary to be worn on the job for reasons of appearance, safety or health, or as a protection against undue wear or damage. The Company may, at its discretion, replace employees' clothing damaged under unusual job conditions.
MISCELLANEOUS WORKING CONDITIONS. 1. No employee shall be required to perform personal services for supervisors such as serving coffee, shopping, etc.
2. The University Administration shares the Association’s concern that work performed for personal gain not be conducted during normal working hours or involve the use of University facilities. Members of the bargaining unit who question the propriety of a specific work assignment may refer the question to the appropriate department chair or manager for a decision. An appeal of that decision may be made to the Vice-President of Business and Finance. If the decision of the Vice-President is not acceptable, the decision may be appealed to the Assistant Director (Employee Relations) of the Department of Administration. The decision of the Assistant Director will be final and binding.
3. Employees who are required to assume additional responsibilities or perform work outside their classification shall be requested to do so in writing and be entitled to appeal through the Reclassification Appeals Procedure as provided for in this Agreement. If such written request is not made within twenty-four (24) hours, the employee need not perform the additional responsibilities.
4. Any employee whose salary is allocated from “soft” funds, either directly or indirectly shall be entitled to all the rights of the contract.
5. Employees will be informed of any change in supervisors prior to the new supervisor being employed in the new position.
6. All employees will be provided with identification cards by the University at no cost.
7. All privileges and benefits which employees have hitherto enjoyed shall be maintained and continued by the State and University for the term of this Agreement.
8. Any employee who believes she has been treated unfairly as it applies to her working conditions, or that her working conditions have been unfairly assigned, may have access to the Grievance Procedure (Article XII).
a. Employees not included in the recognized bargaining unit shall not perform work normally assigned to employees in the bargaining unit to displace said employees except in an emergency situation.
b. The long standing practice of providing part-time employment as a University obligation to needy and worthy students will continue. Students shall not be employed to perform duties within the occupations represented by this bargaining unit for more than 20 hours per week per student except for vacation periods. Further, students shall be defined as those individ...
MISCELLANEOUS WORKING CONDITIONS. A. Adjunct faculty traveling on approved official business and/or institutional trips shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses in accordance with College policies, as those policies may be amended from time to time.
B. The College and the faculty agree to abide by applicable federal and state laws concerning health and safety in the workplace. The College shall make the minutes of the College Safety Committee meetings available to the Association either through computer posting or mailed copies.
C. The parties hereby specifically incorporate into this Agreement by reference the College's Institutional Property Policy, the College's Computer Network Use Policy, and the College’s Intellectual Property Policy as these policies may be amended from time to time.
D. Adjunct faculty shall be provided with a voicemail box number with which to be reached directly via express messaging and shall have reasonable access to telephone services including the use of the New Hampshire in- state line and out-of-state long distance service for academic business.
E. Adjunct faculty shall have reasonable access to secretarial assistance, duplicating services and supplies for the preparation of teaching materials, examinations, and other related materials.
F. Adjunct faculty members shall be issued photo ID cards at their request.
G. Adjunct faculty members shall have the same rights and privileges of access to library materials and services as full-time faculty, with the presentation of their ID cards.
H. In accordance with the College health and wellness goals, adjunct faculty shall have access to all Xxxxxxxxx Gym and Recreational Center facilities. For those facilities requiring membership payment, adjunct unit members will receive a 50% membership rate reduction.
I. Adjunct faculty may apply for and receive a parking decal at no cost and may park in lots with an F/S designation.
J. Adjunct faculty may receive the same ticket discounts as are available to full-time faculty members.
K. Eligibility to Participate in Flexible Savings Accounts (FSAs): Effective January 1, 2011, members of the bargaining unit will be eligible to make pre-tax salary reductions to a Health FSA for qualified medical expense reimbursement and/or a Dependent Care FSA for qualified dependent care expenses. FSAs are subject to USNH guidelines and IRS rules, regulations and nondiscrimination testing. Pre-tax salary reduction elections must be made prior to the plan year through an open-enrollment per...
MISCELLANEOUS WORKING CONDITIONS. 3.9.1 Employees shall not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions or to perform tasks which endanger their health, safety, or well- being as defined by the safety committee of the School District and in accordance with the law.
3.9.2 The District shall provide adequate rest areas, lounges and restrooms, and parking space for employee use. Employees will be issued keys consistent with security needs.
3.9.3 The District shall support and assist employees with respect to the maintenance of control and discipline of students in the employees' assigned work areas.
3.9.4 Employees may use reasonable measures with a student as is necessary to protect the employee, a fellow employee, a teacher, an administrator, or another student from attack, physical abuse or injury, or to prevent damage to District property.
3.9.5 No employee shall be required to dispense or administer medication unless in accordance with the most recently revised Washington State laws.
3.9.6 Employees will be paid at their hourly rate or overtime rate, as required by law, plus mileage and registration fees for workshops and committee meetings to which they are assigned by the District which meet outside the regularly scheduled workday. The request for attendance at workshops or committee meetings must be approved by the Superintendent, or the principal, or program supervisor with budgetary authority. The District and Association shall organize, plan and advertise professional development opportunities for bargaining unit members through labor-management meetings, including, but not limited to, trainings offered by the District, the state, WEA, Puget Sound ESD, etc.
3.9.7 Employees shall be released for the purpose of inservice training, observing in other districts, etc., as approved by the Superintendent. The released time for this purpose must be job-assignment related. Upon request, employees denied release time will be provided the reasons for the denial in writing.
3.9.8 Employees attending training courses or inservice required by state law or by District policy as a condition of employment will be paid by the District at the employee's regular hourly rate of pay, or at the overtime rate if applicable, for all time in attendance, plus any fees or tuition. Travel time and reasonable, actual expenses incurred (travel, food, lodging) shall be paid by the District pursuant to the procedures in Board policy. Meal reimbursement will be made only when travelling overnight.
26.01 It is recognized that family emergencies occur which necessitate an employee's absence. The Company will attempt to minimize the financial impact of such absences by the granting of paid time owing to the employee. It is understood that time off for family emergencies is to attend to immediate responsibilities and the employee will make every reasonable effort to return to work as soon as possible.
MISCELLANEOUS WORKING CONDITIONS. A. 1. Employer agrees to furnish bib-style aprons to be worn by employees when performing required maintenance and janitorial type duties for which normal street wear is not appropriate.
MISCELLANEOUS WORKING CONDITIONS. 1. The State shall provide and alter uniforms for those employees who are required to wear them in accordance with present practice.
2. No employee shall be required to perform personal services for supervisors such as serving coffee, shopping, etc.
3. The College Administration shares the Association’s concern that work performed for personal gain shall not be conducted during normal working hours or involve the use of College facilities, except in accordance with College Policy (June 6, 1983). Members of the bargaining unit who question the propriety of a specific work assignment may refer the question to the appropriate department chairman or supervisor for a decision.
4. Any employee, whose salary is allocated from “soft” funds, either directly or indirectly, shall be entitled to all the rights of the Contract.
5. All employees will be provided with one initial and one replacement identification card, parking permit and/or parking lot gate card by the College at no cost to the employee, to be used by the employee only.
6. All privileges and benefits which employees have hitherto enjoyed shall be maintained and continued by the State and College for the term of this Agreement.
7. The College shall provide a pair of shoes to each uniformed college police employee and a pair of safety shoes or boots to each physical plant department employee and shall replace shoes on an as needed basis not to exceed one (1) pair per year.
MISCELLANEOUS WORKING CONDITIONS. 14.1 All protective aprons required by the Employer to be worn in the store shall be furnished by the Employer.
14.2 When management supplies drip-dry uniforms, said uniforms will be laundered by the employee.
14.3 If a physical examination or a health permit is required by the Employer or local government, the cost of the examination or the health permit shall be borne by the Employer.
14.4 The Employer shall have the right to establish and implement appropriate dress and/or grooming regulations or other work rules.
MISCELLANEOUS WORKING CONDITIONS. Article 29.06 of the Collective Agreement is replaced with the following: “29.06
A. Regular Contract Year