HOURS, OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY. Section 1 The parties to this Agreement mutually subscribe to the principle of a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. Section 2 The normal work schedule (except for the high school forty (40) hours Tuesday through Saturday custodian) shall consist of forty (40) hours Monday through Friday. The normal work week for computation of overtime is Sunday, 10:00 p.m. to Sunday, 10:00 p.m. It is understood and agreed that work schedules for new and posted positions shall be established by the Board of Education. If an employee is on an approved absence (vacation or personal business, etc.) they cannot choose to come in to do overtime, to cover as acting head custodian or do the lunch program.
HOURS, OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY. Section 1. Work Week, Work Day and Work Schedule: The "work week", shall be defined as seven (7) consecutive days commencing at the start of the employee's work schedule. A "work day" shall be defined as a recurring twenty-four (24) hour period commencing at the start of the employee's work schedule. A "work schedule", consistent with the operating requirement of the City, shall be a 5-8, 4-10, 9-80, flexible or part-time as follows: (a) A "5-8" work schedule shall consist of five (5) consecutive days of eight (8) work hours each work week. (b) A "4-10" work schedule shall consist of four (4) consecutive days of ten (10) work hours each work week. (c) A “9-80 work schedule shall consist of four (4) days of nine (9) hours each, followed by one (1) day of eight (8) hours with every other week being a day off on the fifth (5th) day. (d) An alternative work schedule shall consist of fixed hours other than a 5-8, 4-10, or 9-80 schedule. (e) A "flexible" work schedule shall be equal in total hours worked during the work week to that of a "5- 8" employee but remains variable with regard to the number of work hours per day or work days per week. Such work schedule shall not be in effect unless agreed upon in advance by the individual affected employee and the City. Assignments which the City expects to work a flexible schedule will be identified as such. An employee's acceptance of such assignments constitutes the employee's voluntary agreement to a flexible schedule. (f) Regular part-time" employees shall be scheduled to work a portion of any of the above• specified schedules.
HOURS, OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY. A. The normal work day for regular full time employees of the Assessing and Building Department shall be eight (8) hours excluding, non-paid one-half (1/2) hour lunch, and shall be between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The normal work day for regular full time employees of the D.P.W. shall be eight (8) hours excluding a non-paid one-half (1/2) hour lunch period and shall be between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding those members of the D.P.W. assigned to the Maintenance Division. This Paragraph shall not be construed as, and is not a guarantee of any number of hours of work per day. Those employees of the D.P.W. assigned to the Maintenance Division, may be required to work anytime on a seven (7) day work week with a five (5) day work schedule with two (2) days off in succession from Sunday to Saturday inclusive. Additionally, their hours may be adjusted according to the needs of the Employer, but in no event will such employees be required to work split-shifts. A normal work day for Zoning Enforcement Officers shall consist of eight (8) hours excluding a non-paid one-half (1/2 hours lunch. Zoning Enforcement Officers may be scheduled to work any five (5) of seven (7) days within a five (5) day workweek with two (2) days off. Work schedules shall include work on Saturday and Sunday as mutually agreed to by the Parties. Off days shall be consecutive where possible and in no event shall officers be required to work split shifts. Article 16.M. shall not apply for work on Saturday and Sunday if scheduled one (1) week in advance. B. For all employees the work hours shall be broken down into 10-6 minute segments. An employee shall be noted as late for work if he does not report ready for work at his work station at his starting time. If an employee reports for work late, six (6) minutes or more after starting time, he shall be docked in major segments of 1/10 of an hour. C. If an employee is more than sixty (60) minutes tardy, his supervisor may send him home for the balance of that working day, in which event he shall not receive any pay for that day. D. It is recognized and understood that deviations from the foregoing regular schedules of work will be necessary and will unavoidably result from several causes, such as, but not limited to, rotation of shifts, vacation, leaves of absence, weekend and holiday duty, absenteeism, employee request, temporary shortage of personnel and emergencies. No such ...
HOURS, OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY. Section 1. Definition The basic workweek shall consist of forty (40) hours per week of five or six days if operational possible. Overtime will be paid for hours worked over forty (40) hours per week provided that the employee works all scheduled shifts during such week, with the exception of any paid or unpaid absence that has been excused, or hours lost due to being sent home by the Company. Hours will not be reduced to avoid the payment of overtime. Section 2. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a guarantee of any number of hours worked per day or per week. If volunteers are not available and overtime is required, the least senior qualified employee in the classification and location will be required to work overtime. Section 3. Premium Pay for Overtime and Holiday Worked Premium pay shall be paid as follows: a) One and one-half (1½) times the basic hourly rate of the employee for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) per week. In determining when overtime pay is due, time off taken as sick time will not be included in the calculation of hours worked. However, time-off taken as a paid holiday and vacation will be included in the calculation of hours worked. b) One and one-half (1 ½) times the basic hourly rate of the employee for all hours worked on a day recognized as a paid holiday plus holiday pay as provided in Article 9. c) Two (2) times the basic hourly rate of the employee for hours worked on the seventh (7th) consecutive day of work in any workweek as determined by management. d) There will be no pyramiding of overtime. Section 4.
HOURS, OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY. Section 1 - Definition -The basic workweek shall consist of thirty-seven and half (37.5) hours per week for five (5) consecutive days.
HOURS, OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY. 8.1 Workday and Work Week
HOURS, OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY. Section 1 The parties to this Agreement mutually subscribe to the principle of a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. Section 2 The normal work schedule shall consist of forty (40) hours Monday through Friday. The normal work week for computation of overtime is Sunday, 10:00 p.m. to Sunday, 10:00
HOURS, OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY. A. General Provisions 1. The work week starts on Monday and continues through Friday. The workday begins with the start of the first shift and will consist of three (3) shifts as required within twenty-four (24) hours. The times for these shifts will be set by buildings at the beginning of the school year and will not vary for the remainder of the year. The Union will be given an opportunity for advisory input before shift changes are made. If the Union is not satisfied with the administrative decision on shift changes, after its opportunity for input, the Union may request a meeting with the Board and Superintendent. Work hours may be changed on days when school is not in session, However, members must be given a twenty-four (24) hours’ notice. 2. Four Day Work WeekSummer Months 3. The work-shift will consist of not more than eight (8) straight-time hours, excluding a half-hour uninterrupted lunch period. The work shift may not begin or end with the lunch period or paid breaks. 4. All employees who normally work six (6) hours or more per day are considered permanent full-time employees under this Agreement. All employees who normally work less than six (6) hours per day are considered permanent part-time employees. 5. An employee working on an emergency call-in basis will be guaranteed two (2) hours' pay or the actual number of hours worked, whichever is greater. 6. All custodial/maintenance/transportation/food service employees working four (4) or more consecutive hours will be granted a fifteen (15) minute break in each four (4) hours worked. These breaks will not be combined with the lunch period (see #4 above). 7. Prior to the end of the school year, the Administration will notify regular employees who are not on a twelve-month basis of jobs that will be available during the summer months. Regular employees who are not on a twelve-month basis will be allowed to apply for any summer position inside or outside of their classification. 8. Critical employees will be designated by the school district. When schools are closed due to adverse weather conditions, they will report to work and will receive double-time for all hours worked. Critical employees who fail to report on these days without a reason acceptable to the administration, or who do not use a vacation day, will lose a personal business day. Critical employees who fail to report and fail to call in, will lose pay for that day. Employees, other than critical employees, in the custodial/mainten...
HOURS, OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY. Section 1 - Definition - The basic workweek shall consist of forty (40) hours per week of five (5) days if operationally possible. Overtime will be paid for hours worked over forty (40) hours per week. Section 2 - Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a guarantee of any number of hours worked per day or per week. The Company will attempt to schedule positions that provide forty (40) hour per week where operationally possible. If volunteers are not available and overtime is required, the least senior qualified employee will be required to work overtime. Section 3 - Premium Pay for Overtime - Premium pay shall be paid as follows: A. One and one-half (1 1/2) times the basic hourly rate of the employee for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) per week. In determining when overtime pay is due, paid time off will not be included in the calculation of hours worked. B. Two (2) times the basic hourly rate of the employee for hours worked on the seventh consecutive day of work in any workweek. C. Double time for all hours worked over twelve (12) in the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning with the employee’s normal shift starting time. There will be no pyramiding of overtime. Section 4 - Guarantee of Pay on Call-in - Employees shall be paid at the rate of one and one- half times their basic hourly rate with a minimum guarantee of two (2) hours or for the actual hours worked whichever is greater, when the employee is called back by the Company for emergency work. Section 5 - Distribution of Overtime - The Company will distribute overtime equally (on a rotational basis) among employees in their respective classifications by seniority. In the event that overtime is required and the most senior employee is not available for overtime work, the least senior qualified employee will be assigned to work overtime in inverse seniority order. No employee shall be required to take equivalent time off to compensate for overtime worked. If an employee is not given his or her turn for an overtime opportunity, the remedy for such error shall be preference for future overtime assignments and not overtime pay for time not worked. The overtime records of the Company will be available to the Union for inspection. The Company will post a schedule monthly showing overtime worked for all employees.