ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A. The Board hereby agrees that every employee within the bargaining unit shall have the right freely to organize, join, and support the Association. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under color of law of the State of Florida, the Board undertakes and agrees that it will not directly or indirectly discourage, deprive or coerce any teacher in the enjoyment of rights conferred by this agreement, the Laws of Florida, or the Constitutions of Florida and the United States; that will not discriminate against any teacher with respect to wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment by reason of his/her membership in the Association, his/her participation in any activities of the Association or collective bargaining with the Board, any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this agreement.
B. The provisions of this Agreement shall be applied without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or handicap. Membership in the Association shall not be denied to any teacher because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or handicap.
C. Collaborative Improvement Team/Building Committee
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Pursuant to Act 379, Public Acts of 1965, the Board hereby agrees that employees of the Board shall have the right freely to organize, join and support the Association in lawful activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or negotiations, for mutual aid and protection. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under the laws of the State of Michigan, the Board undertakes and agrees that it will not directly or indirectly discourage, deprive or coerce any teacher in the enjoyments of any rights conferred by Act 379 or other laws of Michigan or the Constitutions of Michigan and the United States; that it will not discriminate against any teacher by reason of his/her membership in and support of the Association.
B. The provisions of this Agreement shall be applied without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, sex, age or marital status.
C. A copy of any communication sent to the Board which involves the administration or the district program shall be provided the administrator involved and the Superintendent of Schools.
D. Upon written request of the Association, the Board agrees to make available pertinent public information concerning the financial resources, statistics and records of the district and any new or modified fiscal, budgetary or tax programs, construction programs or major revisions of educational policy, which are proposed or under consideration and the Association shall be given opportunity to advise the Board in writing with respect to said matters prior to their adoption and/or general publication. An Agenda shall be made available to the Association prior to the Board Meeting.
E. At the request of either party, during the school year, the Administration shall meet with the designated Association representatives to discuss the implementation of the agreements between the Board and the Association, after discussion with building principals, and such other problems as may be of concern to either party. If the problem is not rectified, the Association shall have the right to a meeting with the Superintendent and the Board. It is fully understood that these meetings are not to be used in place of the negotiation procedures and that discussion in these meetings will not prejudice the processing of any grievance.
F. The Association and its members, excluding all other teacher bargaining units, shall have the right to use school building facilities without charge at all reasonable hours, not to include teac...
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Pursuant to the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, the Board hereby agrees that every employee of the Board shall have the right to freely organize, join, and support the Association for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining or negotiation and other lawful concerted activities for mutual aid and protection. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under color of law of the State of Michigan, the Board undertakes and agrees that it will not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any teacher in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by Act 379 or other laws of Michigan and/or the Constitutions of Michigan and the United States; that it will not discriminate against any teacher in any way by reason of his membership in the Association, his participation in any lawful activities of the Association, or collective professional negotiations with the Board, or his institution of any grievance, complaint, or preceding under this Agreement or otherwise with respect to any terms or conditions of employment.
B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any teacher, rights he may have under the Michigan General School Laws or other applicable laws. The rights granted to teachers hereunder shall be deemed to be the same as, and in addition to, those provided by Board policies, law or on contract, individual or collective.
C. The Association or any members who are employed by the Chippewa Valley School District shall have the right to use the school buildings and facilities, without charge, for professional meetings during the time when the buildings are covered by operating staff, as provided in “D” below. Room clearance shall be made with the Principal involved at least 24 hours prior to the meeting or event and use of building shall be in conformance with Board Policy.
D. Duly authorized representatives of the Association and their respective affiliates shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations.
E. The Association shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment, including typewriters, mimeographing machines, photocopy machines, other duplicating equipment, calculating machines, and all types of audio visual equipment, at reasonable times, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all mate...
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 3.1 A member of the Association shall accompany the Board on building tours to provide input on matters relating to health and safety of building and grounds as deemed necessary by either party. The Board realizes its obligation to provide a generally healthful and safe environment for its employees. To this end, the Board, in its sole discretion, provided such is not unreasonably applied, will make a good faith effort to remedy problems brought to its attention in writing, which are likely to endanger the health, safety or well-being of its employees.
3.2 The Board shall, after written request from the Association President or designee, furnish the Association President or designee with the names of all newly hired members of the bargaining unit within ten (10) days after they are hired, shall provide requested written items within five (5) days after the request is made, and shall provide the Association with copies of non-personal, non-confidential correspondence from any carrier as determined by the Superintendent or the Board of Education. The Association President will receive information necessary to login to BoardBook.
(a) A designated bulletin board, at least 4 X 5 feet, to be used only by the Association will be placed in the dining area of each staff lounge. The Association shall not be denied reasonable use of said bulletin boards and teacher mailboxes for the posting and distribution of announcements of the Association provided 1) such announcements shall not contain any information derogatory to members, employees or agents of the Board and 2) such announcements do not involve endorsements of political candidates.
(b) The Association shall not be denied the reasonable use of Board word processing equipment and duplicating equipment for Association announcements provided approval for use is granted in advance by the administrator responsible for such equipment and the Association promptly reimburses the Board for any damage to its equipment occasioned by such use and for the cost of all consumables and/or machine unit or like charges. The cost of all consumables and machine unit charges and itemization of like charges shall be submitted in writing to the Association President or designee no later than the third day of school.
(c) The Association shall not be denied the reasonable use of meeting space in school facilities for Association meetings provided
(1) except in the case of an emergency, an Association written request is made to the Supe...
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Pursuant to the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, the Board hereby agrees that every Teacher shall have the right freely to organize, join and support the Association for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining or negotiation and other concerted activities for mutual aid and protection. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under color of law of the State of Michigan, the Board undertakes and agrees that it will not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any Teacher in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by the Act or other laws of Michigan or the Constitutions of Michigan and the United States; that it will not discriminate against any Teacher with respect to hours, wages, or any terms or conditions of employment by reason of his/her membership in the Association, his/her participation in any activities of the Association of collective professional negotiations with the Board, or his/her institution of any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this Agreement with respect to any terms or conditions of employment.
B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any Teacher, rights he/she may have under the Michigan General School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to Teachers hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
C. The Association and its representatives shall have the privilege of using school facilities for meetings at times when school facilities are not otherwise in use and upon prior approval by the administrator responsible for such facilities. A custodian must be on duty at anytime the facilities are in use. The Association shall be responsible for proper use of such facilities, including leaving them in the same condition as they were prior to the use. The Association shall be liable for any damages caused to the facilities by its use. The Association shall pay for the cost of all materials and supplies incidental to such use and shall be responsible for proper operation of all such equipment and shall be liable for any damages caused to said equipment by improper use by individuals using it for Association business.
D. Duly authorized representatives of the Association and their respective affiliates shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at times when this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations or assigned duties. It is the responsibilities ...
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. Pursuant to the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, the Board hereby agrees that every Teacher shall have the right freely to organize, join and support the Association for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining or negotiation and other concerted activities for mutual aid and protection. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under color of law of the State of Michigan, the Board undertakes and agrees that it will not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any Teacher in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by the Act or other laws of Michigan or the Constitutions of Michigan and the United States; that it will not discriminate against any Teacher with respect to hours, wages, or any terms or conditions of employment by reason of his/her membership in the Association, his/her participation in any activities of the Association of collective professional negotiations with the Board, or his/her institution of any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this Agreement with respect to any terms or conditions of employment.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A. The Board hereby agrees that every employee within the bargaining unit shall have the right freely to organize, join, and support the Association. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under color of law of the State of Florida, the Board undertakes and agrees that it will not directly or indirectly discourage, deprive or coerce any teacher in the enjoyment of rights conferred by this agreement, the Laws of Florida, or the Constitutions of Florida and the United States; that will not discriminate against any teacher with respect to wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment by reason of his/her membership in the Association, his/her participation in any activities of the Association or collective bargaining with the Board, any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this agreement.
B. The provisions of this Agreement shall be applied without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability. Membership in the Association shall not be denied to any teacher because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability.
C. Collaborative Improvement Team/Building Committee Prior to the last day of pre-planning, a Collaborative Improvement Team or a Building Committee will be implemented at every cost center. A majority vote of the faculty will decide which of the two it selects. During pre-plan the administration will provide time during a faculty meeting for the Association representative to conduct the vote without administration present if administration is notified in advance of the meeting by the faculty representative.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Pursuant to the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, the Board hereby agrees that every employee of the Board shall have the right to freely organize, join, and support the Association for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining or negotiation and other lawful concerted activities for mutual aid and protection. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under color of law of the State of Michigan, the Board undertakes and agrees that it will not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any teacher in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by Act 379 or other laws of Michigan and/or the Constitutions of Michigan and the United States; that it will not discriminate against any teacher in any way by reason of his membership in the Association, his participation in any lawful activities of the Association, or collective professional negotiations with the Board, or his institution of any grievance, complaint, or preceding under this Agreement or otherwise with respect to any terms or conditions of employment.
B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any teacher, rights he may have under the Michigan General School Laws or other applicable laws. The rights granted to teachers hereunder shall be deemed to be the same as, and in addition to, those provided by Board policies, law or on contract, individual or collective.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A. The Association shall have the use of buildings for meetings. Such meetings must be prearranged with the administration by completing a building use request form.
B. Thirty (30) days per year for Association business shall be allowed with not more than three (3) consecutive days being used by any one individual per occurrence. Regularly scheduled release time for the Association President will be arranged in consultation with the building principal. For any days used past the allotted 30 the association will reimburse the employer the full cost of the substitute teacher. Such time shall not be used for picketing, and/or support of activities con- nected with a strike or other illegal activities. Additional days may be added during contract negotiations at the discretion of the Superintendent. In the event an officer of the Association or representative is required by the Board or the administration to leave their teaching station during the normal school day, the administration will provide a substitute and this time will not be charged against the Association business days. The definition of a substitute will be determined by the Board.
C. Representatives of the Association may use any communication technology for Association business during the school day as long as such usage does not interfere with teaching or normal school operations. Association credit cards will be used for toll calls.
D. The Board will furnish the Association reasonable requests for public information.
E. The Association may request to be placed on the Board Agenda through the superintendent of schools. It is understood that grievances will follow the grievance procedure as outlined elsewhere in this contract, and that the Association must first utilize the proper channels of communication before matters may be properly brought before the Board.
F. The Board will receive all communications from the Association regarding financial matters and position of the Association on financial issues.
G. One (1) bulletin board shall be furnished per school for use of the Association. The Association will control the use of these boards. Reasonable judgment will be used in the selection of materials to be posted.
H. Teachers will not be prevented from wearing insignia or other identification of membership in the Association on school premises. Good and reasonable judgment shall be considered by the Association.
I. Teachers can work in their school buildings after school and during vacations ...
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 5.1 Employees, as defined in ARTICLE I, shall have the right to join or not join the Association. The Board and the Association shall not discriminate against any employee for reason of membership or non- membership in the Association or the institution of any grievance or proceeding under this Agreement.