Section 1. Seniority is an employee's length of service for the EMPLOYER from the most recent date of employment or REHIRE in the Department of Community Corrections or any of its predecessor departments, or any other Department of the EMPLOYER where an employee has been employed in a regular position as a probation/parole officer.
A. Seniority is not interrupted during the period an employee is on approved leave, including leave for UNION business or layoff, if the employee returns to active work status having complied with all the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT and the conditions the EMPLOYER established in approving the leave.
B. Seniority in work classes covered by this AGREEMENT shall be retained and continue to accrue during the probationary period if an employee leaves the unit covered by this AGREEMENT for another position with the EMPLOYER because of promotion, demotion or transfer.
C. An employee appointed to a regular position in the same job class and department as they were employed as a limited duration six months or less employee or as a Limited Duration with Benefits employee shall have seniority for purposes of layoff and recall from the employee’s most recent date of hire as a LIMITED DURATION EMPLOYEE provided such limited duration and regular appointments are contiguous and sequential. (Limited Duration No Schedule employees whose work schedule is intermittent, non-continuous or irregular in nature are excluded from this provision).
Section 2. Seniority rights under this AGREEMENT shall terminate under the following conditions:
A. Termination of employment.
B. Layoff in excess of a period equal to an employee's length of employment but not more than three years.
C. Failure to return to work in accordance with the terms and conditions of an approved LEAVE OF ABSENCE.
Section 3. Seniority lists shall contain the names of bargaining unit employees by class arranged in order of most to least senior.
A. Upon request of the UNION, but not more often than once each calendar year, the EMPLOYER shall establish a seniority list for the designated class(es) and unit. A seniority list shall also be established for affected class(es) within the unit at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the effective date of a layoff. A copy of seniority lists when established shall be furnished to the UNION's designated representative electronically.
B. Employees and the UNION shall be obligated to notify the EMPLOYER by certified mail of any error in ...
14.1 County seniority shall be the length of continuous employment with the EMPLOYER.
14.2 Classification seniority shall be the length of continuous service in a particular classification with the EMPLOYER.
14.3 Departmental seniority shall be the length of continuous service in a particular department of the EMPLOYER.
14.4 In the event that it becomes necessary to lay off employees for any reason, employees within a classification shall be laid off by reverse order of their classification seniority.
14.5 In the event of layoff an employee may bump an employee with the least classification seniority in any classification previously held by the first employee. In the event of a tie in seniority following applications of classification seniority, the order of layoff shall be determined by the last four (4) digits of the employee's Social Security Number, the higher the number the greater the seniority. When an employee bumps into a lower classification to avoid a layoff, the employee's new salary shall be the lesser of the employee's present salary or the maximum of the new classification.
14.6 An employee being laid off retains seniority in the bargaining unit for a period of two (2) years. Employees shall be recalled from layoff according to their seniority. Notice of recall shall be sent to employees at their last known address by registered or certified mail. If the employee fails to report to work within ten (10) calendar days from the date of mailing of the notice or recall, the employee shall be considered as having resigned. No new employee shall be hired in a classification where employees are on layoff status until all employees on layoff status in the classification desiring to return to work have been recalled.
SENIORITY/LAYOFF. 1. In the event of a layoff or reduction in force due to lack of funds or lack of work, employees will be laid off according to seniority within the classifications being reduced starting with least senior employee.
2. Employees shall be given opportunity to transfer in lieu of layoff, to any other positions for which the employee is or has qualified, and is more senior than the least senior employee in that class.
3. For purposes of this Article, seniority of employees shall commence on the date of hire, and include any break in employment with the City not exceeding twelve (12) months.
4. Employees who are temporary or employees during the orientation period, shall not have seniority for purposes of bids or layoff, but shall be assigned as the Department sees fit, and shall be laid off before any other employee.
5. Employees voluntarily terminating their employment and upon reinstatement shall lose their seniority rights for bidding purposes, promotions and for shift assignments beginning in this contract term.
SENIORITY/LAYOFF. 17.1 Library seniority means an employee’s length of continuous service with the Employer as measured by cumulative hours worked.
17.2 Classification seniority means the length of continuous service in a particular classification.
17.3 On January 1 and July 1, the Employer or its designee shall establish a seniority list. The list shall contain the name of each Employee in the order of classification seniority and shall also reflect each employee's date of classification and library seniority.
17.4 A reduction of the work force will be accomplished by classification in reverse order of classification seniority provided all probationary and temporary employees in the classification(s) where the layoff occurs are laid off first. In the event of layoffs or a reduction of the work force employees may exercise their library seniority rights to a job classification of a higher, the same, or lower pay within the bargaining unit provided that all job relevant qualifications between employees are equal.
17.5 Employees shall be recalled from layoff according to seniority and job classification. No new employee shall be hired for a job classification in which a layoff has occurred until all employees on layoff status within that job classification have been given ample opportunity to return to work within twenty-four (24) months of said layoff. The Library Director will notify employees on layoff to return to work by registered mail at the employee's last recorded address. The employee must return to work within three
SENIORITY/LAYOFF. A Bargaining Unit employee who has been laid off shall continue to accrue Bargaining Unit seniority during the period of the layoff.
SENIORITY/LAYOFF. 30.1 Seniority for the purpose of this Agreement is defined as follows:
A. Classification Seniority Xxxxx refer to service time as a police officer or as a police sergeant. Classification seniority is defined as the total prior credited pensionable service as a Police Civil Service Employee within each respective rank, dating from the employee’s appointment to that rank.
B. Departmental Seniority Shall be defined as total prior credited service as a Police Civil Service employee and will be equal to the employee’s total length of service as a sworn employee of the City of Orlando. Should a separated bargaining unit employee subsequently return to City employment and have prior credited pensionable service or purchase past service for pension purposes, the employee's seniority date shall be adjusted to reflect this past service.
30.2 Seniority will continue to accrue during all types of leave except for leave of absence without pay. Leave of absence without pay shall cause the seniority date to be adjusted. Service time not credited by virtue of not being in a pay status may be purchased in accordance with provisions of the Orlando Police Pension Plan.
30.3 Classification Seniority shall be used for the purpose of layoff and recall and vacation preference. Classification Seniority will be considered as a factor when transferring employees. Classification Seniority shall be the deciding factor in any preference all other factors being equal.
SENIORITY/LAYOFF. A. The Hospital and the Union recognize the principle of seniority.
1. Hospital seniority is defined as the length of time an employee has been continuously employed in the Hospital. Bargaining unit seniority of employees shall be based on their last date of hire with the Hospital within a position represented by the Union. Seniority shall not be broken by leaves of absence of less than six (6) months, unless otherwise stated in the contract.
2. In the event of a resignation from the bargaining unit of twelve (12) calendar months or less, seniority shall be reinstated to date of hire, less time of lay off or resignation from the bargaining unit, unless otherwise stated in the contract.
3. The Hospital agrees to allow any regularly scheduled employee to restore hours lost due to mandatory absence (MA) on a bargaining unit seniority basis when unscheduled hours become available.
4. The Hospital reserves the right to disqualify any employee, for the balance of the schedule, who fails to be available after indicating their availability.
5. The provisions of this Section shall apply for the purpose of maintaining regularly scheduled hours, to the extent possible.
6. The remedy for omissions and errors in administering this Section shall be prospective by providing preferential treatment regardless of seniority for unscheduled hours until the inequity is corrected.
7. It is further understood that this mutual agreement is intended to allow employees to recapture previously scheduled hours lost due to low workload so long as such recapture does not result in the payment of wages at premium or overtime rates, therefore, these recaptured hours will be payable at straight time only. The Hospital may choose not to assign hours under this section if the result of such assignment is to create an overtime or premium obligation.
SENIORITY/LAYOFF. 18 12.1 Seniority – Seniority shall mean the length of continuous employment by 19 the Hospital of a type covered by this Agreement. Seniority shall be accumulated for 20 each regular nurse within the bargaining unit on the basis of years of service to the 21 Hospital. Relief nurses shall accumulate seniority separately based upon hours worked.
SENIORITY/LAYOFF. Posting, Transfers
Section 1. Seniority List Posting
10.01 Seniority shall mean length of continuous service with the employer in a bargaining unit position. Seniority shall be accumulated in hours.
(a) A full time employee shall be considered on probation and shall not be subject to the seniority provisions of this Agreement, nor shall his name be added to the appropriate seniority list until after such time as he has completed, for Health funded programs/services, 487.5 hours, and for MCCSS funded programs/services, 520 hours of work with the Employer in the bargaining unit since the most recent date of hiring.
(b) A part-time employee, shall be considered on probation and shall not be subject to the seniority provisions of this Agreement nor shall his name be added to the appropriate seniority list until after such time as he has completed four hundred eighty seven and a half (487.5) hours worked in mental health, and five hundred and twenty (520) hours worked in developmental services, with the Employer in the bargaining unit since his most recent date of hire.
(c) A probationary employee shall not be entitled to have resort to the grievance procedure for dismissal or discharge during the probationary period.
(d) The probationary period can be extended provided there is a mutual agreement by the Executive Director (or Designate) and the Union. Such extension will be agreed upon in wiring and will be subject to 10.01(c).
10.02 A seniority list for employees who have completed their respective probationary periods shall be established by the Employer. The list shall be updated every three (3) months. A copy of each list shall be supplied to the Union at the time of initial posting and subsequent revision.
10.03 Seniority shall terminate and an employee shall cease to be employed by the employer when an employee:
(a) voluntarily quits employment with the employer or retires;
(b) is discharged and is not reinstated through the grievance procedure or arbitration;
(c) fails to return to work upon the termination of an authorized leave-of- absence unless a reason acceptable to the employer is given in advance of termination of the leave -of-absence;
(d) is absent without leave for two (2) consecutive scheduled shifts during which time the employee has not contacted the employer directly when the employee has had an opportunity to do so. Proof of the matter is the responsibility of the employee;
(e) fails to report for work within five (5) working days of receipt of a registered letter from the employer follow...