Work Hours and Overtime Sample Clauses
Work Hours and Overtime. You will adhere to your regularly scheduled work hours, as identified in the core HR system, and must be available during your scheduled work hours to perform assigned duties according to established standards and to communicate with supervisory staff, customers, and other business partners as appropriate. The workday shall continue to be 7.5 or 8.0 hours unless an approved alternate work schedule is in effect, including permanent part-time work schedules.
Work Hours and Overtime. Overtime will be paid in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act with the exceptions and terms set forth in the following provisions:
A. All employees assigned to administrative (40-hour work week) positions are entitled to receive premium overtime compensation at the rate of one and one-half times their “regular rate of pay”, as defined in the FLSA, for all hours worked (including hours when paid leave is used) in excess of 40 hours per week. All employees assigned to Fire Suppression positions are entitled to receive premium overtime compensation at the rate of one and one-half times their “regular rate of pay”, as defined in the FLSA, for all hours worked (including hours when paid leave is used) in excess of 212 hours in a 28-day work period established pursuant to section 7(k) of the FLSA. For the hours between 212 and 216 (for those assigned nine shifts) and between 212 and 240 (for those assigned ten shifts) in the 28-day work period, employees shall receive the half-time portion at the regular rate of pay (which shall be reported as compensation earnable that is subject to retirement (PERS) contributions) since their bi-weekly compensation is intended to compensate them for their regularly scheduled work hours. Hours regarded as worked will include exchange of time that was regularly scheduled but not worked; but it shall exclude hours actually worked in lieu of any exchange days.
B. If an employee regularly assigned to Fire Suppression is given an overtime assignment in an administrative (40-hour work week) position, overtime shall be calculated at one and one-half times the regular rate of pay established for that administrative position. If an employee regularly assigned to an administrative (40-hour work week) position is given an overtime assignment in Fire Suppression, overtime shall be calculated at one and one-half times the regular rate of pay established for the Fire Suppression position.
C. An employee called out other than during his/her regular working hours for emergency work shall be credited with four hours worked or actual hours worked, whichever is greater. The only exception shall be an employee regularly assigned to the Fire Prevention Bureau with an assigned 24-hour vehicle, who shall be credited with two hours worked or actual hours worked, whichever is greater.
D. An employee called out other than during his/her regular work hours for non- emergency work shall be credited with three hours worked or actual hours worked, w...
Work Hours and Overtime. A. Developing the work/shift schedule for employees in the bargaining unit is the responsibility of Management.
B. Employees who wish to make recommendations regarding alternative work/shift schedules will be allowed to do so. Such recommendations must indicate a complete work/shift schedule to be given serious consideration.
C. Overtime will be assigned by Management based upon the needs of the County. Employees are required to work any overtime assignment they are given. Failure to do so is considered insubordination and may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or termination.
D. As of January 1, 2008, political subdivisions of the State of New Mexico will no longer be exempt from the provisions of the state minimum wage law, therefore, overtime will be paid at the rate of one and a half times (1 and ½) the employee’s regular hourly rate of pay for each hour worked over forty hours within a seven day period.
E. Management will give employees reasonable notice of changes in work schedules/shifts, unless exigent circumstances prevent such notice.
F. Employees are normally scheduled to work forty (40) hours per week in four (4) ten-hour days, but nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a guaranteed minimum or maximum number of hours of work in any day or week. Departmental units that are currently on a four-10 day shift are expected to remain on a four 10- hour day shift. The Sheriff may implement the four-10 hour day shift at other units at his direction. The Sheriff will provide 30-days’ notice to the departmental unit prior to changing a unit to or from a four-10 hour day shift. Employees assigned to the four-10 hour day shift shall have consecutive days off. However, at the request of the employee, subject to the discretion and approval of the Sheriff, the employee may be granted split days off. A one (1) hour meal break and two (2) fifteen minute breaks may be taken if workload or assignment permits. At all times employees will be subject to call.
G. If an employee is called back to duty or subpoenaed to give testimony in court about events arising out of County employment, while the employee is on a vacation or holiday, the employee shall be paid for the vacation or holiday hours and shall also be paid for the hours actually worked or which the employee spends in court until the employee is released. In any case, the employee shall be deemed to have worked a minimum of two (2) hours. If an employee on sick leave or bereaveme...
Work Hours and Overtime. Section 1: The work week shall consist of five (5) consecutive days Monday through Friday and/or Tuesday through Saturday. The District reserves the right to set the consecutive days and start times. The workday for all day shifts shall consist of eight (8) consecutive work hours, exclusive of a one-half hour lunch period. The workday for all shifts commencing after 12 noon shall consist of eight (8) consecutive work hours, including a one-half hour lunch period. Employees are to adhere to their scheduled start and stop times assigned. If an emergency arises causing an employee to be late, they must call their supervisor. Employees that notify their supervisor that they may be late will have the opportunity to work up to half an hour over their scheduled time to make up for being late no more than three ( 3) times per year. Employees with three (3) or more unexcused late arrivals in one school year may cause the onset of progressive disciplinary actions. An unexcused tardy would be considered punching-in after the start of your work schedule.
Section 2: Hours worked in addition to the normal workday or in addition to the normal work week (anytime over 40 hours) shall be considered overtime and authorized by the Superintendent or designee. The rate of pay for overtime in excess forty (40) hours in paid status per week shall be time and one-half. The rate of pay for working on Sundays shall be double time. Double time for Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas shall be paid for all time worked. Triple time shall be paid only for compulsory overtime, which is defined as non-scheduled emergency work. For example, gas leaks, fire, or broken pipes. The forty (40) hours per week shall include any scheduled sick, personal or vacation time and shall exclude any unscheduled sick, personal or vacation time. To be considered scheduled time, an employee must provide a two (2) day notice in writing to the Director of Building and Grounds or Night Supervisor. However, employees shall be given exclusions to the stipulation twice a year that would give the opportunity to take time off without it affecting their overtime status for the week. Emergency bereavement leave will be included only if the employee provides proof.
Section 3: Overtime shall be equalized by assigning employees on a rotation basis, according to building and classification. The overtime shall not be mandatory but, if refused, shall count in the rotation as if it had been worked. This shall not apply...
Work Hours and Overtime. The Employer will establish normal business hours and daily work periods with consideration to customer service needs and the efficient management of staff.
Work Hours and Overtime. A. Employees will receive time and one-half for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week or for all hours in excess of eight (8) per day, provided all overtime is approved by the appropriate administrator. Full-time employees will receive time and one-half for all time worked for non-scheduled work days regardless of total hours worked during the week, unless hours were missed due to sick leave or leaves due to administrative action. Employees will be paid double time rate for any hours worked on Sundays and Holidays, and he/she shall be paid double time for school activities and double time for non-school activities. (Double Time is independent of standard holiday payment. If an employee’s hourly rate is $15.00 per hour, the employee will receive $30.00 per hour for any hours worked on the holiday).
B. The Employees grant the District the right to assign individuals to work events outside their regularly scheduled work hours. Such scheduling shall be offered first on a voluntary basis. Failing to fill the required positions, the District shall be able to assign employees to work starting at least senior.
C. Building Technicians/Heads or designee is required to check his/her building on the weekend or during a school vacation period, the employee shall receive time and one- half. The district reserves the right to indicate the amount of time needed to check buildings as follows: High School 1-1/2 hours Middle School 1 hour Elementary Schools 1 hour
D. If any employee is called out and required to report for work due to any emergency, the employee shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at time and one half. Such pay shall not apply to regular weekend building checks or other regularly scheduled school activities.
E. Any employee required to temporarily take the place of a building technician or maintenance employee for a period greater than ten (10) consecutive working days shall be placed at their corresponding position on the building technician or maintenance salary schedule and paid accordingly for the remainder of the time they are required to fulfill that job role. The compensation will be retroactive to the first day the employee begins filling that job role. In no instance; however, shall any employee be paid less than their current wage.
Work Hours and Overtime. Represented employees are exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act. As such, in addition to performing work during normal business hours of the City, they devote whatever time is necessary to accomplish the work of their offices without eligibility to accrue compensatory time or to be paid overtime compensation. As a result, these employees will not have to account for their work time on an hourly basis and will only need to account for each full day of absence that occurs on a regularly scheduled work day. Employees are expected to work full-time, with full-time being defined as a minimum of 80 hours per payroll period. Regardless of their exempt status, employees will need to account for absences based on the work schedule established for the employee’s work unit. Where operationally possible, the Department may allow, with approval of the Fire Chief, an employee to “flex” his/her full-time work schedule if he/she is required to work unscheduled hours either during the employee’s work week or on the employee’s regularly scheduled day(s) off. Flextime is a scheduling arrangement that permits variations in an employee’s starting and departure times or days worked, but does not change the overall total number of hours accounted for in a fiscal year. Employees are expected to coordinate flextime use with the Fire Chief.
Work Hours and Overtime. Section 14.1 Definition This Article is intended to define the normal hours of work and to provide the basis for the calculation and payment of overtime. It shall not be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per day or per week.
Work Hours and Overtime. The work day for regular, full-time employees shall consist of eight (8) hours excluding an unpaid, duty-free lunch break of no less than thirty (30) minutes. Regular employees working less than eight (8) hours shall work those hours as specified in the job classification. Employees working more than forty (40) hours in any seven (7) day period as authorized by their immediate supervisor, shall be paid one and one- half (1½) times their regular hourly rate of pay for those hours in excess of forty (40). For the purpose of calculating overtime, days of paid leave shall not count as time worked. Opportunities for overtime shall be rotated among eligible employees in order of seniority. For this purpose, a good faith attempt to contact an employee will be considered presentation of an opportunity. This practice shall extend to any employee working special events after school.
Work Hours and Overtime. Subd. 1. Administration shall retain the right to schedule work and the hours when such work is to be performed. Work performed in excess of forty (40) hours per week shall be paid for at time and one-half. Use of compensatory time at time and one-half for overtime may be used as an alternative if mutually agreed upon by supervisor and employee.