WORK SCHEDULES AND HOURS. A. The employees' regular hours of work shall be scheduled to be worked during the normal work week beginning Monday at 12:01 a.m. and ending Friday at midnight.
B. The normal work day for full-time employees shall be eight (8) consecutive hours exclusive of an unpaid thirty (30) minute duty free lunch period. The normal work day for a full-time Food and Nutrition employee shall be six (6) consecutive hours exclusive of an unpaid duty free thirty (30) minute lunch period. The employer may pre-approve an alteration of the work day upon request of the employee. If the request is denied by the Employer, a written reason will be provided to the employee. The decision not to grant a change in the normal work day schedule is not subject to the grievance procedure. Unless mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Association, employees shall not be hired at less than one half time exclusive of a duty free thirty (30) minute lunch period each work day. The normal work week provisions for over time will be waived for employees with predetermined alternative work weeks. In such cases, a weekend is defined as two consecutive days off and subject to overtime per the agreement. Alternative work week employees shall be afforded all the rights and privileges as Custodial/Maintenance employees with the District. Each May, representatives of each party to the contract shall meet and review the district's needs for the upcoming summer months. As a result of this meeting, the Employer shall determine what the summer work schedule will be, based upon the District's needs. The summer hours work schedule may result in a departure from the normal schedule worked during the year and, once determined, shall remain unchanged unless by mutual agreement. The work year for all ten (10) month secretaries and information systems support technicians will begin two (2) weeks prior to the start of school, and will extend two (2) weeks beyond the final teacher work day. The Friday before Labor Day will be an optional work day for secretaries. If a secretary cannot work on an optional day, then they work with their building administrator to select a different optional day they will work.
C. The employer may create new part-time positions. The hours for such positions shall be indicated on the notice of vacancy when posted. Such positions shall not supplant any full-time positions, and the duties of any two or more of these positions shall be combined into full-time positions as scheduling...
WORK SCHEDULES AND HOURS. Management retains the right to determine the number of hours, and start times of each shift, to be worked within each department and store. Daily scheduled shifts shall not be less than four (4) hours or more than eight (8) hours, at straight-time. Not later than ten (10) days prior to the start of any workweek, management shall post a list of shifts for each department. Non- management, employees shall be allowed to select their schedule from the posted list of shifts for which they are qualified to perform, in seniority order, within their department. Full-time employees shall select first, followed by part-time employees. No employee shall be allowed to select a schedule that will result in overtime or other penalty provisions, unless expressly authorized by management. The Employee’s selection shall be recorded on a master work schedule. Employees shall not be permitted to select a portion of a shift. Prior to the start of the selection process, management shall identify approved vacation requests on the schedule. Management may allow employees of one department to select shifts in another department. In this event, the employee must be qualified as defined herein, to perform the work of the other department. In addition, management reserves the right to assign, at its discretion, employees to, and designate the starting times of, any ordering shift. Employees must immediately make their shift selections at the time directed by management. If an employee fails to promptly select, management shall select on behalf of the employee based on the employee’s last written scheduling preference request. In this event, the employee waives all rights to grieve management’s scheduling selection. Unless otherwise approved, or as the result of a reduction in hours, no full-time employee shall select less than forty (40) hours and no part- time employee shall select less than twenty (20) hours per week. Management may require junior employees to select a specific number of shifts so as to facilitate the selection of all shifts from the list. In the event an employee is left with less than minimum hours, but has not been zeroed out, management may pull shifts in reverse seniority order from senior employees to get such employee to minimum hours, or management may elect to zero such employee out and assign any remaining hours in seniority order to senior employees. The master schedule must be completed and posted by 9:00 AM on Friday prior to the start of the next wo...
WORK SCHEDULES AND HOURS. Section 12.1. During the period of this contract, each employee covered by this contract shall be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the regular hourly rate for any hours over and above eighty (80) hours in a two (2) week period. These assignments shall be posted in advance for a twelve-week period. At no time shall there be less than a twelve-week advance schedule posted on the departmental bulletin board or departmental computer.
Section 12.2. Each employee shall be notified in writing by the officer in charge of the shift of any change in his work schedule at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the effective time of change unless such change is required because of an emergency.
Section 12.3. Every supervisor shall be given an opportunity to choose his shift and days off. This choice shall be done on the basis of the number of positions in each classification on each shift that are available by rank and seniority within each rank (i.e., the senior ranking Captain shall have the first pick of shift and days off, then next senior ranking Captain, etc., followed by Lieutenants and Sergeants, under no circumstances shall this provision result in overtime to any officer).
Section 12.4. All hours worked in excess of the normal tour of duty in section 12.1 shall be considered overtime.
WORK SCHEDULES AND HOURS. Section 12.1. During the period of this contract, each employee covered by this contract shall be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the regular hourly rate for any hours over and above eighty (80) hours in a two (2) week period. For all hours actually worked, the overtime rate shall include longevity entitlement. These assignments shall be posted in advance for a twelve-week period. At no time shall there be less than a twelve-week advance schedule posted on the departmental bulletin board or departmental computer.
Section 12.2. Each employee shall be notified in writing by the officer in charge of the shift of any change in his work schedule at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the effective time of change unless such change is required because of an emergency.
Section 12.3. Every supervisor shall be given an opportunity to choose his shift and days off. This choice shall be done on the basis of the number of positions in each classification on each shift that are available by rank and seniority within each rank (i.e., the senior ranking Captain shall have the first pick of shift and days off, then next senior ranking Captain, etc., followed by Lieutenants and Sergeants, under no circumstances shall this provision result in overtime to any officer).
Section 12.4. All hours worked in excess of the normal tour of duty in section 12.1 shall be considered overtime.
WORK SCHEDULES AND HOURS. 1. All employees hired as of 1 November 2014, with the exception of maintenance and security, shall work seven hours per day, Monday through Friday, normally commencing between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. (example: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) with one hour for lunch. All employees hired after 1 November 2014, with the exception of maintenance and security, shall work seven hours per day, Monday through Friday, with one hour for a meal break, at the hours or shift agreed upon at the time of hire. Work schedules shall be established and posted by the appropriate administrative office for maintenance and security personnel whose work week shall be 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday. If necessary, employees may be assigned to a four-day week against the weekend. Should an employee be assigned to a four-day 35-hour week, (40-hour week for maintenance and security employees) every effort will be made to assign hours that are acceptable to the needs of the College and the individual staff member.
2. Employees other than security and maintenance employees shall be assignable to a seven (7) hour day at other than their normally scheduled hours, one day per week, excluding Friday, Saturday and Sunday which assignment, if made, shall not be changed during the semester.
3. Commencing on the first Monday of June and ending on the 2nd Friday of August, all employees covered by this agreement shall be on a summer schedule. Employees will work a 35-hour week beginning at 8:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday as assigned by their immediate supervisor. Maintenance and security employees shall work 40-hours per week. A four-day work week, against the weekend, shall be assigned by their immediate supervisor. A Monday through Friday, five-day work week may be assigned when there is a mutual advantage to, and joint agreement between, the College and the affected employee. The assignment will be reported to the Union.
4. Vacation and sick days taken during the four-day week shall be charged at the rate of 1.25 days.
WORK SCHEDULES AND HOURS. A. The employees' regular hours of work shall be scheduled to be worked during the normal work week beginning Monday at 12:01 a.m. and ending Friday at midnight.
B. The normal work day for full-time employees shall be eight (8) consecutive hours exclusive of an unpaid thirty (30) minute duty free lunch period. The normal work day for a full-time Food and Nutrition employee shall be six (6) consecutive hours exclusive of an unpaid duty free thirty (30) minute lunch period. The employer may pre-approve an alteration of the work day upon request of the employee. If the request is denied by the Employer, a written reason will be provided to the employee. The decision not to grant a change in the normal work day schedule is not subject to the grievance procedure. Unless mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Association, employees shall not be hired at less than one half time exclusive of a duty free thirty
WORK SCHEDULES AND HOURS. All educational support personnel shall work a full seven and one-half (7½) hour day between 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., with one-half (1/2) hour provided for lunch. The employer shall determine the workday for each employee. No more than six (6) employees shall work past 4:30 p.m. If (after September 1, 1997) the College determines based upon the operational needs of the College, that more than six (6) employees are needed to work past 4:30 p.m., the parties shall discuss the needs in the Joint Labor/Management Committee. The College shall determine the titles and work location of the employees who are required to work past 4:30 p.m. If there is more than one (1) employee in the title required to work past 4:30 p.m., the employee with the least seniority shall be assigned. New hires since September 1, 1997 and volunteers may be assigned to work past 6:00 p.m. The parties agree to establish an on-going Joint Labor/Management Committee to timely review and discuss issues relating to work schedules and hours based upon the operational needs of the College. This shall include, but not be limited to, daily work schedules of employees, registration duties, and overtime needs. The Committee shall also address other issues of mutual concern. The parties shall request that PERB facilitate the establishment of the Labor/Management Committee.
WORK SCHEDULES AND HOURS. 8.1 The workweek shall begin on Sunday and end on the following Saturday. Employees may be scheduled to work on any of the seven (7) days of the workweek. Employee hours and schedules are set and modified based on the Company’s needs. The Employer may, on occasion, require employees to work during the evening and weekends. Employees must cooperate with the Employer to the fullest extent possible to accommodate any modifications. Weekend work for Drivers and Driver Assistants, other than Charter work,
8.2 The Employer shall endeavor to provide as much advance notice of schedule changes to the affected employee(s) as practicable.
8.3 Employees may not come in late or leave early in place of taking their meal.
8.4 “Work time” for Drivers and Driver Assistants (each of whom report to the terminal) shall begin at her report time and end when her vehicle is secured in its place in the yard, including post-trip, at the completion of her route (and, if required by the Company, the yard is secured). “Work time” includes: (i) travel time from the terminal to the first pick-up; (ii) travel time between pick-ups; (iii) travel time to and from schools; (iv) travel time between schools; (v) travel time from the last school or drop-off back to the terminal; (vi) required pre- and post-trip inspection; and (vii) fueling time. It is not required that DA’s and the drivers on their routes have the same bid or working time. It is further not required that each of the seven listed items above be incorporated into each bid, rather if the items are performed and worked they are to be paid. (Edits from Tener Arbitration Award of June 1, 2012). Work time also includes reasonable time spent submitting to Employer or DOT required drug tests, any and all Employees will only be compensated for actual time worked or their bid package, whichever is greater. Therefore, employees need not be compensated during down time between reports when they are relieved of their duties. The Parties clarify that, effective November 30, 2011, eEmployees shall be paid as follows while performing certain work:
(a) When someone fuels their own vehicle she shall receive her regular rate of pay in effect at the time.
(b) When someone fuels other vehicles she shall receive the gas jockeying rate set forth in the task specific job section of this CBA.
(c) When Bus Drills occur, the employee shall receive her regular rate of pay in effect at the time.
(d) For (a) and (c) above, pay is only paid if the time wor...
WORK SCHEDULES AND HOURS. Management retains the right to determine the number of hours, and start and stop time of each shift, to be worked within each department and store. Daily scheduled shifts shall not be less than four (4) hours or more than eight (8) hours at straight time. Not later than ten (10) days prior to the start of any workweek, management shall post a list of shifts for each department. Non-Management, employees shall be allowed to select their schedule from the posted list of shifts for which they are qualified to perform, in seniority order, within their department. Full-Time employees shall select first, followed by Part-Time employees. No employee shall be allowed to select a schedule that will result in overtime or other penalty provision, unless expressly authorized by management. The employee’s selection shall be recorded on a master work schedule. Employees shall not be permitted to select a portion of a shift. Prior to the start of the selection process, management shall identify approved vacation requests on the schedule. Employees may request, subject to availability, to take not more than one (1) of their personal holidays per calendar year on a specific day to be scheduled prior to the selection of shifts by other employees.